Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1066 The stinking stone-eating beast

Murong Fu no longer thought about those [Colorful Glazed Lotus Hearts] in his heart.

At this time, he has found the way to the original world, and everything else can no longer enter his eyes.

Murong Fu was just in time, and he didn't want to stay in this [Spiritual God Realm] for too long.

He took Miaoyi Bodhisattva and walked in another direction, trying to find an exit from here.

The two walked along a road to the west for a long time, but never saw the end.

At a glance, the entire road was filled with mist, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

I could only vaguely see some rocks standing on both sides of the road, like road guards.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva always had a bad premonition in her heart at this moment. She couldn't help but squeezed Murong Fu's hand and whispered:

Do you feel that something is wrong?

A glint flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he held the warm little hand. He did not speak, but looked around, and finally his eyes stopped in one place.

In fact, from the moment the two of them stepped onto this road, he vaguely felt a gaze falling behind him.

Suddenly, Bodhisattva Miaoyi pulled Murong Fu aside and shouted: Be careful!

But, just ahead, huge rocks suddenly appeared in the sky and hit the ground quickly.



In an instant, the surroundings were filled with dust, and huge rocks fell from the sky, making large craters on the ground.

Murong Fu's heart tightened, and he flew to dodge with the female Bodhisattva Miao Yi beside him, and jumped onto a purple stone tree.

He watched everything happening around him steadily, looking behind a stone tablet dozens of steps away from them, his face a little solemn.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva looked at his serious expression and couldn't help but said worriedly: What's wrong with you?

Murong Fu gave her a reassuring look and shook his head silently.

The next moment, his heart tightened, and he grabbed Miaoyi Bodhisattva's waist and rushed to the other direction, landing on the ground in a hurry.


The two of them looked back again. In just a moment, four or five rocks had fallen down on the tree they were originally standing on.

At this moment, Murong Fu's idea became more and more certain.

These rocks are not falling from the sky at all, there must be someone behind them.

He looked at Miaoyi Bodhisattva, who immediately understood what he meant and nodded solemnly.

In this way, we will split up.

You find a safe place first, and I'll go meet this person.

I want to see who dares to pretend to be a fool in front of me!

After that, the two people flew away from different directions. The rocks in the sky seemed to have eyes, following their footsteps.

With a sound of Bang!, another rock landed heavily half a step behind Miaoyi Bodhisattva.

If she hadn't reacted in time and dodged sideways, she would have been crushed into a puddle of flesh by now.

She was a little frightened, and another huge rock appeared in the sky, wrapped in golden flames, and fell quickly.

Amitabha! She muttered in a low voice, and then a ray of Buddha light passed through her palm and rushed straight towards the rocks in the sky.

Just listen to Bang! Bang! Bang! Three loud noises, the Buddha's light smashed the entire rock into pieces, and small stones fell from the air.

On the other side, Murong Fu rushed towards the person behind the stone tablet.

After nimbly dodging a few rocks, he was only one step away from the stone tablet.

Haha, I want to see what is hidden behind your back!

He scolded sternly, and flew up, his figure rising several meters, with a hurricane force wrapped around his body.

Behind the stone tablet, a shadow flashed past, and a long tail with a furry ball was vaguely visible.

Ouch! A strange sound spread across the sky, and the number of rocks in the sky increased again.

Most of them were thrown at Murong Fu, each with a clear target, and a few even carried blue flames.

You are a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing! He shouted, and smashed the rolling rocks with his fists one after another.

Countless tiny pieces of sand fell from mid-air, as if controlled by an invisible force, condensing once again.

Murong Fu was trapped by these rocks one after another. It was difficult to escape for a while, and he couldn't help but feel impatient.

His eyes changed, and the [Tianji Rod] in his hand kept getting bigger, and he hit the rocks accurately.

But in the blink of an eye, all the stones around him were smashed to pieces, and some of them had turned into sand and stone and disappeared with the wind.

Murong Fu's eyes were like swords, shooting straight towards the hiding place of the shadow.

Both palms turned into fists and he smashed down the stone tablet heavily.

Boom! With a sound, the stone tablet shattered, and a black shadow nearly a foot long emerged.

It shook its sand-stained hair, looked up to the sky and roared: Ooo!

At the same time, the rocks in the sky disappeared in an instant, and even the fragments on the ground disappeared for no reason.

It seemed that everything just happened was like an extremely real dream.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi came over looking for the voice and stood behind Murong Fu, her eyes scanning up and down the black figure.

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she said excitedly: It's the [Stone-Eating Beast]! This is the legendary spiritual beast that can swallow and control all the stones in the world.

Murong Fu couldn't help but become interested after listening to her words, and his eyes fell on the black [Stone-Eating Beast].

Suddenly, a chill came over him, and he almost vomited out all the contents in his stomach.

That spiritual beast looks really bountiful, colorful, colorful...

If I could describe it in one sentence, it would be that when its mother gave birth to it, it was face first.

The [Stone-eating Beast] was completely black, like a huge coal, with several honeycomb-shaped holes all over its body.

Between exhalations and inhalations, gray gas was continuously sprayed out from the silver-white nose.

On a pair of red eyes, there are two orange eyebrows. This way, you can do whatever you want.

Although a huge nose looks normal, it also appears pink.

In short, a face contains all the colors in the world, and the whole body is colorful black.

Even the kind-hearted Bodhisattva Miaoyi, who never utters arrogant words, could not help but mutter in a low voice: So ugly...

The [Stone-Eating Beast] seemed to understand the disgust in the eyes of the two people, and it opened its mouth and roared: Ouch!

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