Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1104: Fortune and misfortune depend on each other

The attacks of the black chess pieces and the white chess pieces are getting faster and faster, and the speed is becoming more and more fierce.

Before his eyes, five of them were about to be defeated.

The three people outside did not hesitate at all, regardless of their safety, and rushed into the formation with their bodies.

You guys! Yu Xiaohu never thought that they would reach this point, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Even the two sisters of the Guan family felt indescribably moved when they looked at the three people standing in front of them.

Don't give up! Let's do it together!

That's right, we absolutely can't let you fight for your life here while we stand aside and watch.

As agreed, we are a small team, advancing and retreating together and sharing adversity!


Every word you said to me made everyone present feel warm in their hearts, and their eyes couldn't help but feel a little sore.

In such a difficult predicament, they were able to abandon themselves and stand in front regardless of their own safety.

This friendship has become deeper.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were the first to react, suppressing the excitement in their hearts, and stood up.

Two rays of spiritual energy rushed out and intertwined with the spiritual energy of the other three people.

They hit one of the sunspots together, and there was a loud crack.


Everyone followed the sound and looked over, only to see a crack growing out of the huge sunspot in mid-air.

Zhang Yu had a look of disbelief on his face and kept rubbing his eyes: Did I read that correctly? Actually...

Beside him, Yu Xiaohu, who was a little exhausted, nodded dully: Yes, I saw it too.

After that, the three of them stood up as if they were exhausted, regardless of their weakness. .

We're here to help too!

As soon as he finished speaking, eight strands of spiritual energy flew into the air at the same time, and soon intertwined into a powerful airflow.

As everyone shouted in unison, the chess piece, which had some cracks in the first place, was chopped into pieces.

Countless powders fell from the air and scattered around the eight people, shining with dazzling light bit by bit.

At this moment, the surrounding chess pieces that were about to hit them suddenly lost their strength.

One after another, they landed in their original positions with a bang bang.

This change only happened in the blink of an eye.

Everything in front of him once again returned to its original appearance, with only the black and white rotating chess pieces intertwined into a Bagua pattern.

This, is it over? Zhang Yu was also a little in disbelief. He didn't expect it to be so easy.

Yu Xiaohu slapped him on the back with a weak tone: Isn't this enough? It almost killed some of our brothers!

Suddenly, Guan Ju seemed to have discovered something. He looked at the dots of light around him in surprise and raised his palm slightly.

The surrounding light is the fragments left by the broken black chess piece, which is currently surrounding everyone.

Hey! What's going on? My spiritual energy...

My spiritual energy is back!

The pieces of this chess piece actually hide such rich spiritual energy!

Amidst everyone's exclamations, the powder of the chess pieces merged into their bodies bit by bit along with the little bits of light.

Soon, all the spiritual energy that those people had consumed was restored in just a moment.

This is not over yet, abundant spiritual energy is circulating in the Dantian, and several people only feel a burning sensation in their bodies.

The spiritual energy washes through the meridians, giving them an unprecedented sense of wonder and comfort.

Suddenly, Guan Zhi's whole body suddenly emitted bursts of light, and the spiritual energy around her suddenly surged, and her whole body looked a little painful.

Ah! Ah! Ah! As she shouted one after another, the spiritual energy circulating around her became stronger, directly surrounding her tightly.

Guan Ju looked at her with wide eyes and couldn't help but say: This is it! She is going to be promoted!

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt the movement of spiritual energy and the earth-shaking changes in her body.

Guan Ju's eyes changed, and he said with some disbelief: I... I seem to be promoted too!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present fell on them, with a bit of envy and excitement.

But before they could say anything, they were greeted with a surprise like the two Guan sisters.

I've been promoted too!

And I!

Ah! I'm stuck here. After so many years, I didn't expect...

As the spiritual energy soared into the sky, eight people in the formation were promoted at the same time. The scene was unique and earth-shattering.

Apart from the formation, Gao Qiqiang saw this scene in his eyes and was stunned for a moment.

No matter how hard he tried, the scene before him was something he really didn't expect.

Those chess pieces actually contain such powerful power and can even make people promoted.

There was a flash of regret in his eyes, but then there was surprise.

Reiki, here I come! He was very excited and was about to rush into the formation.

However, as soon as he took one step into the formation, he felt an invisible barrier in front of him, blocking his way.

What's going on? He put his hand against the barrier and stood there with a frozen face.

Gao Qiqiang refused to give up and still wanted to rush into the formation with all his strength.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not break through this invisible barrier.

It seemed that his wishful thinking had come to nothing.

Murong Fu looked at all this with a smile on his face, a bit of sarcasm.

Where in the world are there so many people who get something for nothing?

It's just a matter of hard work and hard work.

However, Gao Qiqiang did not seem to realize this truth. He stared at the eight people in the formation with splitting eyes.

His eyes were red and he said loudly: Is it you? Is it your fault?

I thought I could get a big bargain and advance to the next level without any effort.

But reality slapped him hard and made him even crazier.

This time, the eight people in the formation were successfully promoted one by one, with smiles on their faces.

Ma Sanpao let out a breath of turbid air and looked at the flying debris around him in surprise: Huh! This spiritual energy is really abundant. I actually rose to two levels in a row!

Level 2! Everyone present could not help but be shocked, looking at him one by one.

He scratched his head in embarrassment: Hey, maybe it's because my strength is low and the spiritual energy here is too strong.

Zhang Yu gave him a look and said with a smile: That's right. This guy is focused on the formation and has slacked off on his cultivation.

Everyone subconsciously ignored Gao Qiqiang outside the formation, and communicated with each other as if no one else was watching.

This is terrible. Gao Qiqiang, who couldn't get in, just rolled his eyes and could only watch them laugh, but he couldn't enjoy the benefits of spiritual energy.

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