Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1120 Even when beating a dog, it depends on the owner

Li Xiaodong shook his head, unable to figure out why.

How is this possible?

His eyes were wide open, and he couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he racked his brains.

Both he and the other party are clearly in the state of transformation into gods, so how could they be so different?

Could it be that the great elder taught him some secret technique behind his back, and he became better at it?

Thinking about this, he felt even more unwilling.

Obviously all of this should be his.

Murong Fu didn't know what he was thinking, he just looked down at his palms, slightly surprised.

He had just adjusted the spiritual energy and felt that the meridians throughout his body were smooth, and the spiritual energy was flowing and erupting from his Dantian.

The two Dantians swung up and down, alternately merging with each other, and at the same time two streams of spiritual energy erupted in his body.

This was a feeling he had never had before.

While releasing the spiritual energy, more spiritual energy will burst out from the Dantian for him to control.

So comfortable!

It seemed that what was happening just now was not a battle at all, but another form of seclusion training.

He felt the majesty of the spiritual energy, and it seemed that there was endless spiritual energy in his body, and he became more and more courageous as he fought.

Murong Fu couldn't believe it and stood there stunned for a long time.

He never knew that in a fierce battle, Dantian could generate spiritual energy on his own.

Could it be said that this is related to the second dantian in his body?

Just as he was dazed, Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan in the distance looked at Li Xiaodong, and the three of them nodded heavily.

The next moment, they all drew their swords and attacked at lightning speed.

There was no trace of panic on Murong Fu's face, but rather a bit of expectation.

He actually wanted to know, was that feeling just now real?

Seeing that three long swords were stabbing at him at the same time, Murong Fu calmly raised his spiritual energy.

A protective barrier was formed around it, blocking the attacks of the three people.

When Li Xiaodong saw that the blow missed, his expression changed, and he exchanged glances with the other two.

Just hearing the sound of Bang! Bang! Bang, the three people's attacks hit the barrier one after another.

Wan Yuan only had one left hand left. He had used up all his spiritual energy and looked in a miserable state.

However, no matter how hard the three people tried, they were unable to break through Murong Fu's barrier, not even a single crack was made.

At this moment, Murong Fu had no intention of fighting with them. He slowly closed his eyes and felt the changes in his body.

Under the fierce attack of the three people, his spiritual energy flew out continuously, blocking those moves.

But there was no trace of spiritual energy depletion in his body. Instead, an even more violent flow of air burst out from his Dantian.

It circulates the meridians all over his body, consolidates the operation of his Dantian, and gives him inexhaustible spiritual energy.

It's not an illusion!

Murong Fu opened his eyes suddenly, and a glimmer of light flashed through him.

Unexpectedly, he was actually able to cultivate more and more spiritual energy and accumulate it in his body during the battle.

The more spiritual energy he uses, the more spiritual energy will be generated in his body.

The new spiritual energy is far more than what is consumed.

This also means that when he fights with others in the future, he can increase his strength, and he can even be said to have endless spiritual energy.

Very good!

He couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and a bit of arrogance appeared on his face.

Come on, let me see what strength you have, how dare you shout in front of me!

Murong Fu dodged and came directly in front of the three people, showing them an arrogant smile.

Li Xiaodong didn't expect that he would actually fight one against three, and said loudly: How dare you be so arrogant, let's see if I don't destroy you today!

He slowly turned around, placed the long sword in front of his chest, and used his spiritual energy to control the blade to fly around.

The same goes for the other two people. Three long swords flew around in the air, and the shadows of the swords flowed, making people dizzy.

Li Xiaodong's spiritual energy exploded and he roared: Break it for me!

As soon as he finished speaking, the three long swords merged into one, mixed with a strong and huge air flow.

The moment the long sword flew over, a small hurricane even formed in the air, whizzing along with the sword blade.

Murong Fu stood on the spot, his figure not wavering in the slightest, and whispered: You came just in time!

I saw that he was holding the [Taiyi Light Splitting Sword] in his hand, and the moment his spiritual energy erupted, he directly knocked away the incoming sword.

Then, [Taiyi Splitting Light Sword] struck out with thunder, and in Murong Fu's hands, it instantly transformed into thousands of afterimages.

Just hearing the sound of successive collisions, the countless sword blades continued to merge, and finally transformed into nine sword blades.

Each one shimmered with golden light, mixed with blazing red flames.

Murong Fu touched the ground with his feet and flew into the air.

Nine fire dragons quickly transformed into his hands, intertwined with the nine long swords, and the sword energy flowed across them.

His eyes were illuminated red by the firelight, and his voice was deep and powerful, speaking one word at a time: Remember, this move is called [Nine Dragons in the Sky]!

As soon as he finished speaking, nine fire dragon swords rushed out, one after another, heading straight towards the three people.

At this time, Li Xiaodong and others were dumbfounded and stood there blankly, their faces full of shock and fear.

How is this possible? Li Xiaodong kept shaking his head and fell into madness.

Fortunately, the quick hands and eyes of Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan beside him woke him up from the shock.

The three of them fought hard with the nine fire dragons, but were defeated within a moment. ..

Each and every one of them was beaten until they vomited blood, staggered, and kept retreating.

When Murong Fu saw this, he sneered: Ha, with such little ability, you dare to speak so wildly!

Zhuge Qingyun, who was watching the show on the side, was even more shocked by Murong Fu's move.

Then he clapped his hands and cheered: Hahaha, so happy! It's been a long time since I've seen such a wonderful move.

[One-horned Demon Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast] were even more happy to have their revenge, and they all said, Master, you are so powerful!

Master is the best, master, beat them to death!

The three of them, Li Xiaodong, were beaten back and forth. If they had not relied on their own strength, they would have been devoured by these nine fire dragons.

In the end, Murong Fu did not harm their lives, he just gave them a lesson and stopped.

He turned his eyes and looked at the three of them coldly: Do you have a long memory?

It depends on the owner to beat a dog. Not everyone can bully my spirit beast!

Let me tell you, there are some people you can't afford to offend in this life, so don't try to do those little tricks behind your back.

Murong Fu looked contemptuous, his eyes full of warning.

If it weren't for the new disciples being tested this time, he would never have been able to expose this matter so easily.

Li Xiaodong, Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan held their breath and stood there gasping for air.

Everyone has more or less sword wounds on their bodies, and they are no longer as arrogant and domineering as before.

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