Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1146 My uncle is Wan Fang

Murong Fu still had that gentle smile on his face, like a handsome young man.

But the movement of his hand was unambiguous at all, and he pushed Zhang Qiang several meters away with one palm.

Before Zhang Qiang could react, he was already flying backwards.

The speed was so fast that it smashed several stalls one after another before falling to the ground in embarrassment.

Seeing this, the guards hurriedly stumbled to their feet, and regardless of their own injuries, they helped Zhang Qiang up with difficulty.

A bunch of losers! Zhang Qiang covered his chest and kicked the person next to him in the abdomen.

The guards dared not speak out in anger, but silently cursed Zhang Qiang in their hearts, who did not know the heights of heaven and earth.

Originally, as the bodyguards of the Wan family, their status naturally increased.

However, they wanted to follow Zhang Qiang, a idiot, and act tyrannically every day, which made them look arrogant.

Although these people didn't say it on the surface, they had long been resentful of him secretly.

Now, being insulted by him again, everyone's expressions changed.

Zhang Qiang didn't notice at all, and looked blankly at Murong Fu who was not far away again.

By coincidence, Murong Fu happened to look over at him at this time, with a bit of a smile on his face.

And this smile, in Zhang Qiang's eyes, seemed to be filled with ridicule and disdain.

However, no matter how much unwillingness and anger he felt in his heart now, he did not dare to take action against Murong Fu and the other two.

Others may not know it, but he knows it in his heart.

At the moment when he had just fought with Murong Fu, he clearly felt an overwhelming aura.

He couldn't breathe at all, and even had no power to fight back.

After the sneak attack just now, he knew very well that the opponent's strength was terrifying, and it was simply not something they could handle.

He couldn't help but regret that he had provoked these two evil stars.

However, he then thought about it, the whole [Pengcheng] was his uncle's territory, and no matter how unbridled these two people were, they were just grasshoppers after the fall.

He stabilized his mind, suppressed the fear in his heart, pointed at Murong Fu and said loudly: You dare to kill people from the Wan family, I think you are impatient!

Someone, take this body back to Wanfu quickly.

“I’m telling you, Master Wan, that we must not allow such an arrogant and domineering person to run rampant in [Pengcheng]!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuge Qingyun couldn't help laughing: I say, in the realm of [Pengcheng], when it comes to being arrogant and domineering, I'm afraid no one can compare to you.

How can you have the nerve to say this?.

If I were you, I would disappear in front of us immediately, otherwise...

My brother has a bad temper. He will break your legs!

When Zhang Qiang met that terrifying gaze, he couldn't help but tremble, and the feeling of fear came one after another.

With an angry look on his face, he said to the guard beside him: Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go back and tell your uncle quickly and ask him to send someone quickly!


The guards' eyes flashed, and they lowered their heads and replied in unison.

Where Zhang Qiang didn't see them, they exchanged glances with each other, and then ran away with the body.

The leading guard sneered silently: You said this yourself, so you don’t blame us!

Before Zhang Qiang could react, those people disappeared instantly.

He looked at the group of people who were still surrounding him, but suddenly they all ran away.

He was left alone, standing there at a loss, not to mention that there were two giant Buddhas, Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun, in front of him.

Zhuge Qingyun held his belly and laughed, and it took him a long time to speak: You are a cockroach, right?

Your guards have all run away, do you want to come with them?

The sword is not sharp and the horse is too thin. You are not worthy to fight with us!

At this moment, the onlookers looked at Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun with admiration and clapped their hands to cheer them.

The two young masters are really like dragons and phoenixes among men. They are so extraordinary when they make a move!

Yeah, I think back then, this card was powerful in [Pengcheng] but no one could control it, and it would do all kinds of bad things.

Today, someone can finally avenge my sister...

Zhang Qiang's face became more and more ugly as he listened to those people's words that added insult to injury. An unknown fire arose in his heart.

However, he was now under the eaves and had to bow his head.

Originally, relying on the large number of those guards, the generals were able to fight against them.

Nowadays, he is the only one left who dares to be angry but dare not speak out.

Don't ask, why didn't he follow?

The question is, he was so frightened that his legs were weak and he couldn't move a step!

Zhuge Qingyun looked sarcastic: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Mr. Zhang, can we leave?'s okay... Zhang Qiang's calves were trembling, and he trembled while holding back a few words from his mouth.

Murong Fu looked at him with eyes full of disgust, and said softly: But we don't want to leave now, what do you think we should do?

For a moment, Zhang Qiang's trembling body stiffened instantly, and his face was constantly distorted, first white and then black.

Looking at the two people in front of him, they were approaching him step by step, with terrifying momentum.

Zhang Qiang was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, smashed the jar, and shouted: Don't touch me, my uncle is Wan Fang!

After Zhuge Qingyun heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter: Huh? Hahaha!

I'm laughing so hard, Kami Takuma, your uncle is Wanfang!

My uncle is still the Tathagata Buddha!

The onlookers couldn't help but laugh, looking like they wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

They didn't dare to offend the Wan family in [Pengcheng], and they didn't dare to call Wan Fang by his first name.

Seeing them stop, Zhang Qiang felt happy: Yes! My uncle is the head of the Wan family.

The entire [Pengcheng] is his territory.

Let me see which one of you dares to touch me!

Murong Fu couldn't help it anymore and complained: Tsk, you idiot!

He patted Zhuge Qingyun on the shoulder and said softly: Let's go, why should we waste time with such a person.

That's right! A fool is a fool. Even if his uncle is Wan Fang, it can't change the fact that he is a fool.

What Zhuge Qingyun said was full of twists and turns, a strange yin and yang tune.

The two of them continued to move forward without looking back, paying no attention to what was behind them. Zhang Qiang's expression was as wonderful as a dyeing shop.

Brother Murong, I really didn't expect that this Wan family could have such a number one person. Zhuge Qingyun was a little surprised.

Murong Fu frowned slightly and didn't say much, but he was constantly thinking in his heart.

Today he killed the Wan family's guards in the street and frightened Zhang Qiang into such a state, which can be regarded as a public slap in the Wan family's face.

Presumably, they will not give up so easily.

At this time, Zhang Qiang was completely devastated and staggered back to Wanfu. As soon as he entered the door, he started wailing:

Auntie, I was beaten!

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