Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1076 Murong Fu disappeared

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva no longer cared about the compassion of the Buddha, and only thought about Murong Fu's safety.

She walked step by step to Guan Zhongjun, and her spiritual energy restrained him tightly.

Say! What did you do to him? Her voice was different from its usual softness, and was full of coldness and murderous intent.

Uh... Guan Zhongjun felt as if his whole body was being strangled by countless ropes. As Miaoyi Bodhisattva's hand slowly tightened, his bones seemed to be crushed.

He wanted to struggle, but the spiritual energy in his body was exhausted and he couldn't muster any strength at all. me! He cast a begging look at several people in his class, his voice weak.

Zhuge Qingyun glanced at the disciples, and struck the tree with the wind from his hand, immediately cutting the tree in half.

Whoever dares to say one more word or take one more action will end up like this tree! His voice was cold and ruthless, and his eyes were even more piercingly cold.

At this moment, he is no longer the Zhuge Qingyun who was arguing just now, and the smile on his face is no longer there.

His move shocked everyone in [Cangshan Mansion], and no one dared to act rashly.

Guan Zhongjun endured the severe pain in his body and once again asked for help from the disciples of various sects present.

However, no one came forward.

They were all able to leave the [Spirit God Realm] so easily because of Murong Fu's favor, and everyone was very worried about him.

In addition, almost most people dare not speak out about Guan Zhongjun's tyranny and cruelty, so naturally they will not speak up for him.

Seeing that there was no hope for help, Guan Zhongjun's shackles became tighter and tighter, as if they were about to strangle him.

Finally, he lowered his head, his voice low and weak: I, I said! I know... where is he...

With a thought in her mind, Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva used her hand to throw him heavily to the ground again.

Say! If you dare to play tricks on me again, I will definitely kill you! Bodhisattva Miaoyi glared at him and said.

Guan Zhongjun spent the rest of his life gasping for air and lying on the ground in a state of wretchedness.

I said! I said everything.

I planned to make a sneak attack and trap him in the [Spiritual God Realm] forever, but I was unexpectedly discovered by him and was trapped in it instead.

That Murong Fu has already left long ago. He obviously left before me.

I didn't touch him at all...

As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a breath and spoke one after another.

Guan Zhongjun, how dare you?

Murong Fu wanted us to leave, so he ignored his own safety and let everyone leave first.

If you do this, you are no different from that unkind and unjust person. The entire righteous path will spurn you!


Everyone was talking a lot, and the eyes looking at him couldn't help but be filled with a bit of disgust and anger.

Before everyone could finish speaking, Guan Zhongjun yelled: So what? He obviously wanted to be in the limelight, he was the one who attacked me first, and he was also...

With a sound of Bang!, Huang Feng punched Guan Zhongjun and flew him several meters away.

Huang Fengqi trembled all over and shouted loudly: Shameless! If anything happens to my benefactor, I will definitely use my whole life to avenge you!

It's a joke. You are just in the early stage of becoming a god. If Murong Fu hadn't supported you at that time, what qualifications would you have to be here and talk to me like this!

Huang Feng, you don't deserve it!

And you, no matter what I do as an official, it's not your turn to judge!

Hahaha, Murong Fu is dead. He died in the time and space tunnel. He will never come back!

Guan Zhongjun looked like he was crazy and roared at everyone present, not thinking that he had done anything wrong at all.

Seeking death! Zhuge Qingyun clenched his fists and was about to attack him.

But he was stopped by Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva on the side: Don't talk nonsense to him, we'd better go find Murong Fu first.

Well, I believe he will be fine!

That's right, let's all help too!

Add me one!

Guan Zhongjun looked at the disciples from various sects and could not help but be surprised that at this moment they were standing on the same front because of Murong Fu.

Then, he looked up to the sky and laughed: Hahaha, stop dreaming! [The Gilded Gate] will be closed soon, and he will never be able to get out!


I'm afraid I'll disappoint you!

A voice fell from the sky, a bit bohemian.

In an instant, everyone was staring at the [Gilded Gate] with anticipation in their eyes.

The next moment, Murong Fu's figure appeared, and his whole body was actually emitting an invisible white light, as if he had banished an immortal to the earth.

The high-hanging heart of Bodhisattva Miaoyi finally dropped at this moment, and she almost shed tears with excitement: Great! He is back!

Everyone else also clapped their hands and applauded, with happy smiles on their faces.

Guan Zhongjun, are you disappointed to see me coming out? Murong Fu came to him step by step and said with a smile.

Guan Zhongjun's one eye stared wide open, he clenched his fist tightly, and said in disbelief: You! Impossible, how could you...

Pah! A crisp and loud slap hit his face, followed immediately by another.

Murong Fu waved his hand casually and looked at him with disdain: Now, let's just settle down.

Guan Zhongjun has always been a proud man of heaven, and he has never been humiliated like this.

He wanted to stand up and resist, but he was afraid of Murong Fu's strength, so he had to suppress the hatred in his heart and did not dare to say a word.

Everyone, since we have all come out of the [Spiritual God Realm], let's go back to our respective sects to return to our lives.

Let's meet again if we are destined!


Murong Fu looked at everyone, spoke softly, and then left with everyone from the [Canglan Sword Sect].

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of it, with loving eyes: You...

Will we meet again? Bodhisattva Miaoyi asked cautiously.

Yes! You wait for me at [Tathagata Temple], and I will go find you. Murong Fu held her in his arms and whispered in her ear.

Yeah, yeah, I'll wait for you.

In her reluctant eyes, Murong Fu left with the disciples of [Canglan Sword Sect].

Brother, you're awesome! Tell me, what happened after you passed through the [Gilded Gate] just now?

I heard from that bitch Guan Zhongjun that you forced him in.

But why did he come out later than him? Did he get some magic weapon behind my back?

Zhuge Qingyun put his hand on Murong Fu's shoulder, his tone was relaxed and cheerful.

Come here, I'll tell you! Murong Fu waved to him, gesturing for him to get closer.

Zhuge Qingyun didn't have the slightest doubt and leaned over directly.

I saw Murong Fu reaching out and touching his hair, and said softly: Be good, Buddha said don't say it.

Murong Fu, you actually treat me like a puppy!

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