Yu Xiaohu looked at the situation of the people around him with a worried look on his face.

Especially when he saw sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

How are you doing? Are you injured anywhere?

The two sisters shook their heads at the same time, but a different emotion emerged in their hearts.

Guan Ju smiled softly at him: Thank you, Brother Yu, for your concern. Thanks to your formation that trapped the giant python, this gave us a chance.

Guan Zhi also changed from his usual stinky face, looking at them with a bit of respect and tenderness in his eyes.

As the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed.

These eight people have just experienced hardships, and everyone's mood has changed, as if there is a thread connecting them together.

Zhang Yu took a step forward and cupped his hands: You two sisters, you are so polite. Thanks to your strength, you can hit the target with one blow.

Yes, you two are not only as beautiful as flowers, but their strength is much higher than our brothers.

Really, women are not inferior to men...

For a moment, six people came out of the panic just now and gathered around the two sisters one by one.

Their faces no longer looked strange and indifferent, but instead looked at the sisters with a bit more admiration in their eyes.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were a little embarrassed by what they said, and their cheeks couldn't help but blush slightly.

Guan Ju had a bit of humility on his face: Brothers, you're welcome. There are difficulties and obstacles along the way. We should work together and move forward.

Yu Xiaohu smiled sincerely at her: Sister Guan Ju is right, there are countless unknowns waiting for us ahead.

Let's reorganize ourselves and then continue to move forward and work hard for points!

On this side, a group of eight people slowly became warm and talked more and more.

Chatting from the south of the sky to the north of the earth, from astronomy to geography.

The two sisters Guan Ju and Guan Zhi have changed their views on these people.

The two people, who were cheerful and informal, even got into trouble with them.

On the other side, Zhuge Qingyun looked at them with an anxious expression on his face.

Ahhh! Someone is trying to steal a woman from me.

Murong Fu, please send me in quickly. I also want to fight with my sister Hua'er!

Hurry up! Do you hear me?

Zhuge Qingyun stared at Yu Xiaohu and others while circling back and forth anxiously.

Seeing this made Murong Fu feel dizzy.

He grabbed Zhuge Qingyun and said softly: Look at your potential, you can't be calm when things happen.

What am I saying? When dealing with the woman you like, you have to cut the knot quickly.


After he finished speaking, there was a hint of smile in his tone, as if he was waiting for a good show.

Zhuge Qingyun really regrets it at this moment, but now he can't do anything.

well! A man who is in love is really not clear-headed!

It seems that Zhuge Qingyun, who has not bloomed for a hundred years, is now convinced at a glance...

In the [Nine Dragon Cave Mansion], after a group of people organized themselves for a while, they moved forward again.

Throughout the cave, the passage is narrow, and the front is even darker, giving people an unknown feeling of confusion.

Brother, how much longer do we have to go? Ma Sanpao looked at the surroundings timidly, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Yu Xiaohu patted his shoulder and comforted him softly: Don't worry, after the black python just now, I have a bold guess.

Although this entire [Kowloon Chess Game] looks extremely dangerous, it will definitely not harm our lives.

In other words, senior brother just wants to test us and will not really let us be harmed.


After his analysis, everyone else suddenly understood.

I see. No wonder I have been able to compete in the [Nine Dragons Chess Game] for so long with my strength.

Originally, I thought it was because my own strength had increased!

You kid, if you don't practice well in normal times, once you encounter something real...

Eight people were already noisy and soon passed through this narrow passage.

Yu Xiaohu took the lead, looking at the brighter and brighter light ahead, a look of joy flashed on his face: Everyone, follow together, maybe the exit is ahead.

After that, the group of people drove quickly towards the light.

The dazzling light shone in everyone's eyes, making them unable to open their eyes, so they had no choice but to rush out in one go.

But when they opened their eyes again, the scene in front of them shocked them all, and they didn't recover for a long time.

When they walked out of the cave, the strong sunlight hit their faces, and the fresh air was refreshing.

The depressed mood just now in the darkness was relaxed and soothed.

In front of everyone's eyes, there is a lush forest, surrounded by spring, and the fragrance can be faintly smelled in the air.

They walked forward step by step and passed a single-plank bridge. The scene in front of them made everyone suddenly enlightened.

Ahead there are tinkling creeks, long winding mountains, and the Jiutian Waterfall...

The breeze gently blew over everyone's cheeks, giving everyone a feeling of spring breeze, immersing everyone in the beautiful tenderness.

Oh my God! I have never seen such a beautiful sight.

This is really a paradise, just like a place where immortals live in seclusion.

And have you noticed that the spiritual energy here is extremely abundant, and it is a paradise.


Everyone was immersed in the beauty, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Suddenly, the originally warm wind suddenly became extremely cold, just like the spring breeze in March suddenly turned into the north wind in the twelfth lunar month.

If it is scraped on someone's face, it will hurt.

Everyone was a little panicked by this sudden change and looked around cautiously: What's going on?

But after a long time, there was nothing strange around him, except that the wind continued to whistle by.

Guan Ju looked at the beautiful scenery with some reluctance, but still said softly: Let's go, let's not waste time here, continue to move forward and take another look.


The group continued to walk forward, facing the howling north wind and heading against the wind.

As everyone moved forward, the cold wind became stronger and stronger, even more powerful than before.

Several times, some people were almost swept away by the wind, but fortunately the people around them had quick eyes and quick hands.

Yu Xiaohu noticed something was wrong and secretly said to the two sisters: Do you feel that there is something wrong with this north wind?

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi nodded at the same time, looking ahead at the road they were about to take, a look of determination flashed in their eyes.

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