Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1121: Create a problem

[One-Horned Demon Tiger] looked at the tragic situation of the three people in front of him and began to stand up and shake his head.

Hahaha, you three will be beaten now if you don't have eyesight!

My master is the most powerful!

The master is mighty and domineering, with his mouth blasting to the sky!


[One-horned Demon Tiger] and [Stone-eating Beast] began to wander around the three of them, looking like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Li Xiaodong gritted his back molars and looked at the two spiritual beasts with eyes full of anger and hatred.

Wan Yuanxin was so arrogant that he had never been insulted like this before. He immediately struggled to stand up, drew his sword and headed towards the two spiritual beasts.

However, before he could take a step forward, a stream of spiritual energy rushed straight towards him and hit him hard on the kneecap.

There was only a click! sound, and Wan Yuan let out a howl like a killing pig, and his whole body suddenly collapsed to the ground.

With his only remaining hand, he hugged his legs and rolled on the ground.

Ah! My legs!

Li Xiaodong and Li Xiaofeng originally wanted to resist, but saw Wan Yuan suffer such a tragic end.

The thought in my mind suddenly disappeared.

The two of them dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and acted like quails from the sidelines.

Murong Fu didn't talk any more nonsense to them, and left with the two spiritual beasts.

Before leaving, he left a message in a cold voice: Remember, I am someone you can't afford to offend!

Zhuge Qingyun had been watching the whole process from the sidelines, and could not help but be shocked by Murong Fu's domineering and revealing speech.

It took a long time before he slowly came back to his senses: I'll go! You're awesome! It's good if you have high strength!

A flash of envy flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly chased after me: Hey, wait for me!

After they left, Li Xiaodong and the other three were still immersed in pain.

Wan Yuan has become half a useless person.

He had already had one of his hands torn off by the [Stone-Eating Beast], and now Murong Fu smashed his kneecap.

Damn it! He endured the severe pain in his body and his whole body was shaking.

I don’t know if it’s pain or anger.

Li Xiaodong's face was even more ashen at this moment, and he had no idea where the mistake was.

It was obvious that there was not much difference in strength between him and Murong Fu, but what the other party showed was indeed far superior to him thousands of times. .

He looked at the injuries all over his body, blood was gurgling out, and he clenched his fists tightly.

Li Xiaofeng lifted Wan Yuan who had fallen to the ground and leaned against a towering tree.

He looked at the disappearing figures in the distance, and a strange look flashed in his eyes: I think that Murong Fu is not someone to be trifled with. Let's just...

Before he could say anything, Li Xiaodong interrupted him: Whatever depressing words he may say, he is only in the realm of divine transformation, so what's the big deal?

Wan Yuan endured the severe pain in his body and said, You said it quite easily. The strength he showed just now is far beyond the realm of God Transformation!

After saying that, the three people fell into a deathly silence at the same time, thinking about the scene just now in their minds.

Yes, Murong Fu is really as powerful as the rumors say, even if the three of them combined are no match.

Li Xiaofeng felt faintly shaken in his heart, and intuitively felt that something was wrong.

He shook his head: I think we should not provoke him. This person is unfathomable.

Wan Yuan on the side also pondered for a long time and did not speak for a long time.

Only Li Xiaodong still looked in disbelief, his eyes widened: No! Something is wrong!

He, Murong Fu, has just arrived at [Canglan Sword Sect] not long ago, how could he have such powerful spiritual energy?

There must be something we don't know about.

Li Xiaodong still refused to let go of the obsession in his heart and stared into the distance.

After a moment, he made up his mind: It is absolutely impossible to just let this matter go!

Li Xiaofeng and Wan Yuan looked at him at the same time and asked, Then you...

What else do you want to do? Wan Yuan said in surprise.

Li Xiaodong calmed down and clenched and unclenched his fists: I will definitely report this matter to the elders and give justice to the three of us.

Obviously it was Murong Fu who allowed the spiritual beasts to commit crimes, so why did we end up suffering in the end!

It's absolutely impossible to swallow this breath!

He spoke every word as if he had made some kind of decision in his heart.

Originally, he just wanted to exclude Murong Fu from the sect, as long as his status was not threatened.

But now, after the fight just now, Li Xiaodong already felt a sense of crisis.

If he wanted to be the number one among the disciples in [Canglan Sword Sect], then Murong Fu would be his biggest obstacle.

So many years of hard work cannot be in vain, he can only inherit the great elder's mantle!

Thinking like this, Li Xiaodong slowly showed a smile, and his whole face added a bit of gloom.

If Murong Fu knew what he was thinking, he would definitely give him a look of disdain.

Then he spoke softly: I'll give it all to you, I don't care!

At this time, Wan Yuan looked down at his broken body, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

His eyes were red: Yes! All the injuries on my body are due to Murong Fu. I must not let him go!

Li Xiaofeng was the only one thinking in his heart about how to get himself out of here and escape completely.

He is a smart man and naturally knows who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

Time passed little by little, and the entire trial came to an end.

Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun both walked out of the [Biyun Mountains], waiting for the end of time.

There is still half an hour before the trial ends, please disciples, please seize the opportunity.

As soon as they came out, a group of disciples gathered around them and looked at Murong Fu with a look full of flattery.

These people are all human beings, and naturally they can see the great elder's preference and importance for Murong Fu.

The disciples who were originally out of reach of the eight poles are now starting to flatter him and smile flatteringly.

Senior Brother Murong has worked hard. If you are in charge of this trial, there will definitely be no problem!

Hahaha, it must be that Senior Brother Murong is young and promising, and is deeply loved by all the elders!

Yes, please take good care of me in the future...

Murong Fu looked at the people around him, their smiles were brighter and more hypocritical, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Zhuge Qingyun naturally saw it and used his sharp tongue to quickly send those people away.

Finally, the ears of the two people were finally clear.

Zhuge Qingyun showed a joking expression and smiled softly:

Brother Murong, you offended three prestigious disciples today.

They have deep connections in the [Canglan Sword Sect]. I'm afraid it will be exciting again in the future.

The good show is yet to come...

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