Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1086 The fisherman gets a profit

In the darkness, Yu Xiaohu and Zhang Yu did not expect this, and were confused for a moment.

Brother, they are trying to kill us. What should we do now?

Yu Xiaohu glanced in several other directions and noticed the questioning looks of the other four people.

He lowered his head and pondered for a long time, then made a gesture to a few people. They nodded silently and continued to hide themselves.

Wait a moment and watch the fire from the other side.

The six people still did not show up and continued to hide in the dark and observe all this.

On the other side, Guan Zhi ignored Gao Qiqiang and hurriedly lowered his body to check Guan Ju's injury.

Sister, how do you feel? There were tears flashing in her eyes, her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and she didn't know where to go for a moment.

Guan Ju leaned weakly in her arms, his lips turned white, and his voice was extremely weak: It doesn't matter, it's just an ordinary poison. I should be able to cure it myself.

After saying that, she relied on Guan Zhi's strength to sit upright, with her legs crossed, and slowly closed her eyes.

As she circulated her spiritual energy, a purple silver needle fell out from her right shoulder with a swipe.

On it, traces of venom and black blood were faintly visible, shining strangely under the sunlight.

At this moment, Guan Ju spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Guan Zhi was shocked: Sister, what's wrong with you?

Before Guan Ju could say anything, Gao Qiqiang, who was lying on the side and was seriously injured, staggered to his feet with a sinister smile on his face.

Still thinking about detoxifying? Stop thinking so hard. Even if you block all the spiritual energy in your body, you won't be able to force the toxins out.

To tell you the truth, this poison is called [Broken Soul]. If you want to survive, you can only expel the poison from your body by finding [Broken Heart Grass].

If you don't want her to die, I advise you to be wiser, hand over the scoreboard, and go find your [Broken Heart Grass]!

Otherwise, she will have her meridians cut off and her orifices bleeding to death...

Gao Qiqiang laughed loudly as he spoke, with a sinister look in his eyes.

He originally didn't want to cause trouble, but these sisters were really difficult to deal with.

They forced all this!

Guan Zhi couldn't bear it anymore. He hit him with spiritual energy and shouted angrily: Gao Qiqiang, you despicable villain, please hand over the [Broken Heart Grass] quickly!


After she finished speaking, the spiritual energy swept through and gathered outside her body again, with a murderous look in her eyes.

At this time, although Gao Qiqiang could not be said to be at the end of his strength, he could not stop Guan Zhi Lei's anger at all.

He endured the severe pain in his body and his eyes began to move around, as if he was thinking of some countermeasures.

At this moment, Guan Ju spurted out a mouthful of blood. His whole body looked haggard and haggard, and he had a vague feeling of weakness, with too much air coming in and too little air coming out.

Guan Zhi became even more anxious and suddenly had murderous intentions: Quick! Hand over the antidote!

You want an antidote? I don't have one.

You can only look for it on your own. There must be a shadow of [Soul-Breaking Grass] in the huge [Biyun Mountains].

I advise you to take your sister to find the antidote as soon as possible.

Gao Qiqiang forced himself to stand up, not wanting Guan Zhi to see his flaws, so he could only endure the injuries on his body without any change on his face.

Guan Zhi looked at Guan Ju, who was already unconscious. He felt distressed and entangled in his heart, and finally made a decision.

With her own strength, even if she fights against all odds, she will not be Gao Qiqiang's opponent.

Even if he is seriously injured now, he can't beat him and will only waste time.

Moreover, the poison in her sister's body is urgent, and she must find an antidote.

Then, she sighed heavily and said in a deep voice: Okay! We will give you all the points, as long as you don't block our way again.

However, just when Gao Qiqiang wanted to transfer the points of these two people to his own scoreboard, Guan Ju suddenly seemed to feel something. He opened his eyes suddenly and held his wrist tightly with one hand. .

Don't even think about it! Even though Guan Ju was poisoned, he still fought hard to protect the two sisters' scoreboard.

Guan Zhi looked at her with a look of surprise on his face: Sister, you're awake!

Xiao Zhi, don't give it to her...

Gao Qiqiang's expression changed, and he wanted to take his hand out, but found that he couldn't move at all.

His expression changed, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn bitches, you're like this, you're still quite strong!

In the distance, Yu Xiaohu saw that the time was almost up and made a gesture to the other people.

Soon, other people jumped out from four different positions, intertwining sword blades with spiritual energy in their hands, forming a formation.

Yu Xiaohu and Zhang Yu wandered around in the formation, becoming the key to the formation themselves.

This is the [Turtle Armor Formation]. Although it cannot be called an advanced formation, it is more than enough to trap the three people in front of me.

Gao Qiqiang, Guan Ju, and Guan Zhi never thought that there would be such a group of people watching them secretly, and they were all frightened.

Gao Qiqiang panicked and looked at the scoreboard of the six of them, alarm bells blaring in his heart.

He struggled to pull his hand out, stood opposite Yu Xiaohu, and asked sternly: Who are you!

Guan Zhi also hugged Guan Ju tightly, his face full of vigilance and fear.

Nothing good will happen if these people suddenly appear.

Yu Xiaohu looked at the three people with his eyes, and when he saw the faces of the two sisters, he couldn't help but take a breath.

How could there be such a beautiful and beautiful woman in the world? She really looked like a fairy in a painting.

Guan Zhi naturally felt the look in his eyes, and immediately prepared for war, raising his eyes and staring at him: What are you going to do?

Cough cough cough! Zhang Yu coughed twice, indicating that Yu Xiaohu's eyes should be calmer.

Everyone, there is no reason for us to come here. We just like your scoreboard and want to use it.

When Gao Qiqiang heard this, his face turned pale and he shouted angrily: Dream!

Guan Zhi also guarded his and Guan Ju's scoreboards and watched them warily.

I guess the three of you are also seriously injured, so you won't be a match for the rest of us.

If you know the truth, it's better to hand it over obediently. We don't want to hurt the friendship between the same disciples.

If you don't cooperate, then...

Zhang Yu didn't finish what he said, but everyone present understood what he meant, and their expressions changed drastically.

Gao Qiqiang sensed that something was wrong and wanted to sneak away, but no matter which direction he went, he couldn't do without this formation. M..

Don't waste your efforts. You can't break through this formation, just accept your fate! Ma Sanpao stood guard in the east, smiling with a naive look.

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