Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1053 Beating up a powerful enemy

Murong Fu's eyes changed and he secretly said: Not good!

He suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although this Blood Corpse Lord is as powerful as a Sanxian, he has just woken up and has not yet fully recovered.

In this case, he may not be an opponent, so why not strike first...

I saw that he turned all his spiritual energy and struck hard at the blood corpse master's chest.

With a sound of Bang!, the Blood Corpse Master received a heavy blow, his body swayed slightly, and he was forced back a few steps by the spiritual energy.

However, Murong Fu stared at his hands, slightly lost in thought.

how so!

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and his eyes turned to look at the chest of the Blood Corpse Master.

A huge hole had been blasted there by spiritual energy, and it was completely dark, with no meridians or five internal organs visible.

There was no trace of flesh and blood left in his body, let alone any internal organs.

This is clearly a living body of flesh and blood!

Just when he was shocked and confused, he suddenly felt dizzy, and then his ears were filled with countless miserable howls.

Murong Fu suddenly felt a splitting headache, and the whining and screams lingered in his ears, and there was faint warm liquid flowing out of his ears.

Murong Fu! It was the voice of Bodhisattva Miaoyi.

At this moment, when she saw that the situation was not good, she ignored Murong Fu's previous instructions and flew over in a hurry.

She threw the beads into the air, made several complicated gestures with her hands, and muttered something in a low voice.

I saw that the originally dark sky was suddenly illuminated by the Buddha's light all over the sky.

The blood corpse master was dressed in black, with long hair covering his face. He was caught off guard and injured by the Buddha's light.

He screamed and knelt on the ground on one knee, roaring from his throat. A stream of blood flowed down his chin and soaked his black clothes.

Living Buddha? His eyes fell on the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi, with a hint of fear flashing in his eyes.

Immediately, he looked ferocious, raised ten sharp nails, and attacked directly towards the Bodhisattva Miaoyi:

So what if he is the reincarnation of the Living Buddha? Just go to hell!

Upon seeing this, the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi quickly pulled Murong Fu behind her, while she faced the furious Blood Corpse Lord alone, with Buddha's light appearing all over her body.

At this moment, Murong Fu, who was standing behind her, had a glimmer of light in his originally blurred eyes.

Just then, the Blood Corpse Lord was still a few steps away from her, and a magnetic voice suddenly came from her ears:

Little Bodhisattva, how could I be willing to let you fight alone.

As soon as he finished speaking, a blazing flame ignited, heading towards the flying Blood Corpse Lord.

Immediately afterwards, Murong Fu suddenly stood up and moved forward quickly, jumped up on the spot and punched out, giving a hard blow.

The next moment, a miserable howl was heard, accompanied by the sound of Ka Ka....

It sounded like a bone breaking.

The Blood Corpse Lord, who was knocked to the ground, roared ferociously, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

You! Damn it! The Blood Corpse Master received heavy blows one after another, and his whole body was already on the verge of rage. Several gleams of fire were faintly visible in his dark eyes.

But before he could make any move, Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva looked at each other, nodded, and made a move at the same time.

The Blood Corpse Lord was looking up to the sky and roaring, when he suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, and the next moment someone grabbed his hair and pulled him back.

His body was pulled back uncontrollably, his facial features were distorted, and his face was covered with mottled blood.


Murong Fu listened to the ear-piercing howl, his face showed no emotion, and his hand suddenly came down hard and hit the Blood Corpse Master's head heavily on the ground.

It may seem like an understatement, but it actually contains ten percent spiritual energy.

He smiled evilly and his tone was as gentle as water: Is this the Blood Corpse Lord? Then I will turn you into Blood Corpse Mud today!

After saying that, he grabbed the long hair again, twisted it twice in his hand, and continued to smash it on the ground.

The muffled sound of bang bang bang was accompanied by the painful wail of the Blood Corpse Master.

After more than ten blows, the bloody corpse master's head was bruised and his face was covered with blood. He was in an extremely miserable state.

Ouch! Roar! The Blood Corpse Master continued to howl, but was kicked out by Murong Fu.

He rubbed his ears impatiently, and his tone was full of disdain: What do you call it! Get out of the way!



The blood corpse master that flew out was like a kite with its string broken, and was hit hard on a low mountain peak.

He directly smashed the hill into pieces, and countless stones fell down and hit him.

Murong Fu curled his lips: Little one! If you dare to pretend to be a fool in front of me, I think you are impatient with life.

He was just a little shocked and didn't bother to care about this broken corpse for a while.

Unexpectedly, this person was trying to bully him.

Murong Fu, are you okay? Bodhisattva Miaoyi took back the beads and hurried to his side, her heart full of worry.

Murong Fu hugged her gently and showed a gentle smile: Don't worry, your husband and I are unharmed.

You... After hearing this, Bodhisattva Miao Yi's face suddenly turned red and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

In the distance, the blood-stained corpse owner who was beaten and buried under a stone suddenly exploded, sending the rubble flying away. ..

Some even used too much force, which directly shattered all the clothes on his body, leaving only a few fragments of key parts.

Ahhh! I'm so angry! He was so angry that he turned into a black smoke and rushed out regardless of whether he was decent or not.

Ah! Bodhisattva Miaoyi exclaimed, quickly turned her head away, and silently recited the Pure Heart Mantra.

If you don't want to show off your face, I'll run around naked in the blue sky! Murong Fu also flew up, and the [Tianji Stick] in his hand instantly grew several times in size.

Bang! Bang bang!

The [Tianji Rod] went around in the wind and hit the Blood Corpse Master one after another, directly creating countless craters.

The Blood Corpse Lord was originally a skin, strong on the outside but dry on the inside. There was nothing turbulent inside, and he only relied on the resentment he absorbed.

This time the [Tianji Rod] came down, directly beating his body to pieces, and even a few streaks of black resentment leaked out.

Ouch! Although the Blood Corpse Lord was extremely powerful, in Murong Fu's hands he was like a fly that couldn't figure it out, stumbling around.

Didn't your mother tell you to say sorry when you bump into someone? Murong Fu roared and moved forward quickly using [Lingbo Microstep].


With a deafening collision, the Blood Corpse Lord's head was smashed into pieces by the [Tianji Rod], and countless resentments flew out from it and scattered in all directions.

You... The Blood Corpse Master wanted to say something more, but could no longer open his mouth.

I'll be back!

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