Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1118 The master is here

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun were calmly enjoying the beautiful scenery everywhere.

Suddenly, Murong Fu felt an invisible bond and a drastic change occurred.

A howl filled his mind: Master, help! Help!

If you don't come here, your two little darlings will be struck to death by lightning.

Come quickly!

Murong Fu had a trickle of cold sweat on his forehead and secretly said, Not good!

Zhuge Qingyun noticed something strange about him and quickly asked: What's wrong?

A trace of annoyance flashed in Murong Fu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: I was so distracted that I forgot about these two tiger things!

After he finished speaking, he flew towards the west in a hurry, with a look of worry on his face.

At this moment, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] and [Stone-Eating Beast] have gradually fallen behind.

Dozens of sky thunders descended at the same time, striking the two spirit beasts heavily.

They had been hacked to the point of losing their temper and were running around in embarrassment, but they still couldn't resist the thunder's attack.

Fortunately, the two spirit beasts are fleshy and thick-skinned, and their whole body defenses are very strong.

Even though he was trapped, he was not injured at all, just some superficial injuries.

However, Li Xiaodong and the others saw the dawn of victory in their eyes.

Quick, let's work harder, that spiritual beast will soon be tamed by Tian Lei!...

At this moment, they hated these two spiritual beasts with passion, and they even looked covetously at the treasures hidden in the [Stone-Swallowing Beast].


[Stone-Eating Beast] grinned in pain and wailed at [One-Horned Demon Tiger]: Brother, why don't you think the master is here yet?

Does he not want us anymore?


After the [Stone-Eating Beast] asked for the 108th time, Murong Fu's figure finally appeared in front of them.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast]'s eyes lit up for a moment, and they shouted in unison: Master, you are here!

Murong Fu saw the two pitiful little beings trapped in the formation, and his anger level soared for a moment.

How had his spirit beast ever fallen to this level, allowing others to bully him?

Even I can't bear to deal harshly with them or say harsh words to them next time.

But I never thought that I would be hurt so much now.

Murong Fu didn't care about anything else. He directly raised his hand and waved, and a mighty force of mountains and rivers came out of his hand.

In just a moment, the [Beast Control Formation] was shattered into pieces, and the thunder disappeared in an instant.

The three of them, Li Xiaodong, were immersed in joy, but they didn't expect that Murong Fu would come out halfway and destroy the formation they had worked so hard to create.

Wan Yuan was also furious at this moment. He quickly stepped forward and asked, Murong Fu, what are you going to do?

Murong Fu's eyes were sharp and he looked directly at the three of them: What do I want to do? Then why not tell me, what are you three doing right now?

Li Xiaodong was already dissatisfied with Murong Fu, but now his face was even more gloomy:

We were taming spiritual beasts, and you suddenly interrupted and ruined our plan!

How in the world can this be so reasonable?

I want you to tell me, what kind of peace of mind do you have?

Seeing his aggressive look, a mocking smile flashed across Murong Fu's lips.

You three have been in [Canglan Sword Sect] for so long, don't tell me that you can't even tell whether the spiritual beast has an owner?

As soon as he said this, the three people present froze on the spot, looking at him in disbelief.

They had been focusing on the [Stone-Swallowing Beast] covered in treasures, and no one paid attention to this.

Now, what Murong Fu meant in his words was...

These two spiritual beasts belong to him!

As soon as this idea came up, the three people were so shocked that they stood there for a long time, looking in disbelief.

In order to deal with these two spiritual beasts, they could be said to have tried their best, but they couldn't get any benefits.

But Murong Fu actually subdued two such powerful spiritual beasts by himself.

Then his strength...

None of the three people spoke first, thinking constantly in their minds.

Li Xiaodong was even more indignant, and looked at Murong Fu with even more unwillingness.

Why, Murong Fu got all the benefits.

The respect of everyone in the sect, the favor of the great elder, and now these two rare spiritual beasts in front of me...

He is not willing to give in!

Even though he had worked so hard, why could everyone only see Murong Fu.

He gritted his teeth tightly, suppressed the resentment in his heart, and showed an ugly smile: Murong Fu, these two spiritual beasts belong to you, right?

Murong Fu had a clear view of the expression on his face, and naturally he did not miss Li Xiaodong's fleeting hatred and resentment.

He nodded noncommittally: Of course.

Li Xiaodong took a deep breath and continued: Well, your two spiritual beasts robbed the three of us of our treasures for no reason. What do you have to say about this?

Murong Fu raised his eyebrows and looked at the two dark masses around him, with a question in his eyes: Is this possible?

[Stone-Eating Beast] nodded weakly, feeling a little guilty.

Look, your own spirit beasts have admitted that you were the one who instigated them!

Murong Fu, you ignored the friendship between the sect and robbed the four of us of our treasures in broad daylight. What are your intentions?

I must have a good talk with the Great Elder about what happened today.


When Li Xiaodong and the other three saw this, they immediately refused to give up, their faces full of anger.

Murong Fu looked at their irritated and angry expressions and said disdainfully: It's just a robbery, so what?

Li Xiaodong and the other three thought about ten thousand Murong Fu's reactions in their minds.

However, I really didn't expect that he would be so arrogant.

Li Xiaofeng's face showed a fierce look and his tone was also unkind: Murong Fu, do you mean that we brought it upon ourselves and deserved to be robbed?

Otherwise? Murong Fu spat out three words coldly, his face full of contempt and disdain.

What a joke, Murong Fu’s spiritual beast, let alone just robbed their treasures.

Even if you want to walk sideways within the [Biyun Mountains], so what?

Then you have admitted it yourself that you instigated the spirit beast to hurt people and steal treasures!

It's also because you didn't take good care of them, even if they broke the rules of the trial.

It's you too, disregarding the friendship of the same family...

As if they had grasped something, Li Xiaodong and the other three began to chatter endlessly, and one hat after another was suppressed.

However, Murong Fu ignored them and touched the big black head of the [Stone-Swallowing Beast] with a hint of pain in his eyes.

At this time, the [One-Horned Demon Tiger] who had been silent spoke up: Master, the facts are not what they said at all.

It was because we heard their conversation that we wanted to teach them a lesson...

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