Murong Fu looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, feeling slightly distressed for some reason.

He had already heard about Liuli's life experience from Dongfang Bubai.

This girl has suffered enough in the first half of her life. Just hearing about it makes people feel unbearable.

I hope her life will be sweeter in the future.

Really, bad luck only seeks out the miserable!

Liuli's face was slightly red, and her eyes were filled with anxiety and panic.

I thought I was doing it quietly, but I didn't expect it to be discovered all at once.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end she just let out a long sigh: Mr. Murong, do you know everything?

What do you think? Murong Fu's voice slowed down a bit, and there was some compassion in his heart.

A daughter who was supposed to be a noble girl was abandoned by her biological father and fell into the world, suffering all kinds of pain and humiliation.

I...I really have no ill intentions towards you. I just came to see you this time to tell you something important.

Liuli's eyes darkened and she spoke softly: I got accurate news that people from the Wan family are going to attack you.

It is said that Wanfang sent the Shadow Guard Commander specifically to get rid of you.

You have to be careful.

After she finished speaking, she looked straight at Murong Fu, her clear eyes filled with some indescribable emotions.

The man in front of her seemed to have an inexplicable attraction that made her fall in love with him at just one glance.

This feeling was something she had never felt before.

Some people can't say what's good about it, but it just makes people fall in love at first sight.

As soon as Murong Fu raised his head, he met such a pair of bright eyes, and suddenly felt his heart soften, and a soft place collapsed.

His face changed slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his voice: You mean, Wanjia still wants to attack me?

Liuli nodded and said with certainty: You can't be wrong. The shadow guard's name is Shu Ran. He was left behind by the previous head of the old family. His strength is extraordinary.

If you confront him, be sure to be careful...

As soon as she opened her mouth, there were some ink marks unconsciously, with a hint of worry.

Murong Fu looked at her and smiled slightly: Are you worried about me?! Liuli shook her head repeatedly, her eyes constantly dodging, not daring to look face to face with the man in front of her.

I'm just reminding you that after all, I still need your help, besides Xue Lingqi and...

She was in a daze and accidentally spoke out what was on her mind, including her intentions and calculations.

After she finished speaking, she suddenly realized what she had done and covered her mouth with panic in her eyes.

Murong Fu couldn't help but smile softly when he saw her looking like a frightened little rabbit.

Then, he curled his lips and said softly: Miss Liuli, are you trying to take advantage of me?

When the latter heard this, he immediately became anxious and hurriedly explained loudly: No, that's not what I meant.

It was the Wan family who had murderous intentions towards you first. No matter what you do, they will kill you.

It's better to cooperate with me and we will destroy the entire Wan family.

Her voice became smaller and smaller, and her head slowly lowered, with a hint of guilt in her eyes: I didn't want to take advantage of you, I just didn't want you to get hurt in any way...

At this time, Liuli didn't know why she was like this, but she just didn't want the people in front of her to misunderstand her from the bottom of her heart.

Her voice disappeared little by little, and the whole room fell into silence, and no one spoke again.

After a long while, Murong Fu slowly spoke: You are not wrong! Even if you really want to use me for revenge, you are not wrong.

When Liuli heard this, she immediately raised her head, her face full of disbelief: What did you say?

I say, everything you planned is correct, and the Wan family deserves to die! Murong Fu looked at her firmly and spoke again word by word.

In an instant, Liuli's eyes became hot, and two lines of clear tears slid down her fair cheeks.

In more than ten years, no one has ever said such a thing to her, and no one supports her actions.

Even Yiyun, who has been by her side, always advises her to give up revenge and forget the hatred.

But, how can we forget the blood feud so easily!

No one knew that every time she closed her eyes in the silence of the night, she could see her mother being swallowed by fire.

After ten years, she finally heard someone support her and agree with her.

Liuli's mood gradually collapsed, and soon she was crying out of breath, as if she wanted to vent the grievances she had suffered over the years.

Murong Fu's heart twitched, and he felt some empathy for some reason. He stretched out his hand to hold the person in his arms and comforted him softly: It's okay, don't be afraid.

He could feel the repression and disguise hidden in Liuli.

The little girl in front of me obviously did nothing wrong, but she still shouldered all the suffering.

He felt a little uncomfortable and subconsciously said: Okay, don't cry, I will help you.

As soon as these words came out, Liuli raised her head and looked at the people around her with tearful eyes: What did you just say?

Murong Fu didn't know why he was meddling in other people's business, but the moment he caught his gaze, he whispered softly: What? The little rabbit cried so hard that his ears can't even function?

I said, I will help you get revenge.

When Liuli heard this, she was slightly stunned at first, and then a warm and urgent light burst out in her eyes.

She knelt down directly on the ground and said repeatedly: Thank you, Mr. Murong, I......

Murong Fu picked her up from the ground, put her in his arms, and patted her back with his hands.

After a while, Liuli's mood gradually calmed down, and she felt a little embarrassed when she thought that she had cried so shockingly just now.

She lowered her head shyly and said in a muffled voice, I'm so sorry, it was my fault.

Suddenly, she felt a heat in her body, her feet became slightly weak, and she lost consciousness and fell into a hard embrace.

What's wrong with you? Murong Fu noticed her discomfort and quickly caught her and asked.

Liuli felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, the kind of heat radiating from the inside out, like a volcano about to erupt.

She stabilized her mind, shook her dizzy head, and forced herself to wake up.

A flash of silver light flashed, and she suddenly saw a small silver fragrant ball hanging on Murong Fu's waist. didn't throw it away? Liuli supported her weak and limp body and grabbed the fragrant ball.

Murong Fu also reacted at this time and said: I was in a hurry just now, so I forgot about this fragrant ball.

How are you feeling now? Are you okay?

What's wrong with you?

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