Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1127 Two elders are here

Li Xiaodong took it for granted and stole the show in front of this disciple.

He said one thing after another about the scene, and soon won the hearts of everyone.

Look, he is worthy of being the chief disciple. He really has the demeanor of everyone.

Yes, I heard that this senior brother has already obtained the true inheritance of Mr. Zhang, and his strength is even more extraordinary.

I think he is much better than that senior brother Murong.


Everyone was talking about it, and Gao Qiqiang even sang along with him, shouting loudly:

Please ask this senior brother to make the decision for me. Everything I say is true.

Li Xiaodong nodded, then turned his gaze to Murong Fu: What else do you have to say?

In [Canglan Sword Sect], you have repeatedly abused your power for personal gain, and you have disregarded brotherhood and harmed fellow disciples.

Now, you'd better wake up in time and return what you robbed.


His words were so full of righteousness that they attracted a lot of admiration from everyone.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at his hypocritical look and couldn't help but sneer: Haha? Fuck you.

He really didn't expect that these people could be so shameless.

In their mouths, they can speak both black and white words. If he hadn't been there at that time, I'm afraid they would have believed their lies at this moment.

Zhuge Qingyun's attitude soon aroused dissatisfaction among others.

Wan Yuan glanced at him and said, Zhuge Qingyun, what do you mean? Are you also in the same group as Murong Fu?

Zhuge Qingyun rolled his eyes at him: Ah, yes, yes, we are in the same group, what can you do to me?

At this time, the crowd not far away suddenly heard an exclamation: Great Elder, it's the Great Elder who is here.

There is also the Fifth Elder! Why is he here too?

Needless to say, I must have heard what happened here and came here to seek justice.

Following everyone's voices, the First Elder and the Fifth Elder slowly walked towards the high platform, their eyes full of seriousness and scrutiny.

The fifth elder was outspoken and immediately asked the question: What's going on? How could a newcomer end up like this when he is undergoing a trial?

However, his scolding eyes did not fall on Murong Fu. Instead, he looked at Li Xiaodong quietly.

The latter's heart tightened as he stared at him, and he began to make random guesses.

Could it be...

Before he could speak, all the disciples started talking and gave an overview of what happened.

Zhuge Qingyun was even more quick-sighted. He jumped up and told the good deeds of those people in detail.

Suddenly, a coldness burst out from the two elders, and everyone present couldn't help but flinch.

Sure enough, it was the elder of [Canglan Sword Sect]. Just a glance made them feel tens of millions of pressure on their heads.

The Great Elder stared at Li Xiaodong with his eagle eyes, wishing he could expel him from the sect immediately.

He now treats Murong Fu as if he were a precious eyeball, fearing that he would be wronged in some way.

Unexpectedly, these people not only teamed up to target him, but also made the entire trial a mess.

The fifth elder cast his gaze on Murong Fu, and then gently smiled.

Turning around, he yelled at Li Xiaofeng who was standing next to Li Xiaodong: Come here!

Li Xiaofeng lowered his head and walked behind the fifth elder, looking like a quail.

The fifth elder nodded his head vigorously as if he hated iron.

Why are you hanging out with them again? What did I tell you in the first place?

I asked you to play with the good kids, but you disobeyed me and always fooled around with them.

I tell you, next time, I will definitely break your legs!

Li Xiaofeng didn't dare to refute a word he was told, and kept his head down, with a bit of guilt in his eyes.

He was originally a playboy, and he reached his current status by relying on his status as the fifth elder in the sect.

At first, he was taught a lesson by Murong Fu because of his lust, and was imprisoned in Siguo Cliff by the Fifth Elder for a long time before he was released.

Originally, he heard about Murong Fu's heroic deeds and worshiped Murong Fu wholeheartedly.

I want to make friends with him and use him as my goal to work hard for.

I originally thought that after the trial, I would ask him for advice so that I could break through the bottleneck.

But somehow, I was deceived by Li Xiaodong with just a few words, and fell into his scheme to sow discord.

It was like lard had deceived one's mind, relying only on a few words from others to dream of dealing with Murong Fu together with them.

Now, he regretted it so much that his intestines were green.

Not only was he scolded by the fifth elder, but all the treasures were taken away by those two spiritual beasts.

He really lost his wife and lost his troops.

The fifth elder's words immediately changed Li Xiaodong's expression, and he almost lost control of his expression.

What does Fifth Elder mean by this? Are you saying that you are not a good person? ..

Why did he, Murong Fu, let everyone stand on his side without saying a word.

He gritted his teeth fiercely, but he couldn't help but hold back the breath.

After the reprimand, the fifth elder slapped Li Xiaofeng on the head and said sternly: Hurry up and apologize to Murong Fu.

He had just understood from everyone's words that it was Li Xiaodong and Gao Qiqiang who united to deal with Murong Fu.

But his silly grandson was still fooled into thinking and almost made a big mistake.

Li Xiaofeng had already wavered after seeing Murong Fu's true strength.

Now, he walked directly to Murong Fu and said in a deep voice: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have had those unhealthy thoughts.

Murong Fu ignored him and waved his hand casually without even looking at him.

He originally thought that this dissolute second son was a bit stupid, but fortunately he was not bad-hearted.

I thought, for the sake of the fifth elder, it might not be a bad idea to give him some advice.

However, when he saw Li Xiaofeng and Li Xiaodong dealing with his two spiritual beasts together, he felt extremely disappointed in him.

When Wan Yuan saw this scene, he couldn't help shouting: Why? Fifth Elder, you are unfair!

Obviously it was him, Murong Fu, who made a mistake, but you indiscriminately forced the mistake on us.

What you did has chilled the hearts of all of us!

Wan Yuan showed no remorse at all, he still looked unrepentant.

Li Xiaodong also echoed: Yes, two elders, you must not listen to Zhuge Qingyun's words.

We all have injuries on our bodies, but we can check on the spot to see if we were injured by those two spiritual beasts!

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