Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1096 Fighting the Giant Python

As soon as Yu Xiaohu finished dealing with the water snake at his feet, he heard Guan Ju's voice.

But when he turned his head to look, the scene in front of him almost made him collapse to the ground with his legs weak.

Guan Zhi felt a strong murderous aura coming over him, and heard a harsh roar that penetrated everyone's eardrums.

I saw a black python hovering behind the two sisters at this moment, with a pair of triangular eyes quenching a sinister light.

Its head is huge and broad, and its eyes are deep and mysterious. It looks at the two sisters as if they are looking at a plate of lunch.

The black python's body was covered with a thick layer of scales, each one shining with stunning light.

Like a huge black river, it meanders slowly, spitting out bright red snakes from time to time.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Guan Ju and Guan Zhi subconsciously realized something was wrong, and just when they wanted to look back.

Yu Xiaohu glanced at them, signaling them not to act rashly.

The two sisters understood his meaning and did not move at all, but their hands were unconsciously placed on the sword at their waists.

Hiss, hiss...

The giant python's voice gradually became louder, and its body began to twist slowly, opening its bloody mouth in the direction of Guan Zhi.

At this moment, Yu Xiaohu seized the opportunity and shot a burst of spiritual energy from his hand.

The giant python was not prepared at all. It was in pain suddenly, and a piece of the snake that it spit out was cut off directly.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi also drew their swords at the same time with a tacit understanding, turned around and stabbed in the back. The spiritual energy came out majesticly, shaking the whole cave violently.

Although the giant python was hit by Yu Xiaohu with one blow, it was only a slight injury.

It didn't affect it at all, but instead aroused its anger.


With a sudden roar, the black giant python opened its huge mouth, and a foul-smelling gas swept through the entire cave.

Demonstratively, he raised his head to the sky and roared again, swung his huge tail, which was much thicker than a bucket, and swung it in the direction of everyone.


Everyone subconsciously dodged back. Although no one was injured by the giant python, they were all beaten to the point where they were unable to fight back.

The offensive on Yu Xiaohu's side was even more intense. The giant python seemed to have only targeted him, and the huge snake head went straight towards him.

The hot stench made him almost unable to breathe, and he couldn't help but gag.

The spiritual energy all over his body seemed to be suppressed by something, and he couldn't use it at all.

Seeing that those sinister fangs were about to bite off Yu Xiaohu's head, he quickly used his weak spiritual energy to protect it outside his body.

At this time, everyone else was too busy minding their own business, and no one noticed his plight.

When Guan Ju and Guan Zhi saw this, they didn't care about anything else and flew forward to help at the same time, crossing their two long swords.

He blocked the giant python's open mouth and got stuck on one of its fangs.

Yu Xiaohu also didn't expect that these two sisters would suddenly come to help.

He was stunned for a moment, then he raised his sword and fought with them against the black giant python.

The three of them worked together, but they were unable to suppress the python's attack, and they still allowed it to wreak havoc everywhere in the narrow cave.

For a time, the python had the upper hand, and the fight became more and more fierce, without caring about the attacks of the people around it.

No wonder, its whole body is covered with black scales, like a layer of hard armor wrapped around its body.

King Kong is indestructible and invulnerable. For a while, everyone was unable to do anything about it and could only be forced to retreat step by step.

Seeing that their group was about to be defeated, Yu Xiaohu shouted to the others: Don't panic, everyone, follow me to set up the formation!

In an instant, the other five people also came to their senses and quickly gathered towards him.

The six people worked together to set up various formations in different directions of the giant python.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were a little confused by their nonsensical battle, and stood in confusion.

At this moment, Yu Xiaohu suddenly flew up, stood on the six formations in the air, and let out a furious cry.

The next moment, six rays of light flew out towards him at the same time, condensing into a violent bright light in his hand.

The light slowly changed, and finally formed the shape of a Tai Chi Bagua diagram, floating in the air.

This is……

[Taiyin Six Turns of Heaven and Earth Formation]

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi also recognized this formation, and couldn't help but look at Yu Xiaohu with a bit of shock in their eyes.

I really didn't expect that he is proficient in such formations. We underestimated him.

No wonder, how many people who can enter [Canglan Sword Sect] are ordinary people?

Although the two sisters were shocked, they did not forget to observe the status of the six people until they launched an attack at the same time.

The two of them were ready and hit the giant python's seven inches directly.


The python was trapped in the entire huge formation. He wanted to shake his tail to get rid of these people, but found that he was already trapped in a small area.

It roared angrily and wanted to break through the entire restriction, but what greeted it was only the sky full of fire.

The giant python is afraid of fire, so naturally it is also wary and does not dare to move forward easily.

He had no choice but to be trapped in the formation, roaring incompetently.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, how can such a big thing only have this little ability?

With just one formation, you are trapped and unable to do anything. What a fool!


The six people spoke at the same time to stimulate the giant python. It seemed to understand, and there were faint lights of fire in its eyes.


Yu Xiaohu and others trapped the giant python and attracted its attention, which also gave the Guan Ju sisters a chance to take action.

Right now, the two sisters flashed out of the darkness, like two fierce swords, striking straight at the seven inches of the giant python.


There was only a loud noise, and the giant python's entire body seemed to be deflated, and it fell straight down.

Along with that huge body, it also gradually changed, shrinking bit by bit.

In the end, it just turned into a rotten dry branch and fell to the ground.

For a moment, everyone was shocked by this dramatic scene.

They all rubbed their eyes, unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

Such a huge python turned into a withered branch in the blink of an eye.

Even if I say this, no one will believe it!

After a long time, everyone came out in shock, feeling like they had been teased.

This senior brother is really...

Four taels can make a huge difference!

Just such a small thing almost wiped out our entire army!

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi looked at the branch, and they were both dumbfounded. .

Yu Xiaohu looked around and asked softly: No one is injured?

No! Everything is fine!

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