In the Ten Thousand Houses, Dongfang Bubai appeared with a different face, and with the veil covering his face, no one could see anything.

Wan Yiyi had washed herself and dressed up early in the morning, but instead of setting off in a hurry, she entered the study.

Dongfang Bubai did not follow him in, but stood at the door waiting.

In the study, Wan Yiyi and Wan Fang didn't know what they said. They stayed inside for half an hour before coming out.

Wan Yiyi bowed slightly and said in a sweet voice: My daughter is going to [Wanxiang Temple] to pray for blessings, so I will leave first.

Wan Fang's eyes were full of tenderness and love, and he said softly: Go, be careful along the way, I will send a few more guards to follow you to protect you.

As he said that, he raised his hand to call a few people, and said in a cold voice: Protect the young lady's safety along the way, and follow the young lady's orders in everything.


Dongfang Bubai stood aside, looking at his nose and heart, as if the matter was none of his business.

After today, she will end her mission and try to have as little contact with the Wan family as possible.

There were no accidents along the way and everything went smoothly.

The group of people was huge, and the carriages and horses moved slowly. It took almost an hour to finish half of the distance.

Wan Yiyi was sitting in the carriage, and Dongfang Bubai was closely protecting her, so naturally she was also with him.

The two of them looked at each other in silence all the way, Dongfang Bubai's whole body exuding the indifference of being unapproachable.

However, Wan Yiyi raised her lips and smiled, not knowing what she was thinking of, and said, I'm really troubling you today.

Dongfang Bubai's tone was cold, making it impossible to detect any emotional changes: It doesn't matter, this is my mission.

She leaned against the wall of the carriage, closing her eyes slightly, as if she didn't want to pay attention to anyone.

But Wan Yiyi seemed to have no eyesight and kept chatting: I heard that you are from the [Fengtian Sect], but I don't know how strong you are?

I heard that cultivation is very hard. I admire a woman like you very much. I don't think I am just a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

By the way, I feel like we are about the same grade. Are you married?

Listening to her questions one after another, Dongfang Bubai felt a little irritated, and a dark light flashed in his eyes.

She spoke slightly, with an inaudible tone: Miss Wan, please don't worry about this. I'm capable enough to protect you.


Seeing that Wan Yiyi was about to continue speaking, Dongfang Bubai quickly interrupted her: Miss Wan, let me go check around to see if there is anything strange.

After saying that, he flew out of the carriage and flew towards a forest.

Wan Yiyi's eyes slowly changed, looking at the departing figure thoughtfully.

She tilted her head and lifted the curtain and ordered in a cold voice: Follow me and take a look.

My subordinate understands!

At this time, in the [Liu Li Shrine], Liu Li was sitting in the room, twisting a piece of pastry with her white hands and sipping lightly.

Yiyun hurriedly walked in from outside the door and reported: Master, the person we sent has handed over the fragrant ball to him.

Very good! Liuli rolled his eyes, obviously in a good mood.


Just what?

Before the two of them could finish speaking, they heard a commotion coming from downstairs of [Liu Li Shrine], which was soon covered by the sound of silk and bamboo orchestra.

Yiyun frowned slightly and ordered in a cold voice: Come here, come and see what's going on?

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the door: No!

The next moment, the door to the room was pushed open, and several people who were tied up came in, all looking embarrassed.

Liuli and Yiyun looked up, their hearts tightened and their expressions changed slightly.

Miss Liuli, is this how you [Liuli Shrine] treat guests?

Murong Fu, a handsome man, walked in from the door step by step, with a playful look in his eyes.

Liuli was a little shocked at first, but then quickly returned to her original appearance, smiled slightly, stood up and saluted: Mr. Murong, nice to meet you.

Murong Fu smiled coldly, his tone full of ridicule: I don't dare to accept it! Miss Liuli is so generous, but I can't afford this gift.

Just as Yiyun on the side was about to speak, he heard Liuli's voice: You all stand down, I have something to discuss with Mr. Murong.

Yes! The embarrassed people were immediately relieved, tied up with ropes, and left in embarrassment.

Yiyun was the last to leave, the moment the door closed.

Without Murong Fu noticing, he flicked his fingertips into the incense burner, and then nodded towards Liuli.

After everyone had retreated, Liuli, dressed in a red gauze skirt, walked to and stood in front of Murong Fu.

Before the person in front of her arrived, she had already made complete preparations and was bound to get this big help.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauties.

Her movements were full of charm, and her glance back and forth was even more captivating: Sir, do you know why I want to ask you to talk to me today?

Murong Fu was unmoved, and just slowly watched the performance of the person in front of him, looking at the burning incense burner with a vague gaze.

[Tangxiao Fragrance] plus [Hexin Fragrance], it is a fragrance that no one can resist. ..

The thoughts of the person in front of me are actually here.

Murong Fu concentrated his energy, not affected by the aroma of the room at all, and spoke calmly:

Haha, it's Miss Liuli who came to me. Do you still want to ask me why?

There is no such truth in the world!

Do you think so, Miss Liuli?

As he spoke, he took a few steps forward, slowly moved closer, and whispered against Liuli's side.

In an instant, Liuli felt like she was surrounded by a hot breath, which made her feel a feeling she had never felt before.

Just for a moment, her cheeks turned red.

Looking at the face getting closer and closer to hers, Liuli swallowed involuntarily and took a step back.


She looked into those handsome eyes, so full of emotion that one would fall deeply into them with just one glance.

The aroma spread and enveloped the two of them, the room gradually heated up, and Liuli's breathing gradually became faster.

She raised her lips and smiled, secretly rejoicing in her heart: Great, finally...

However, the next moment.

The hot breath disappeared all of a sudden, and Murong Fu turned around and sat on the chair, looking at her leisurely.

Miss Liuli, you really don't think this little trick can lure me into the game, do you?

Liuli was inexplicably panicked, and said with a slight smile: Mr. Murong, what do you mean by this?

The little girl's body fragrance, the fragrance on the note, plus the incense at this moment...

I think you are a smart man and should be able to understand what I mean.


Murong Fu raised his eyebrows, watched the changes on Liuli's face, and smiled softly.

At this time, Liuli felt embarrassed that someone had exposed her conspiracy, and she stood there for a while not knowing what to say.

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