Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1119: Drive Murong Fu out of Canglan Sword Sect

[One-horned Demon Tiger] looked at Murong Fu pitifully and said, [Stone-eating Beast] and I were wandering happily in the woods.

We are companions in the world of mortals, we run carelessly and share the prosperity of the world.

Suddenly, the strong wind rolled up dark clouds, and only the dark clouds and hills were visible...

Murong Fu couldn't help but press the center of his brows when he heard his unreasonable words: Tell me the important point!

[One-horned Demon Tiger] was talking enthusiastically when he was suddenly interrupted. He felt a little disappointed, but he continued to speak.

It wasn't us who caused the trouble at all. It was them who were talking bad about the master behind his back!

That Li Xiaodong called you a turtle bastard, and said that sooner or later you will be kicked out of [Canglan Sword Sect].

The two people around him are not good birds either. They are just like raccoons in the same flock. A fox pretends to be a tiger, a dog takes advantage of others...

[One-Horned Demon Tiger] When he got angry, he even spit out a ball of fire from his mouth.

After hearing its words, Murong Fu raised his brows slightly and looked at the three people standing opposite.

The [Stone-Eating Beast] on the side also whispered in agreement: Master, they have ulterior motives and are plotting against you behind your back.

So, I want to teach them some lessons.

I didn't expect that these people have no martial ethics and would even plot against us two spiritual beasts.

It's simply inhumane...

[Stone-Eating Beast] As he spoke, he licked his wounds miserably, looking extremely pitiful.

On the other side, Li Xiaodong originally grabbed Murong Fu's pigtails.

The whole person was a little complacent and was thinking about how to talk about this matter in front of the great elder.

Suddenly, he met Murong Fu's eyes and felt panicked.

But on the surface, he still looks like a deck of cards.

He calmed down and said sternly: What do you think of me like this? Did we still say something wrong about you?

Murong Fu stared at them for a long time, then slowly smiled: Haha, I didn't know you had such big opinions on me.

You want to drive me out of [Canglan Sword Sect], right?

Then let's see if you have this ability!

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a chill all over his body.

When Li Xiaodong heard this, he became even more panicked, his face turned red and white, and he hesitated for a long time without being able to speak.

The other two people also looked embarrassed. They didn't expect that the real master would find out about their plans behind them.

Wan Yuan looked at the [Stone-Eating Beast] fiercely, with a smile on his face: Murong Fu, don't say this nonsense.

Don't listen to nonsense. We are so focused on the trial that we don't have time to have any objections to you!

It's obviously your spiritual beast, so when you come up...

Li Xiaofeng also spoke: You must give us an explanation for this matter!

In just a few words, he once again shifted the blame to Murong Fu.

Haha. Murong Fu smiled coldly, with a somewhat chilling look in his eyes.

What if my spirit beast, Murong Fu, robs you of your spirit stones?

Do you have any objections?

Do you dare to have an opinion? Can you have an opinion?

At this time, Zhuge Qingyun also rushed over and heard his words as soon as he stepped forward.

I couldn't help but give him a thumbs up in my heart: You are as strong as you can be!

When Li Xiaodong and the other three heard such arrogant words, their expressions changed even more.

To be honest, I didn't expect that Murong Fu didn't feel guilty at all, but was so forceful and compelling.

Li Xiaodong looked a little confused and said in a deep voice: Murong Fu, don't think that because the First Elder has given you some respect, you really think you are a person.

In terms of seniority in the [Canglan Sword Sect], any one of the three of us is higher than you.

Don't urinate and look after yourself, how many pounds or taels are there!

Wan Yuan's eyes were cold, and his voice was low and powerful: Now I give you two choices. One is to give us the two spiritual beasts, and then apologize to us in person.

two is……

He said, drawing the sword blade from his waist, the threat on his face undisguised.

Murong Fu's eyes swept over the three of them one by one, revealing a sarcastic smile.

Then what if I don't apologize?

Li Xiaodong's eyes changed: In that case, don't blame us for being rude!

Zhuge Qingyun stood aside and watched the excitement, and in his heart he admired these three people who were not short-sighted.

Silently lighting a handful of incense for them: I wish you good luck.

He had never seen someone speak so nonsense in front of Murong Fu and still leave intact.

Tsk tsk tsk, there’s a good show to watch!

Zhuge Qingyun looked carefree, turned over and jumped up to a tree, lying on it.

When Li Xiaodong saw him like this, the smile on his face got a little bigger: Haha, brother Zhuge is still aware of current affairs and doesn't associate with people like Murong Fu.

Zhuge Qingyun rolled his eyes at him: What a fool!

After hearing this, Li Xiaodong's smile suddenly froze: What did you say?

Murong Fu kindly reminded him: He called you stupid!

You! Li Xiaodong was furious, and without saying anything more, he drew his sword and rushed forward.

It was not directed at Zhuge Qingyun, but directly in the direction of Murong Fu.

The latter stood still and shook his head: Tsk, tsk, tsk, he scolded you, not me.

Whoa! The sword light flashed past and pierced Murong Fu's chest as fast as lightning.

Murong Fu looked at the person getting closer and closer to him, and a smile appeared on his lips: Is it just this little strength?

As he spoke, he raised his hand casually, and the spiritual energy instantly condensed in the palm of his hand, creating a majestic momentum.

Boom! With a sound, the sword energy and the palm wind faced each other, and the huge impact almost knocked Zhuge Qingyun off the tree.

He grabbed the branch with quick hands and touched his heart: I'll go! You scared me to death!

Then, he looked at the two people not far away again.

But he saw that Murong Fu's face was calm and calm, and the spiritual energy in his palms continued to surge, forming streaks of blazing golden light.

On the other hand, Li Xiaodong's wrist holding the sword was trembling constantly, and his face was even more ferocious.

Seeing that he was forced back a little bit by the wind of his palm, he still refused to lose and resisted.

Bang! With a loud sound, Murong Fu's spiritual energy increased sharply, and Li Xiaodong flew out.

After taking dozens of steps back, he was able to regain his balance.

He looked at the other person with disbelief, his hands still trembling slightly: You...

Li Xiaodong's heart was in over his head at this moment, and his eyes were full of shock.

I thought that there was not much difference in strength between myself and the opponent, but now this pair...

Only then did he realize the horror of Murong Fu.

At the moment of the fight, he could clearly feel the spiritual energy flying out from Murong Fu.

It was like an inexhaustible supply. No matter how he resisted, the opponent was as steady as a rock and didn't even move his feet.

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