Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1067 The money-grubbing spiritual beast

The [Stone-Swallowing Beast] stared straight at Murong Fu and Murong Fu with a pair of big mung bean eyes and eight colorful horns on its head.

Damn humans!

You are ugly! Your whole family is ugly!

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile as he looked at the dark figure running towards him fiercely.

He was far away just now and couldn't see clearly. When the [Stone-Eating Beast] got closer and closer to him, he realized that this spiritual beast was really not ordinary ugly.

The whole body is pitch black, like burnt hair sticking to the flesh, and a long tail hangs behind it, like a huge broom.

Each of its four hooves has its own characteristics, and when it runs, the whole beast has a clear sense of stupidity.

Fortunately, the [Stone-Eating Beast] couldn't hear Murong Fu's thoughts, otherwise it would have known that the appearance that he was most proud of in his life was now so disliked.

I'm afraid, I will be so angry that I will pass out.

[Stone-Eating Beast] There was wind under its feet, and it ran from a distance in a squirming manner, with its mouth wide open: Ouch! Ouch!

Murong Fu laughed at his funny appearance: Hey! Not only does this little guy look very unique, he also has a quite bad temper.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi also nodded in agreement: Indeed, I have never seen anything like this...

Just when the eight colorful horns were about to push forward, Murong Fu and Miao Yi Bodhisattva gently stood on tiptoes and flew into the air.

The [Stone-Eating Beast] didn't notice it and bumped into a huge rock.

The eight big horns were very cleverly stuck in the cracks of the stone, leaving only its dark body struggling continuously.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Its voice was a bit anxious and angry, and it desperately wanted to pull out the horn.

Unexpectedly, it had just pulled out one red horn, but the other orange horn was stuck deeper.

Just as he was about to pull it out, his feet suddenly slipped, his body fell heavily, and his eight corners got stuck in the cracks of the stone again.

This time, even Murong Fu and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva, who were watching from the sidelines, couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

Ha ha ha ha……

This is the first time I've seen such a stupid spiritual beast in the world!

The [Stone-eating Beast] couldn't pull out its horns and kept stamping its feet in a hurry.

The sarcasm and ridicule of the two people were still lingering in my ears.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Scholars can endure it, but who can’t?

My uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't either!

It is the most noble, brave, handsome and heroic [stone-eating beast] in the world.

Now that it was ridiculed by these two humans, it must not be able to swallow this breath.

In its continuous luck, its purple mouth suddenly opened wide, almost twice as long as its body.

The next moment, there was only a crisp chewing sound. The rock with eight big horns stuck on it was chewed to pieces in an instant and swallowed into its belly.

Come on, this little thing is really not picky about food and will eat anything! Murong Fu's eyes flashed with shock, and he couldn't help but give it a thumbs up.


On the side, Bodhisattva Miaoyi explained: This [stone-eating beast] originally lived on rocks, and has the ability to distinguish rocks since it was a child.

According to their habits, they usually only devour the best gems.

Forcing it to swallow this ordinary rock today will probably annoy it.

Murong Fu looked at the ugly [Stone-Eating Beast] and smiled disdainfully: Tch! I'm still afraid of such an ugly thing?

Sure enough, after the [Stone Swallowing Beast] completely digested the boulder, its eyes instantly changed.

If it was just angry at first, now it can be described as furious.

Its eyes gradually became larger and redder, as if they were quenched with poison, and it stared at the two people in front of it.

It was them who forced their noble selves to swallow such unpalatable rocks!

The [Stone-eating Beast]'s hind paws were rubbed on the ground a few times, and its teeth made a squeaking sound.

And with its appearance like this, in Murong Fu's eyes, it was as if an eight-year-old child was accusing someone of letting him eat daddy.

But I saw a layer of light purple gas floating on its body, tightly surrounding it.

The next moment, there were several strange sounds in the sky, and countless rocks once again fell one after another like rain falling from the sky.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you only have so little ability. Murong Fu was not afraid of it at all, and even made provocations.

He flew up and smashed countless rocks with the [Tianji Rod], causing a cloud of dust to fly.

In the dust all over the sky, [Stone Swallowing Beast] couldn't help but be blinded, and couldn't see clearly what was in front of him for a long time.

But when it opened its eyes again, it saw the [Tianji Rod] hitting it directly.

It was so frightened that the hair on its body stood up, and it raised its eight horns and pushed forward.

With a loud Bang!, the pink horn was smashed into two pieces.

[Stone-Eating Beast] was in pain, and its whole body rolled in a circle on the ground, letting out bursts of pitiful wails.

As the gas around it dissipated, the huge rocks in the sky also disappeared in an instant.

Murong Fu held the [Heavenly Secret Stick], his body was as light as a swallow, and he quickly caught the broken horn in the air.

A magical scene appeared. In the palm of his hand, the pink broken horn began to vibrate violently, and immediately spit out a gem the size of a fist.

This is……

Murong Fu put the gem in his hand and played with it, feeling very happy. He didn't expect that the horn of this [stone-eating beast] could have such an effect.

Within a moment, the broken horn spit out dozens of jade and gemstones of various shapes one after another, some of which were mixed with the inner elixir of some spiritual beasts.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi spoke softly and said: This [stone-eating beast] must have lived for a long time, otherwise it would not have collected so many gems.

On the other side, the [Stone-Eating Beast] endured the severe pain and looked at the broken horns and stones in Murong Fu's hands, wailing in pain.

It hurts physically and even more painfully in my heart!

Those stones are the treasures it has found day and night, without sleep or sleep, traveling through thousands of rivers and mountains.

Now, it was easily taken away by others, and its heart was bleeding.

Ouch! It tried to crawl down and cried in a low voice, vaguely with a hint of flattery. give me my baby back.

Murong Fu looked at it and turned around faster than turning the pages of a book. He couldn't help but smile softly and walked towards it step by step.

He stood beside the [Stone-eating Beast] and said with a smile: Little thing! You are crazy! Keep going crazy!

Ouch! [Stone-eating Beast] was provoked and once again bared its fangs and wanted to roar.

However, as soon as it opened its mouth, it lowered its tone and did not dare to roar loudly.

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