In the [Biyun Mountains], Gao Qiqiang lost one eye and worked hard to hunt the spiritual beasts.

However, so much time has passed, and almost all the spiritual beasts in the entire mountain range have been captured by everyone.

Even if he traveled all over the place, he could only score twenty points.

If this continues, he may not be able to enter the top fifty.

He had been seriously injured, and after a series of struggles, he was now so exhausted that he collapsed on the ground.

At this moment, he suddenly felt someone coming from the front, and stood up hurriedly, getting ready for battle.

Damn Murong Fu, if I have a chance, I will definitely kill him!

Don't worry, when we get out, I will definitely let the elders make the decision for us.

Okay, just say a few words.


Gao Qiqiang stood on the spot holding the blade of his sword, listening to the voices of several people talking from far away, and couldn't help but become vigilant.

When I heard them talk about Murong Fu in their conversation, I felt a little stirred in my heart.

He quietly hid his figure behind a big tree and observed the people coming in front of him.

I saw Li Xiaodong and Li Xiaofeng walking over with difficulty holding Wan Yuan, and the group looked extremely embarrassed.

The three of them walked a few trees away from Gao Qiqiang, then sat down and began to rest.

Gao Qiqiang originally thought of waiting until they left before going out, but now it seems...

He recalled the conversation between the three of them, and an unnoticeable thought came to his mind.

Wan Yuan healed himself on the spot, covering the broken kneecap with spiritual energy, trying to reattach it.

But this process was difficult and tortuous, and it hurt so much that he shouted in pain: Ah!

Within a moment of tea, Wan Yuan looked at his left leg that had been reattached and said in a deep voice: Murong Fu, I will not be a human being unless I take revenge for this!

His voice fell on Gao Qiqiang's ears, making him think deeply again.

Gao Qiqiang looked at the clothes of the three people in front of him and guessed that they were not new disciples.

Suddenly, he had an idea and recognized their identities.

These three people seemed to be old disciples with many points like Murong Fu.

In just a moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

Gao Qiqiang's fingers clenched tightly on the tree trunk nearby, his knuckles turning white.

Then, he smiled.

It seems that there is really no end to the road.

He is taller than Qiqiang and is destined to become a disciple of the [Canglan Sword Sect].

Li Xiaodong and the other two were resting when they suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the woods behind them.

Wan Yuan sternly scolded: Who the hell! How dare you act like a ghost behind your back? Why don't you come out quickly!

After that, a burst of spiritual energy burst out from his body and explored the depths of the forest.

In the eyes of the three people, Gao Qiqiang stumbled out, his whole body looking disgraced.

Li Xiaodong looked at his figure and showed disgust unconsciously: Who are you? Why are you hiding behind and eavesdropping on us?

Gao Qiqiang looked up at the three of them, pretending to be frightened and uneasy: Brothers, please spare your life, I am really unjust!

Please let me go and don't hold me alone again!

I just want to enter [Canglan Sword Sect], why are you so unfair!

As he spoke, he began to observe the reactions of the three people.

Sure enough, as he expected, the three of them were slightly surprised at first, and then became confused.

Li Xiaofeng looked at him and asked in a deep voice: What happened?

Gao Qiqiang still ignored him and kept on pretending, Senior Brother Murong, please let me go...

When he said the word Murong, the expressions of the three people present changed.

Li Xiaodong reacted even more strongly and quickly stepped forward to grab his shoulders: Senior Brother Murong you just mentioned, is he Murong Fu who is the person in charge of this trial?

Gao Qiqiang noticed this and pretended to be pitiful: Exactly.

He used the most exquisite acting skills in his life and looked at the three people in front of him: Senior brothers, can you please help me to beg for mercy and don't let senior brother Murong target me!

Hearing what he said, the three people became more confused and asked him one after another.

Looking at your attire, are you a new disciple?

What exactly happened during the trial?

Those things you said...

After hearing this, Gao Qiqiang fell to his knees on the ground, tears streaming down his face: Brothers, can you help me? I'm really desperate. M..

Senior Brother Murong engaged in favoritism and cheated during the trial. He wiped out all the points I had earned so hard and transferred them all to other disciples.

I don't want to argue with him, only to be conspired by those new disciples.

I'm not convinced! Please give me justice...

He talked and even wiped a few tears in a serious manner, fooling all three of them.

As Li Xiaodong listened, a glint flashed in his eyes, and there was calculation in his heart.

Reversing his previous contempt and disgust, he stepped forward and helped Gao Qiqiang up from the ground, and said softly: Are you telling the truth?

Gao Qiqiang was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly: I dare to swear on my life that if what I just told is even the slightest bit of a lie, all the meridians in my body will be severed and I will die!

I just want to seek justice for myself. Murong Fu really went too far! He looked as if he had suffered a huge injustice and was indignant.

Wan Yuan also became interested and said, Tell me more specifically.

Gao Qiqiang blamed all the torture he experienced along the way on Murong Fu.

He colluded with several new disciples, and tried to use his power to suppress others, trying to break the rules of the trial.

Those people robbed me of my points, didn't want me to enter the [Canglan Sword Sect], and even severely injured me.


With that said, Gao Qiqiang showed off his wounds, completely capturing the trust of the three of them.

Li Xiaodong's mind was spinning a thousand times for a while, and he couldn't help but secretly thinking: How Zhengchou was going to bring down Murong Fu, this would be a clue to come to his door.

When I feel really sleepy, someone brings me a pillow.

Now, with the evidence of this disciple, they can even get a copy of him in front of the Great Elder!

Li Xiaodong rolled his eyes and exchanged glances with Wan Yuan. The same thought appeared in their minds.

Wan Yuan stretched out his hand and handed Gao Qiqiang a bottle of elixir: This is the healing elixir of [Canglan Sword Sect]. You can take it and it will be effective immediately.

Don't worry, we will make the decision for you.

After leaving [Biyun Mountains] later, you will report everything he did to the Great Elder.

Li Xiaodong also nodded solemnly, looking a little excited: I believe the elder will definitely give you justice.

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