Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1111 Stealing Forbidden Techniques

Gao Qiqiang's voice was low and without any warmth: No one can stop me!

As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of long swords around him cut through the sky, like hurricane-like ripples, centered on him and spreading to all directions.

Even the surrounding trees were swept up by the fierce sword energy, and then there were a few clicks and several trees fell down.

The faces of Yu Xiaohu and others changed drastically, and they hurriedly used all their spiritual energy to resist the sudden attack of thousands of swords.

Zhang Yu whispered to the people around him: Be careful! This Gao Qiqiang is not easy to deal with.

After Guan Ju and Guan Zhi heard this, they smiled coldly: Don't worry, leave it to us!

After saying that, the spiritual energy in the two people's bodies surged out, forming a barrier in front of everyone, blocking the incoming sword energy.

Gao Qiqiang's eyes were flashing with light at this moment, and he seemed to be crazy.

The power of those sword energy grew stronger and stronger, and in the end, even the mountain walls affected were turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhiyan finally showed a bit of shock, and the barriers they had created were shattered.

Yu Xiaohu noticed something was wrong and hurriedly warned: No! He has been hiding his strength.

Then, he tapped the ground lightly with his toes, and flew up flexibly, trying to dodge Gao Qiqiang from the side.

Unexpectedly, the latter had already been prepared, often stabbing out from under his left arm, directly towards the tiger.

Yu Xiaohu was not a vegetarian, so he got entangled with him with his sword, and the two fought hard to separate each other.

Around them, spiritual energy collided and created bursts of air, constantly surging outward.

Even the surrounding hard rock walls were as fragile as paper under the power of these air currents.

Bang... The vertical and horizontal sword energy created by Yu Xiaohu's long sword gradually formed a net of sword energy.

From the sky, go straight to Gao Qiqiang and come down.

Just hearing the sound of bang bang bang, the light network formed by the sword energy suddenly collapsed, spreading to all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

I saw that Gao Qiqiang didn't know what method he used, and the spiritual energy in his body instantly reached its peak state again.

In just an instant, the spiritual energy suddenly increased and Yu Xiaohu was caught off guard.

He saw his sword energy net being smashed into pieces, and he was greatly shocked: What did you do?

Gao Qiqiang did not reply, but smiled coldly, and drew his sword again, with a vicious light shining in his eyes.

Be careful! Guan Ju sensed something was wrong and quickly stepped forward to help.

Guan Zhi followed closely behind, holding a long purple whip in his hand, dancing like a tiger and a tiger, and the whip brought up a phantom.

Gao Qiqiang saw the three men's attack coming towards him with great ferocity, but there was no intention of retreating on his face. Instead, a smile appeared on his face.

Come together, it will save me the trouble of looking for you one by one! After he said that, he held the long sword in his hand with a sword flower, and there were many phantoms.

He smiled coldly in his heart, turned his other hand into a fist and pushed gently, and suddenly a majestic spiritual energy rushed towards Yu Xiaohu.

Then, he fought one against two, relying only on a long sword, and fought with the Guan sisters, without losing any of them.

His offensive was like a violent storm, catching Guan Ju and Guan Zhi off guard and almost losing them several times.

The gravel on one side of the stone wall was splashed, and deep dents were left everywhere on the mountain ground, all caused by the fighting between several people.

The surrounding area soon became a mess, with flowers, plants and trees destroyed by the spiritual energy and twisted into a large area.

Fuck me, why did he suddenly become so powerful! Yu Xiaohu cursed in a low voice while protecting the two Guan sisters.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi also tried their best to resist the dense attack, and all three of them resisted with great difficulty.

Gao Qiqiang's expression changed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he struck Yu Xiaohu hard in the abdomen.

Ah! Yu Xiaohu felt pain, gritted his teeth and turned around again, avoiding another attack from Gao Qiqiang.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi were very anxious, and hurriedly ran behind him and caught him firmly: Are you okay?

Just as Yu Xiaohu wanted to speak, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth: Pfft!

He kept coughing and vomiting blood, which soon stained a large area of ​​his chest red.

Everyone else present was also very anxious, and they all came closer, with worries in their eyes.

Brother Yu, are you okay?

Damn it! I'm going to fight him!

Everyone come together!


Seeing that he was so seriously injured, everyone ignored him, drew their swords, and rushed forward to fight Gao Qiqiang to the death.

Yu Xiaohu used all his strength to grab the person closest to him, and tremblingly said a few words: Don't go!

Everyone looked over worriedly, only to hear his low voice, one word at a time: You guys, hurry up! I'll hold him back!

No, it can't be...

Zhang Yu quickly shook his head and continued: Since we came together, we must leave together.

That's right, we will never escape first, we will face it together!

Yu Xiaohu's face was as pale as paper, and he spoke with difficulty, blood flowing down the corners of his mouth: Don't! Let's go!

Let's go together! Zhang Yu and others insisted, unwilling to leave.

Gao Qiqiang's voice came from behind again: Want to leave? Have you asked me?

Hearing his voice, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

None of them thought that Gao Qiqiang's strength would be so terrifying.

It seems that he hid his strength in the [Nine Dragons Chess Game].

However, Guan Zhi saw something was wrong. She narrowed her eyes slightly, and a suspicion emerged in her mind.

She thought for a moment, then slowly took a step forward and said loudly: Gao Qiqiang, you dare to steal the forbidden technique, aren't you afraid of backlash?

You? How did you know? Gao Qiqiang blurted out subconsciously.

As soon as he finished speaking, he regretted it.

Guan Zhi originally made a guess, but now that he heard what he said, he even admitted it himself.

Forbidden Technique! How dare you steal the Forbidden Technique!

After we get out, I will definitely report it to the elders and expel you from [Canglan Sword Sect]!


Gao Qiqiang's blood surged throughout his body as he listened to everyone's words, and his hands could not help but tremble slightly.

Guan Zhi took advantage of his stunned moment and whispered to Zhang Yu: Take him away quickly, we sisters will be the heirs.

No, you...

Guan Ju saw that he was still hesitant and said sternly: Stop hesitating, otherwise none of us will be able to leave later!

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