Gao Qiqiang's face turned red and white, and a small amount of black smoke appeared in the aura around his body.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Guan Ju hurriedly urged: Don't delay any more. If you stay, you will only be holding us back.

Don't worry, the two of us have a way to escape!


Looking at her firm gaze, Zhang Yu also knew that what she said was right.

After thinking again and again, he finally sighed heavily, picked up the injured Yu Xiaohu, and led everyone back.

Zhang Yu looked at the two of them and nodded heavily: Then be careful.

After saying that, he quickly rushed into the forest to the southeast.

Gao Qiqiang saw this and said angrily: Where are you running!

After saying that, he picked up his spiritual energy and wanted to catch up.

Guan Ju and Guan Zhi looked at each other and nodded heavily.

The next moment, two figures flew out to the left and right, stopping him.

Gao Qiqiang smiled coldly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes: Haha, it's just you?

Yes! It's up to us! The two women said in unison, attacking his left and right sides at the same time, with such rapid momentum that only afterimages were left.

However, Gao Qiqiang's speed was even faster. His hands were filled with spiritual energy, and his fists shot out through the wind.



Guan Ju and Guan Zhi's expressions changed, and the next moment they felt severe pain coming from their abdomens.

The bodies of the two people flew several meters away like kites with broken strings, and fell heavily to the ground. .

You guys? You're just thinking about hitting an egg against a stone. It's simply wishful thinking.

If you want to act like a hero in front of me, you have to weigh your weight.


Gao Qiqiang slowly walked towards the two people, his eyes fixed on the shining scoreboard.

He showed an expression determined to win, and moved his hands towards the waists of Guan Ju and Guan Zhi at the same time.

It was at this time that Guan Ju and Guan Zhi made a move.

Guan Zhi was the first to draw out his whip, and like a flexible little snake, he firmly controlled Gao Qiqiang's hands.

Guan Ju, on the other hand, saw the right moment and stabbed his chest straight with a long sword.

Gao Qiqiang never expected that the two people in front of him could still resist so much after being seriously injured.

He watched the two people's movements and couldn't help but smile slowly.

You are a small skill, but you dare to do anything in front of me. Although his hands were entangled at the moment, he did not feel nervous or panic at all.

Everything in front of him is still under his control.

Gao Qiqiang raised the spiritual energy in his body and easily shattered the long whips in his hands.

Immediately, with lightning speed, he swung out his palm and knocked the sword blade from Guan Ju's hand away.

That's it? Still want to go against me?

Just when he was feeling proud, Guan Zhi showed him a mocking smile: Really?

That will disappoint you.

Guan Ju didn't know when he took out something like a scroll from his arms.

Hold it tightly in your hand and use your spiritual energy to smash it into pieces.

The next moment, a gust of wind whipped up around them, and the figures of the two people disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Space Scroll? Gao Qiqiang's face was twisted, and he had no idea that they would bring out a treasure like [Space Scroll].

He didn't even expect that the duck that was about to reach his mouth would fly away so easily.

Gao Qiqiang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of unwillingness, and wanted to step forward to find out.

At this critical moment, the scroll flashed past again, and Gao Qiqiang subconsciously wanted to fly forward and catch it.

But he didn't expect that what greeted him were three silver needles quenched with poison.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

With three piercing sounds, the silver needle struck quickly and went straight to Gao Qiqiang's heart.

He couldn't help but be stunned, and then used the fastest speed in his life to dodge them one by one.

He was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw three more silver needles flying from nowhere, even faster than before.

Gao Qiqiang couldn't help but cursed secretly and dodged two silver needles one after another.


The next moment, only a cry was heard.

Gao Qiqiang tightly covered his left eye and collapsed on the ground.

A few drops of blood spattered on his face.

There was blood gushing from his left eye, and the bright red blood fell on the ground along the seam of his fingers, and soon gathered into a small puddle.

Gao Qiqiang rolled on the ground in pain, his whole body in a state of embarrassment: Ah! My eyes!

On the other side, although Guan Ju and Guan Zhi escaped by chance, their injuries were not minor.

The two people managed to escape with the help of their ancestral [Space Scroll].

Just as they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a group of people stumbling towards their direction.

The two of them had their hearts in their throats again, held their breaths, and looked over subconsciously.

Guan Zhi saw clearly who was coming and breathed a sigh of relief: It's Zhang Yu and the others!

Everyone gathered together again. Yu Xiaohu was seriously injured and had fallen into a coma.

Fortunately, with Zhang Yu helping him heal his injuries, his life was not in danger.

Ma Sanpao looked at the Guan sisters with some worry, feeling extremely anxious: Why are you so injured?

Guan Ju's face was slightly pale, and he waved his hand casually: It's okay, it's just a minor injury. The two of us can rest for a while.

Guan Zhi gritted his teeth fiercely, with a bit of sullenness on his face: Not that Gao Qiqiang, he is really too difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, my sister and I cooperated tacitly, and we managed to escape from that bitch's clutches.

Then you... The rest of the people were a little confused and looked at the two of them in confusion.

Guan Ju also knew what they were wondering about, so he explained: We used the [Space Scroll] to teleport to you.

When Ma Sanpao heard this, he was immediately shocked: What? It's actually a [Space Scroll]!

That's a priceless thing. It can be called a magic weapon for escaping!

I didn't expect it. You guys are too secretive.

Everyone cast envious glances, but there was no trace of malice in them.

Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief: Fortunately, you were safe, otherwise I would have felt guilty.

Don't worry! That Gao Qiqiang didn't get any good results from us either.

Before leaving, I specially left a big gift for him.

Presumably, he is holding his left eye and crying bitterly!


Listening to Guan Ju's narration of the whole story, everyone couldn't help feeling a little happy, and they all yelled at Gao Qiqiang.

Yes! It's all the fault of such a person, well done! Zhang Yu gave a thumbs up with a happy expression on his face.

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