Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1145 The sneak attack failed

Zhuge Qingyun waved at him triumphantly, pulling him as hard as 258,000 yuan.

Zhang Qiang was extremely angry as he listened to the whispers around him, and his face turned red.

He pushed the guards around him forward and shouted: Stop them all!

You are a bunch of trash, if you let two of them run away today, I will make sure you look good when I get back!

Stop them!

Hearing his voice, the faces of the seriously injured guards instantly turned pale.

They have all lived in the Wan family since they were young. After signing a contract of betrayal, they will naturally work for the Wan family for the rest of their lives.

They dare not disobey Zhang Qiang's orders.

Even though they knew that there was a dead end ahead, they had no choice but to rush forward and did not dare to disobey orders.

Otherwise, what awaits them may be more terrifying than death.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the leading guard, but he still whispered: Come together!

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of people once again rushed in the direction of Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun.

Zhuge Qingyun raised his eyebrows and showed a playful smile: Hey, do you still have the strength?

It seems that I acted lightly just now. He said, rubbing his wrists, planning to fight with them again.

However, before he could take action, the guards seemed to have not seen him and completely ignored him.

He attacked directly behind him, Murong Fu, who was dressed elegantly in white.

Those guards were very well calculated in their minds. Just now they fought with Zhuge Qingyun and were beaten to pieces.

Naturally, I also felt a little afraid of him, and I didn't dare to hit an egg against a stone again.

So, this time they reached out and looked at the gentle Murong Fu.

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the scene in front of him, his mind was spinning a thousand times, and he didn't know what to say.

Brother, your eyebrows

If you fight me, you might still be able to fight.

But...why are you so blind?

Zhuge Qingyun shook his head silently and prayed silently to the guards.

Murong Fu also did not expect that these people would suddenly attack him.

Seeing the flash of swords and swords attacking him quickly, he didn't show any politeness at all and slapped the leader on the face.

Bang! A clear and loud sound made the man spin around several times and fell to the ground dizzily.

Those who followed closely felt as if their bodies were flying into the sky before they could react.

Bang! Bang! Bang...

When Zhuge Qingyun saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile coldly: Haha, a bunch of idiots, let me see how crazy you are!

At this moment, Zhang Qiang's face was full of fear and panic, and his body involuntarily stepped back.

Everyone watching was silent for a moment, and then they couldn't help but clapped their hands and cheered: Okay! Well done!

This young master is really powerful. I didn't even see how he succeeded just now.

It seems that Zhang Qiang may have encountered a powerful character today.

At this moment, Murong Fu suddenly heard a sound of breaking wind behind him, and he turned his head.

Looking at the flying figure and the long sword that was dancing in the wind, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

A sneak attack? He is the person who hates sneak attacks the most in his life!

It seems that these people are really endless, like toads on their feet, not biting but responding to others.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes gradually became a little cold and murderous.

With a click!, the long sword in the attacker's hand was smashed to pieces by Murong Fu's palm.

The next moment, under the stunned gazes of everyone, a blazing light rose up from Murong Fu's body, and his spiritual energy circulated rapidly.

With a stroke of his palm, the body of the attacker fell limply to the ground. After vomiting out a mouthful of blood, he no longer lived.

In an instant, everyone present was in an uproar.

What...what! He actually dared to kill people in the street, and he killed people from the Wan family!

It's terrible. I'm afraid this young master is going to get into big trouble.

Let's go, let's not stay here for a long time...

Murong Fu looked around and suddenly noticed another wave of spiritual energy behind him.

Zhuge Qingyun saw this and quickly warned: Be careful! There is someone behind you!

Zhang Qiang took advantage of Murong Fu's attention on the guard and quietly walked around behind Murong Fu.

The figure was hidden among the messy stalls, with a sinister and sinister expression on his face, and a short dagger tightly held in his hand.

Just when he was about to make a sneak attack, Zhuge Qingyun's voice scared him so much that he almost threw the dagger in his hand to the ground.

Zhang Qiang glanced at Zhuge Qingyun with a sinister look, and then with a cruel heart, he roared at the guards again: You bunch of losers, why don't you hurry up and join us!

Suddenly, dozens of people dragged their broken bodies and attacked again at the same time.

Zhang Qiang's figure disappeared among them, waiting for the opportunity to move.

His face in front of everyone today has been completely humiliated. He will never let these two people go!

At this time, Murong Fu still stood there calmly and calmly, with soldiers coming to block him and water coming to cover him.

One after another, figures were knocked out from around him.

He vaguely caught sight of Zhang Qiang's sneaky figure, and felt speechless for a while.

The colorful world is charming, but if you don’t have the strength, don’t show off!

At this moment, Zhang Qiang did not realize that he had been exposed at all, and was still thinking about which direction to attack from in order to defeat the enemy with one blow.

He looked at Murong Fu's figure not far away, narrowed his eyes slightly, flew over in an instant, raised the dagger in his hand and was about to stab Murong Fu.

I saw that the expression on the latter's face did not change at all, and even showed a somewhat sarcastic smile.

There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me!

Just when Zhang Qiang's dagger was less than one step away from Murong Fu, he heard Murong Fu whisper: Haha, you don't overestimate your capabilities!

Before he finished speaking, Murong Fu's figure disappeared from the spot. Zhang Qiang stabbed the air with his sword and stood there stunned for a long time.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel panic in his heart, and he searched for Murong Fu's figure everywhere.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find any clues.

Zhang Qiang was suddenly at a loss, with a vague premonition in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt a cool breeze blowing behind him.

Murong Fu's figure seemed to be like a ghost, appearing behind him at some unknown time.

A sneak attack?

Let me tell you what a real sneak attack is.

See clearly!

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