Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1103 Flying chess pieces

Ma Sanpao's expression suddenly changed, and he felt that everything in front of him was slowly getting out of his control.

Not good! All the mechanisms of the entire formation have been activated and we...

Before he could say anything, the black and white chess pieces instantly emitted a dazzling light.

Then, the flag flew high into the air and smashed down on several people in the wind.

There were only rumbling sounds heard one after another, and dust was flying all over the sky in the formation.

But in the blink of an eye, the five people in the formation became even more embarrassed, and their bodies were covered with dust.

Suddenly, Guan Zhi just felt a chill behind him. Just when he was about to look back, he heard an exclamation coming from beside him: Be careful!

The next moment, her vision went dark, and her whole body fell into a warm embrace.

She clearly heard the person next to her groan: Yeah!

Brother Yu! Zhang Yu and Ma Sanpao saw all this clearly and couldn't help but feel nervous.

After that, Guan Zhi came to his senses again.

But she saw that Yu Xiaohu was protecting her tightly, while he suffered a heavy blow from a chess piece.

Guan Zhi was also shocked when he saw this. He quickly dodged the flying chess pieces and asked aloud: Are you okay?

Yu Xiaohu suppressed the sweet taste in his throat, and his whole figure was stabilized by Guan Zhi, but he was still a little shaky.

He endured the severe pain in his body and smiled lightly: It's okay, be careful!

After saying this, he continued to fight with the chess pieces, trying to break them.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi both looked worried, but they both knew that this was not the time to hesitate.

He hurriedly picked up his sword and stood behind Yu Xiaohu and the others to help them!

The power of those chess pieces is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that there is a heavy burden on their heads.

If they were to relax even a little bit, they would all be crushed into a pile of mud.

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth tightly and struggled to spit out a few words: Ma Sanpao, think of a way!

However, Ma Sanpao was at his wits' end at this moment. He tried to find out the birth gate in this formation.

But only to find that life and death depend on each other, good and bad.

He sighed heavily and shook his head helplessly: There is no other way.

I just tried it, and the entire chess game formation is beyond my ability.

The entire formation has been activated, and all the mechanisms are linked one by one. I...

After hearing his words, several people suddenly turned pale and were a little disappointed.

Only with the faith in his heart, he persisted and did not lose.

Zhuge Qingyun was also shocked by the power of this formation and couldn't help but look sideways and said:

I said, these are just a few new disciples. Are you going a little too far?

Murong Fu nodded, but then shook his head: Yes and no.

Tsk, you started saying these words again that I don't understand. Zhuge Qingyun rolled his eyes impatiently, somewhat despising Murong Fu's pretentiousness.

Keep watching! They can do it too, they will bring us surprises.

In the [Kowloon Chess Game], Gao Qiqiang's eyes were shining brightly, and his whole body began to tremble unconsciously.

However, he was not afraid at the moment, but looking excitedly at what was happening in front of him.

He spoke in a deep voice and couldn't help but murmur in a low voice: Okay! Yes! Smash it down! Smash it...

The three people around him were a little angry after hearing what he said clearly.

Gao Qiqiang, what nonsense are you talking about!

Why can't you take action now?

Yes, where is the bead in your mouth? Why don't you take it out?


The three people looked at everything that happened in the formation and couldn't help but feel more anxious for a while.

They surrounded Gao Qiqiang tightly and questioned him one after another.

However, their words did not receive a reply. Instead, Gao Qiqiang let out a low chuckle.

Why are you laughing? One of them had a look of sullenness in his eyes and took two steps forward.

Why am I laughing?

Of course I laughed at you for being so stupid.

You clearly know what kind of person I am, but you still choose to believe my words.

After what he said, the expressions of everyone present changed.

The faces of the five people in the formation turned pale, followed by boundless anger and resentment.

Although Yu Xiaohu and others had already made speculations in their minds, they still held out hope.

Now, hearing him admit it personally, I feel endless hatred in my heart.

Guan Ju resisted the exhaustion of energy, but still managed to hold on for a breath and shouted angrily: You treacherous villain!

Yes! I am a villain, what can you do to me?

Anyway, now that you are in front to explore the way for me, I will not lose anything!

Hey, Bashi Deban...

Seeing his smug look, the three people who stayed outside couldn't bear it any longer and started attacking him one after another.

Gao Qiqiang looked at the three spiritual energies that struck at the same time, without any trace of panic on his face.

Instead, there was a smile that showed that everything was under control.

His eyes darkened and he spoke in a low voice: Come on, you are a bunch of ants who only deserve to be stepped on by me.

As soon as he finished speaking, a dagger appeared in his hand.

There is a faint light at the edge of the blade, which makes people feel terrified at the sight of it.

When the other three saw this, they didn't realize anything was wrong at all and rushed forward on their own.

The next moment, the three people cried out in pain at the same time, and one figure after another fell heavily to the ground.

You! You actually...

Gao Qiqiang raised the corners of his lips and raised his brows slightly! What? Do you still think that I am seriously injured and at your mercy?

To tell you the truth, everything I did was just a temporary solution.

It just so happens that you idiots are so particular about this!

As he spoke, he walked towards the position of the three of them and showed a disdainful look: People with low strength should be self-aware and stop expecting to get everything that does not belong to you.

Suddenly, there was a noise in the formation, followed by Guan Ju and others exclaiming: Ah!

But I saw that those chess pieces suddenly became twice as big as before, and their strength was incomparable to humans.

Black and white chess pieces came from a distance one after another at high speed, raised high, and then crashed down hard.

Several people struggled to resist, but still refused to relax and kept persisting.

Just now, when everyone listened to Gao Qiqiang's words, they couldn't help but feel a surge of spiritual energy in their bodies. They were so stunned that they almost got injured.

Fortunately, the five of them supported each other and worked together to avoid that thrilling combo.

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