Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1126 Reversing Public Opinion

Murong Fu was talked about in sinful words by everyone, but his face did not change at all.

It was as if the person everyone was criticizing was not him, but someone else.

At this time, a cold voice broke out from the crowd: Gao Qiqiang, you damn thing, let your grandma's ring fart go!

Everyone stopped talking and looked over, only to see Guan Ju with his hands on his hips, pointing at Gao Qiqiang's nose and yelling:

You bitch, do you dare to tell me what you did and let everyone comment on it?

That's right, people like you are simply confusing right and wrong, and there is no truth in your mouth! Guan Zhi also echoed from the side.

The two sisters hate evil as much as they hate each other, and the world is even more black and white.

Those who are kind to them will naturally repay them twice as much, and those who are hostile to them will certainly seek revenge.

At this moment, when they saw Murong Fu falling into everyone's doubts, they couldn't help but speak.

Soon, Yu Xiaohu and his party also expressed their objections.

Soon, everyone explained clearly and clearly what Gao Qiqiang had done.

He was the one who did the evil thing in the first place and set a trap in the [Biyun Mountains], trying to steal our points cards.

Yes, it was Senior Brother Murong who later gave him the opportunity to enter the [Nine Dragons Chess Game] trial.

I didn't expect that this person was so ungrateful that he not only refused to work hard, but also wanted to rob us of the fruits of victory...

Gao Qiqiang was speechless by the group of them. His fingers were trembling slightly, and he couldn't say a word for a long time: You! You guys!

Guan Zhi looked at him like this and smiled coldly: What? Do some people dare to do it or not?

In an instant, everyone who had been scolding fiercely froze on the spot for a moment.

The angry expressions on their faces were frozen there, as if they couldn't believe that things would take such a turn.

In this way, it was Gao Qiqiang who committed evil first and then failed to repent. This time...

Someone sorted out the whole thing and finally looked at Gao Qiqiang with a complicated look.

It turns out that everything just happened was directed and acted by you!

Damn it, do you think we are all fools?

This kind of person is really disgusting...

Soon, the target of everyone's insults became the victim, and the trend suddenly changed.

Moreover, everyone scolded him even more fiercely.

No one who is used as a knife can swallow this breath.

Murong Fu didn't say a word from beginning to end, he just watched all of this silently, with a faint smile on his face.

Sure enough, the power of the masses is great!

Originally, those words against Murong Fu were now reflected back at Gao Qiqiang.

Li Xiaodong stood behind Murong Fu, a cold light bursting out of his eyes, mixed with resentment and unwillingness.

Seeing that he had no room to defend himself, Gao Qiqiang immediately knelt down on the ground and began to act:

Dear brothers and sisters here, I don't understand why they insult me ​​so much.

In the face of their words, I can't defend myself at all. I can only say that those who are clean will be clean.

I believe everyone has made their own decisions about the rest...

For a moment, everyone present was hesitant, not knowing whose words to believe.

Gao Qiqiang was still there, telling his story word for word, and with his tearless expression, it seemed even more sincere.

Yu Xiaohu and his group particularly looked down upon his appearance, pointing at his nose and yelling curses.

Two people, two opinions.

This time, everyone present was also confused.

Who is telling the truth about what they say?

What is the truth of the matter?

Now, I don't know who to believe.

All the disciples stared at the ten people on the high platform.

The gaze that fell on Murong Fu was still vaguely probing and doubtful.

At this moment, Li Xiaodong gave Wan Yuan a look, and the latter quickly understood what he meant

I saw Wan Yuan step forward and show his wounds to everyone in full view.

Everyone, please listen to me.

Soon, everyone's eyes were attracted to him.

Zhuge Qingyun felt something was wrong and was about to stop him, but it was too late.

Just listen to Wan Yuan's voice, echoing in the entire small square: Murong Fu, can you recognize these injuries on my body?

Murong Fu looked at him with a smile, knowing exactly what he was planning, and he was happy to cooperate: Of course!

You indulged your own spiritual beast and took advantage of the trial to rob the three of us of our spiritual stones and treasures.

After being discovered, you and your spiritual beasts worked together to injure us.

Originally, I still missed the friendship of my classmates and let you go, but now I see that you have no intention of repenting at all.

Then you can't blame me!...

What he said was very convincing.

Everyone present looked at his broken right arm and the bloodstains all over his body, showing sympathy.

What's going on? Why is another senior brother involved?

Yeah, I can't understand more and more. Who is this Murong Fu who dares to be so arrogant and domineering in the [Canglan Sword Sect]?

Even my own siblings can be so cruel. It seems that what Gao Qiqiang said must be true.

Everyone turned against him again, and everyone shouted in unison, demanding an explanation from Murong Fu.

Li Xiaodong looked proud and cast a provocative expression in Murong Fu's direction.

mock up!

Fight with me, I'm afraid you're a little too young!

How do you feel about being speechless?

Murong Fu felt his burning eyes and looked back without any fear, also with provocation.

The two people stared at each other like this for a long time, as if the sounds around them no longer existed.

The crowd's voices became louder and louder, and they could no longer hear the voices of the Guan sisters, Yu Xiaohu and others.

They tried to speak for Murong Fu, but no one was willing to listen, and those voices were drowned out by the cries of conquest.

Perhaps, everyone only believes in what they think in their hearts and does not care about the truth of the matter at all.

Zhuge Qingyun stood beside him anxiously, constantly trying to speak.

Without exception, they were all shot back.

Damn it! He cursed, feeling an unprecedented sense of powerlessness at this moment.

At the most chaotic moment, Li Xiaodong stepped forward and spoke: Everyone, please be quiet. Please listen to me first.

Soon, those voices gradually dissipated, and everyone looked at him.

Li Xiaodong spoke calmly: This matter is related to the reputation of [Canglan Sword Sect]. We will definitely investigate it clearly.

I am Li Xiaodong, the elder's chief disciple. This matter will definitely bring justice to everyone.

Please rest assured...

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