Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1075 See you in the stormy world

Murong Fu's eyes darkened, he looked at Guan Zhongjun who was lying on the ground in a panic, and said, Some people are the chasm that you cannot cross in your life.

I help you leave this [Spiritual God Realm], but you want to assassinate me behind my back?

If that's the case, then never come out!

After saying that, Murong Fu smiled coldly, turned and left without looking back.

Guan Zhongjun was left with his eyes widened, and he flew towards the [Gilded Gate], shouting: No!

However, all he received in response was deathly silence and a biting cold wind.

He bumped into the closed [Golden Door], and an electric current hit his whole body.

Ah! Guan Zhongjun screamed, and the protective spiritual energy spread out instantly, tearing all his clothes apart. .

At this moment, Guan Zhongjun felt endless despair and hatred, but without the slightest regret.

Murong Fu, if I don't avenge this revenge, I swear I won't be a human being! He clenched his fists and spoke every word.

Immediately, he set his eyes on the [Gilded Door] again and said in a cold voice: Since Murong Fu can do it, why can't I, the Lord in the Government, do the same!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Countless spiritual energies gathered together and blasted like crazy at the [Golden Gate].

On the other side, as soon as Murong Fu passed through the [Golden Gate], he felt dizzy.

The sounds of swords resounded in his ears, occasionally accompanied by the sound of the whistling wind.

When he opened his eyes again, the figure in his mind appeared again.

Things are mixed together and are born from heaven and earth. They are lonely, independent and not changing, and they move around without peril. They can be the mother of heaven and earth...

The great is called passing, the passing is far away, and the far away is reversed. Therefore, the Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, and people are also great...

Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature...

It was still the familiar voice and words. Murong Fu looked at his dancing sword moves and was mesmerized for a moment. He couldn't help but dance along with them.

Murong Fu watched every move, opening and closing very carefully, and soon he felt a warm current coming from his Dantian.

As the sword in his hand became faster and faster, he could clearly feel the burning sensation coming from his Dantian.

It was as if there was a ball of flame, constantly burning his spiritual energy and tempering his body.

Ah! He let out a low roar and exhaled a breath of turbid air. Suddenly, he felt refreshed and refreshed all over his body, with an unprecedented clarity.

Slowly, the sword moves became slower and slower, and with a light flute sound, the hazy figure disappeared from the place.

The breeze was blowing, and Murong Fu stepped forward quickly, wanting to find out.

However, he only grabbed a piece of white clothes with a few words written on it: I am waiting for you in the wind and cloud world.

Murong Fu was a little confused and wanted to look for that figure again, but found nothing.

Who is that person?

Why did you suddenly find him?

And why did he teach him swordsmanship and help him defeat Jian Twenty-San?

All the accumulated doubts exploded at this moment, filling Murong Fu's mind.

He rubbed his brows and his eyes fell on the white material in the palm of his hand again.

Wind and Cloud World? Wait for me?

He didn't understand why that person appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. Could it be...

Murong Fu shook his head, stopped thinking about this, and walked along the time and space tunnel.

Suddenly, there was a strange movement in the tunnel, and it began to shake, showing signs of imminent collapse.

He cursed secretly, stepped up his pace, and rushed towards the outside world.

Outside, everyone was eagerly waiting for Murong Fu to appear.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi was extremely anxious, and her eyes were fixed on the [Golden Gate] without leaving it for a moment.

Don't worry, Brother Murong is so powerful, there won't be any problem. Zhuge Qingyun smiled softly and comforted her.

At this time, everyone in [Cangshan Mansion] exclaimed: Where is Senior Brother? Why didn't Senior Brother Guan come out?

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingyun and Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva seemed to have thought of something, and their faces suddenly became very ugly.

You said that Guan Zhongjun didn't come out either? Zhuge Qingyun suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and walked towards the direction of the people in [Cangshan Mansion].

One of the disciples, who looked young, said, No, we haven't seen him since we came out of [Spiritual God Realm].

The face of Bodhisattva Miaoyi changed drastically and she frowned tightly: It's broken! He hasn't come out yet!

It's okay, that bastard Guan Zhongjun will not be Brother Murong's opponent, don't worry yet. Zhuge Qingyun suppressed the trembling in his voice and said.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the distance, several strange movements were heard from the space-time tunnel, followed by violent shaking, and the [Golden Gate] also began to slowly disappear.

A figure suddenly appeared, staggered and fell out, lying on the ground in a panic.

It's out! It's out! Everyone cheered and swarmed forward.

However, when the man raised his head, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.

How could it be you? Zhuge Qingyun pointed at the man and exclaimed.

Guan Zhongjun got up from the ground, suppressing the sweetness in his throat, looked around, and immediately smiled.

It turns out that Murong Fu didn’t come out!

Why can't it be me? He showed a mocking look and walked slowly in front of everyone.

What? Your big hero hasn't come out yet?

Haha, it seems that the evildoers will be punished by nature, so I don't need to do it myself.

What a joy!

He said one sentence after another, causing everyone present to stare at him fiercely.

Zhuge Qingyun stepped forward and punched him, hitting him hard on the bridge of the nose.

Ah! Guan Zhongjun screamed and collapsed on the ground, leaving two blood marks on his nose.

He had just forcibly come out of the [Golden Gate] and consumed all the spiritual energy in his body. Now he is not much stronger than an ordinary disciple and is no match for Zhuge Qingyun.

Tell me! What did you do to Murong Fu! Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva, who had always been calm, panicked at this moment, and her fingers were trembling unconsciously.

Guan Zhongjun staggered, stood up, and wiped the blood on his face: Are you talking about him?

I'm afraid, I am now trapped in the [Spiritual God Realm], and I will never be able to come out for eternity!


He looked up to the sky and roared. He had never felt so happy. The hatred in his heart was finally relieved, and even God was on his side.

Shut up! Bodhisattva Miaoyi struck a Buddha's light from her hand, knocking Guan Zhongjun back several meters and knocking down several big trees one after another.

Her face was full of murderous intent, and she asked word by word, Where did Murong Fu go?

I don't know! Guan Zhongjun spat out a mouthful of blood and roared loudly.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of Bodhisattva Miaoyi, and she spoke in a deep voice: Let me ask you again, where is Murong Fu?

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