Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1144 Teach the bully a lesson

Everyone onlookers widened their eyes, unable to believe what they saw in front of them.

Unexpectedly, within [Pengcheng], someone dared to challenge Zhang Qiang in the street.

Where did these two people come from? How dare they do it?

Please keep your voice down, lest the city gate catches fire and the fish in the pond is not affected.

Yes, we all have witnessed the strong tactics of this man. Someone once opposed him and died on the street that night.


Zhang Qiang naturally heard everyone's discussion, without any expression on his face, and even looked a little smug.

His eyes once again glanced at Zhuge Qingyun, who had an angry face, and Murong Fu, who was standing beside him calmly.

What did you say? The wind was so strong just now that I couldn't hear clearly. Zhang Qiang dug his ears with his hands.

Zhuge Qingyun took a step forward, his aura became stronger and stronger, and his voice was steady and powerful: I said, these two hairpins are mine.

After saying that, Zhang Qiang let out an arrogant laugh: Ah hahahaha, this is simply the biggest joke I have heard recently.

The next moment, his eyes were vicious and vicious: In that case, don't blame me for being rude to you.

Before he finished speaking, the dozen guards rushed forward one by one, drew their swords and headed straight in the direction of the two of them.

A glimmer of light flashed in Zhuge Qingyun's eyes, and he drew his sword: You came just in time! Are you still afraid of you?

Murong Fu slowly retreated, using Zhuge Qingyun's body as a cover, holding his arms and hiding behind, not to participate in the big fight.

In front of them, Zhuge Qingyun was fighting with those people. The group of people did not hold back at all, and all their attacks were killing moves.

There was soon a large group of people standing around, watching the excitement from a distance.

They whispered to each other, wondering why the domineering Master Zhang wanted to start a war here.

But everyone's eyes were very excited, and they all looked like they were watching a good show.

Perhaps this is the dark side of people's psychology. They regard the tragic experiences that happen to others as rare pleasures in their own miserable lives.

This man is really unlucky. It's not good to offend anyone, but he has to offend such a prince of hell!

Oh, I guess there will be two more bloody corpses on the street soon.

It's so miserable...

The people on the side began to discuss again, and all of them were not optimistic about Zhuge Qingyun.

Dozens of people beat him for a long time, but they didn't hurt Zhuge Qingyun at all, and they didn't even get close to him.

Zhang Qiang stood aside, a little anxious, and shouted loudly: Come on! Come on, all of you!

Kill him! Kill him for me!

Don't keep the whole body, divide the body into five pieces, and expose the body in the wilderness...

The sound of swords clashing sounded like thunder on the spot, and many people onlookers were frightened and kept retreating.

Many people even sensed that something was wrong and began to run away.

At this time, Zhuge Qingyun shouted loudly and jumped into the air.

The body transformed into a ray of blue light, rushing towards a group of people like a bolt of light and electricity.

He snorted coldly, and the powerful spiritual energy dormant in his body suddenly became restless.

Waves of powerful and sharp aura burst out from his body instantly.

Dazzling cyan light surrounded him, and a dozen intertwined sword shadows attacked him viciously.

The people around him couldn't help but shed a cold sweat for him, already anticipating Zhuge Qingyun's tragic end.

However, there was no trace of panic on his face. He stepped forward and swung his right fist out, hitting those people hard in the abdomen.

The cyan fist shadow was surrounded by blazing golden light, and the powerful spiritual energy caused the surrounding streets to vibrate.

The tremendous pressure started from Zhuge Qingyun as the center and spread out in all directions. The onlookers were pushed back by the surging spiritual energy.

Seeing that the group of guards were at a disadvantage, Zhang Qiang's face turned red and he shouted loudly: I've raised you in vain, you're a bunch of losers!

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of black shadows fell from the sky and hit where he was standing.


With his scream, Zhang Qiang was heavily pressed to the ground, and a ball of mud fell into his mouth at some point.

You're such a loser, if I tell you to eat less, I'll be crushed to death!

Zhang Qiang fiercely pushed away the person pressing on him, stood up in a panic, his eyes widened.

Zhuge Qingyun landed lightly on the ground and looked at those people on the ground with contempt:

Haha, you have so little strength, and you still want to steal something from me, without even looking at how much you weigh.

Finally, he looked at Zhang Qiang, imitating his expression just now, and showed a provocative smile: That's it?

Zhang Qiang was so angry that he gritted his teeth and kicked one of them: Get up! Beat him to death!

However, all he received in response was screams and the guards rolling around in pain.


Zhang Qiang cursed angrily and looked at the sizing eyes of the people around him, and for a moment he couldn't help but look at him.

He clenched his fists tightly and said sternly: Come! Let me come and meet you!

With an earth-shattering sound that echoed above the entire street, an extremely powerful spiritual energy burst out.

Before everyone could react, Zhang Qiang's body fell heavily to the ground like a kite with its string broken.

Everyone present was silent for a long time, and it took a long time before they started talking loudly:

I'll go! What did I just see?

That Zhang Qiang was actually knocked away with one move, and he had no power to fight back!

You know, he is supported by countless spiritual herbs and elixirs from the Wan family, and his strength has already been extraordinary.

This person……

Listening to the comments of the people around him, Zhang Qiang stood up unsteadily while holding back the blood in his heart.

At this time, the arrogance just now was no longer visible, but there was a bit of panic on his face.

At the moment of the fight, others may not have seen it clearly, but he really felt it.

The man in front of him was far stronger than him, and he was sent flying with just a casual punch.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I thought he was an arrogant and domineering master, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be just a good-looking idiot.

It's my fault, I really think highly of you.

It's so pitiful. Does it hurt from the beating?

Zhuge Qingyun's face was extremely proud, and he shook the two hairpins in his hands to show off to Zhang Qiang.

Murong Fu patted his shoulder and said softly: Let's go, don't waste time here.

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Zhuge Qingyun nodded, showed a provocative smile again, and bowed to Zhang Qiang.

Bye, see you later, you idiot!

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