Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1085 The snipe and the clam fight

The two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi looked at each other, knowing very well how powerful Gao Qiqiang was and they did not dare to take him lightly.

They all used their most powerful moves, and the fierce spiritual energy swept across the sky and rushed out.

Gao Qiqiang was not an easy man either. He grinned lightly and said with disdain in his tone: I originally thought of letting you go.

In that case, don't blame me for being rude!

I want the points, and I want the bodies of both of you sisters!

As soon as he finished speaking, he brushed his hand across his waist and pulled out a short blade with a swipe.

The dark dagger was faintly flashing with cold light, and there were even a few black liquid dripping from the tip.

Go to hell! Guan Ju shouted softly, and the wind of his fist hit Gao Qiqiang's chest.

Not to be outdone, Guan Zhi punched him in the ribs on the right side.

The three of them were going back and forth, fighting very anxiously, and the dazzling shadows were constantly changing in the air.

The huge spiritual energy fluctuations made the forest roar, which also attracted the attention of other people in the [Biyun Mountains].

But I saw a few sneaky shadows not far away from the three of them.

They are also new disciples of the [Canglan Sword Sect], and they had already formed a private alliance before entering the [Biyun Mountains].

These people are among the new disciples, the ones at the end of the crane, and have no chance of passing the entrance trial of [Canglan Sword Sect].

A few people gathered together and formed a small team, sharing the blessings and hardships!

If it comes to fighting alone, if they pick one out alone, they may not be anyone's opponent.

But if you travel together, it will be true to the old saying, Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang.

There are six of them, so they can naturally stand up to two Zhuge Liangs.

Naturally, their efforts were not in vain. A medium-sized number flashed on the scoreboard around each person's waist.

If this trend continues, the six of them can also break into the top fifty.

Yu Xiaohu was the leader of this group of people. He secretly gestured to the people behind him and said softly: Be careful, don't alert the snake.

Brother, what are you going to do? Ma Sanpao was a little stunned and asked loudly.

Yu Xiaohu was instantly frightened and broke out in a cold sweat. He was hit with a big slap on the body and reprimanded in a low voice: Keep your voice down, are you afraid that we won't be discovered?

Ma Sanpao rubbed the painful area, feeling a little aggrieved, and said pitifully: Brother, why did you hit me?

Zhang Yu, who was beside him, couldn't stand it any longer and whispered in his ear: Okay, brother of course has his own considerations.

The points of those three people are not low. If we can snatch them, we will definitely become disciples of [Canglan Sword Sect].

When they fight you to death and both sides suffer, let's go out again.

Until then……

Zhang Yu looked at Yu Xiaohu, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

The other four people suddenly understood and gave thumbs up to the two of them and flattered them in a low voice.

It has to be you, your brain is the aura!

That's great. If this continues, we may become inner disciples.

Sure enough, you have to follow smart people...

The six people whispered to each other and then began to disperse and walk in different directions.

On the other side, Guan Ju, Guan Zhi and Gao Qiqiang fought for dozens of rounds, and the three of them were all exhausted.

With another collision of spiritual energy, they were forced to take dozens of steps before they all calmed down.

Gao Qiqiang only felt the spiritual energy in his body surging continuously, and his chest was inadvertently painful, and he could faintly feel the sound of ribs breaking.

He raised his hand and rubbed his brows, and said in a deep voice: I really underestimated you two little ladies, you are quite capable!

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were also in a state of embarrassment at this moment, and their neatly combed buns were now a little loose.

Hanging next to the cheeks, it adds a bit of charming and tender charm to them.

Gao Qiqiang, don't bully others too much!

So what if you are number one? I don't believe [Canglan Sword Sect] can allow you to use such despicable methods.

I tell you, don't expect to get any benefits from us two sisters!

The two girls spoke to each other and cursed angrily, with a hint of fire in their eyes.

Gao Qiqiang smiled coldly and did not take them seriously at all: Girls, don't be so shameless. The show has just begun. I will decide your points.

If he had some sympathy and affection just now, now I am afraid that any trace of affection has been cut off.

The two women in front of them are not fragile little white flowers at all, but two powerful overlord flowers.

Not only did Gao Qiqiang not receive any benefit from them just now, but he was even slightly injured.

This really aroused the competitive spirit in his heart, and he roared angrily and continued to take action. ..

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi did not flinch. The sisters worked together to fight against him, and the fight with him was extremely fierce.

Seeing that Gao Qiqiang was being beaten back and forth, he would soon be defeated.

However, the glint in his eyes made people feel a little uneasy.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi looked at each other and smiled, not noticing anything unusual and planning to continue pursuing the victory.

The two of them used their palms together, hoping to hit the target with one strike.

But at this moment, an accident happened.

Gao Qiqiang's body suddenly flew several meters into the air, spinning several times in mid-air, and an iron tool suddenly appeared in his hand.

I don't know what mechanism he pressed, but silver needles flashed out one after another from the iron tool, and struck at the two of them quickly.

Be careful! Guan Ju noticed something was wrong first and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull Guan Zhi away.

However, it was still too late.

A silver needle flashing with purple mist sank into her right shoulder and immediately exploded into a spray of blood.

Guan Ju groaned and felt a sense of powerlessness in his body. He couldn't muster any strength and fell down softly.

Guan Zhi also reacted at this moment, his eyes were red, and he flew to take Guan Ju's body.

She was trembling constantly, and her voice was a bit crying: Sister! What's wrong with you?

I'm fine...

The next moment, Guan Zhi stared fiercely in Gao Qiqiang's direction.

Then, she directly transferred all the spiritual energy in her body, condensed a huge ball of light in front of her chest, and rushed straight towards Gao Qiqiang.

The latter was getting carried away and had no idea that Guan Zhi could use such a killing move, so he couldn't dodge it for a while.

The ball of light hit his chest directly, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell heavily to the ground.

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