Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1077 Good brothers share blessings

Murong Fu smiled and patted his shoulder: I didn't. That's what you said yourself.

After saying that, he walked forward without looking back, leaving Zhuge Qingyun alone in a daze.

After a while, Zhuge Qingyun seemed to have come to his senses and quickly chased after him: You are kidding me!

Good brother, I didn't!

A group of people were fighting and joking along the way, and soon returned to the [Canglan Sword Sect].

The Great Elder Xiang Mole had been waiting for them for a long time. When he heard that everyone was coming back, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet them.

Everyone from the sect also came after hearing the news and looked at them one after another.

How's it going? Have you got the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart]? The fifth elder's eyes were full of expectation, staring at them.

Murong Fu took a step forward, spread the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] in the palm of his hand, and said in a deep voice: You will live up to your trust.

Okay! The great elder Xiang Mole suddenly spoke, his eyes filled with admiration for Murong Fu.

Murong Fu didn't care at all, his eyes darkened: The mission is completed, as promised...

Don't worry, you brought [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] back, and you are a meritorious official of the entire [Canglan Sword Sect].

I will personally teach you the skills and reward you with 5,000 points!

Murong Fu, what do you think?

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder Xiang Mole, with passion and expectation in his eyes.

He was very curious about how Murong Fu got the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart] and what happened in the other world.

He also wanted to know the answers to these questions.

When everyone present heard that the Great Elder was going to teach it in person, they all cast envious and jealous looks.

How come such a good thing doesn’t happen to them!

This Murong Fu is really capable. He actually found the [Colorful Glazed Lotus Heart].

What do you know? Senior Brother Murong's strength is far beyond that of ordinary disciples like us.

I'm tired of saying the word envy.

I also want the skills taught by the great elder...

For a time, everyone present was talking about it, and all of them had longing eyes.

However, Murong Fu's face did not change at all. He remained neither humble nor arrogant. He smiled softly and continued:

Thank you, Great Elder, for your kindness. I will accept these 5,000 points first.

As for those skills, I have no intention of learning them, so why not...

How about I let Zhuge Qingyun accept the award on my behalf and let him learn your skills?

After he finished speaking, everyone present fell silent and looked at him as if he were a fool.

Zhuge Qingyun was even more exaggerated. He stumbled and fell down.

Ignoring the pain in his body, he got up from the ground in a panic, grabbed Murong Fu's shoulders and shook them constantly.

Good brother, are you crazy? That is the great elder's personal skill.

You just gave it up to me?

Are you sick?

As he spoke, he extended his hand to explore Murong Fu's forehead: Tsk, you're not sick at all. Why are you talking nonsense?

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: I'm serious, I'm not talking nonsense!

I'll go! This Murong Fu is too arrogant. He dares to refuse the great elder's kindness.

It's not bad, this is the preferential treatment we all want!

He, he just gave it up to others so easily?

Not only were the other disciples shocked, but even the Great Elder was a little surprised. His eyes fell directly on Murong Fu, as if he wanted to see something from him.

However, he was still disappointed.

Murong Fu smiled gently at him, with a calm expression on his face: Great Elder, what do you think?

Xiang Mole didn't react for a while. He was stunned for a moment and then nodded: In that case, I'll listen to you.

Zhuge Qingyun, come to [Mingjing Terrace] to see me at noon tomorrow. After saying this, he turned and left.

The moment he turned around, his eyes once again rested on Murong Fu and looked him over.

After everyone dispersed, Zhuge Qingyun also recovered from the pie falling from the sky.

He slapped Murong Fu on the waist and said, As expected of you, you are a good brother. He will think of me no matter what he does!

Murong Fu looked at him like he was in trouble, couldn't help but sigh, and patted his big head:

Don't worry, if I have a mouthful of meat, you will have a mouthful of bones... Oh, it's not a mouthful of soup.

Murong Fu, can you please stop slapping me on the head! Zhuge Qingyun clenched his fist and said fiercely.

If it weren't for the sake of being soft-handed and short-tongued, he would have taken action long ago.

Although, he couldn't defeat Murong Fu.

The two chatted for a while, and Murong Fu found an excuse to return to his cave.

The reason why he rejected the great elder's technique just now was because he had more important things to do.

Huh! He slowly exhaled a breath, feeling that his whole body became lighter.

Ever since he met the mysterious man, the flexible and elegant sword moves have been repeated in his mind.

He could clearly feel that his body was quietly undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Every time he exhales a breath of turbid air, the meridians in his body will be washed again, and the Dantian will burst out with majestic spiritual energy.

Murong Fu's mind moved, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to meditate.

Every move of the sword was vivid and engraved in his mind. He had to seize the time to fully absorb it.

I don't know how long it took, but Murong Fu felt that his body was exhausted, and the dirty air in his body began to condense rapidly, reaching his Dantian.

No! This is a tendency to go crazy! Murong Fu was startled and was about to stop.

However, an old voice suddenly came from his mind: Do you believe me?

Who are you? Murong Fu closed his eyes tightly, and his whole body began to heat up uncontrollably.

Do you believe me? The ethereal voice entered his mind again, impacting his heart.

I don't believe it! Who are you! Murong Fu roared at him, trying to wake up with a struggle.

Young man, that sword technique is called [Broken Sword Technique]!

Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, neither destruction nor establishment, Tao follows nature...

What on earth are you talking about! At this moment, Murong Fu felt that the muscles and veins all over his body were swelling, and his energy and blood were flowing backwards, rushing straight into his Dantian.

He wanted to stop, but he couldn't get rid of it at all. Everything was out of his control.

Young man, I'm here to help you...

Follow my command, meditate! Concentrate! Lead the spiritual energy into the sky and perineum...

Hold your breath and concentrate, point your Qi to your Dantian, move according to your heart, and cure by doing nothing...

Murong Fu gritted his teeth tightly and felt the vigorous spiritual energy in his body.

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