Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1180 Love rivals meet

Bodhisattva Miaoyi walked around the twisted people lying on the ground and walked into the meditation room.

As soon as she entered, she saw a person on the bed. His limbs were locked tightly and he could not move.

But his eyes were still shining and clear, with a bit of tenacity that refused to admit defeat: I tell you, don't try to use me to deal with Murong Fu.

You, Wanjia, are all a bunch of despicable people who only know how to do evil things behind our backs.

Bah! You are a nest of snakes and rats...

Dongfang Bubai scolded him as harshly as he could, without even noticing that there was another person in the room.

Listening to her words, Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva had some vague guesses in her heart, thinking that this person must have a close relationship with Murong Fu.

Then he took a step forward and walked in front of her: This female donor, please be quiet.

Dongfang Bubai turned his head and met a pair of cold, world-weary eyes. He was not only shocked by the aura of this man: You, who are you?

Oh? I didn't expect you monks to do evil together with the Wan family. It's really shameful!

Go back and tell Wan Yiyi that I, Dongfang Bubai, would rather die than let her threaten Fu Lang with me!

At this moment, Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva became more convinced of her suspicion and said softly: Dongfang Bubai? Are you also Murong Fu's woman?

Dongfang Bubai was originally very excited, but when he suddenly heard such a sentence, he couldn't help but wonder: Huh?

Then, she grasped the key point of this sentence and raised her eyebrows slightly: Yeah?

what do you mean?

Could it be that……

The eyes of the two women were negotiating in mid-air, sparks flashing out, and it felt like a rival in love was extremely jealous when they met.

There was a hint of smile in the eyes of Bodhisattva Miaoyi, and she couldn't help but say: I never thought that Murong Fu would have a weak woman like you.

Who do you think is weak? Dongfang Bubai struggled to turn his head, with a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat in his eyes.

Haha, it's not me who's being tied up now!

Stop talking nonsense. If you're here to watch a show, turn right when you go out.

The two people looked at each other, their auras were very high. If the situation was not right now, they would have wanted to fight for several rounds.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi gave a mocking smile: Amitabha, you may look young, but you have quite a temper.

Dongfang Bubai didn't dare to show weakness: I never knew that monks can tell lies.

Forget it, it's not a good place to stay here for a long time. I'd better get you out first.

You better think so.

The two bickered with each other, but their movements were extremely swift, and they broke four [Mysterious Iron Chains] in just a moment.

Dongfang Bubai rubbed his sore limbs. As soon as he got out of bed, he felt a surge of energy and blood in his body.

Then, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fell down softly.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi on the side saw that the situation was not good, and quickly stepped forward to help the person, with a hint of worry in her eyes.

What's wrong with you? she asked softly.

The latter waved his hand and said in a weak tone: It's okay, it's just that I was hit by Wan Yiyi's [Cartilage Crisp].

She said, trying to stand up, but as soon as she made a move, the oppressive feeling came over again.

Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva held the person firmly and said in a low and powerful voice: Stop moving. The situation is urgent now. Let's get out of here first.

Although Dongfang Bubai was unwilling to do so, he knew that this was not the time to show off his temper, so he nodded slightly.

The two simply tidied up the room, and restored the door to its original state when they went out.

The guards who were deeply unconscious were also adjusted by Miaoyi Bodhisattva, leaning against the pillars at the door of the room.

From a distance, one cannot see any flaws or abnormalities at all.

On the other side, Wan Yiyi didn't know the situation here yet, and was talking to Wan Fang with a proud look on her face.

Father, everything is arranged here, just waiting for them to go up the mountain. I have set an ambush along the way, and I will definitely make sure that he never returns.

The secret guards from the entire Wanfu have come out in force. I don't believe they can't deal with a mere Murong Fu.

This time, we must avenge our shame and let them know that our Wan family is not easy to mess with!...

Wan Fang also had a smile on his face at this time and his eyes were kind. It's beautiful. You must be resourceful, my daughter, to come up with such a good idea.

Don't worry, I've asked Shu Ran to take the lead. If they fail, we can use that woman...

Wan Yiyi said, showing a mysterious smile, and the coldness in her eyes flashed past.

At the foot of the Wanxiang Temple, Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun rushed there without stopping, followed by several spies.

Zhuge Qingyun quietly approached Murong Fu and whispered softly:

Brother Murong, these Wan family spies are really as stupid as pigs. They treat the two of us like fools and follow us so closely.

Murong Fu also slowly raised a sarcastic smile and said in a deep voice: I think it's not just these spies who are stupid, but the entire Wan family is suffering from some serious disease.

Zhuge Qingyun looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh sincerely: That's right. If they had nothing wrong with their minds, they wouldn't go against us several times.

It's going to rain, so what can I do? My mother wants to get married, what can I do?

If a person wants to die, there is nothing that can be done to stop him!

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to walk up the mountain, ignoring the tails behind them.

If you want to ask where Fang Zisheng and Liuli are, it can only be said that it is a secret that must not be leaked.

They naturally have more important things to do.

Along the way, the two people stopped and started walking in circles, round and round.

The person in the dark felt anxious in his heart, wishing he could go forward and lead the way, but he couldn't be exposed.

In the corner pavilion in the middle of the mountain, Shu Ran and a group of people were hiding here. Looking at the person coming, his voice was urgent: What's going on? What are these two people doing?

Come here, go check it out and see what they are doing!


Murong Fu heard the footsteps not far away and winked at Zhuge Qingyun.

Immediately, the two figures disappeared into the mottled shadows of the trees like ghosts.

Shu Ran, who was in the distance, had just finished giving instructions when he suddenly turned around and found that the two people had disappeared.

In an instant, he couldn't hold himself back any longer, so he rushed out of the forest and started to look around.

Where are the people? His voice was cold and biting, without any emotion.

Everyone around him was also confused and didn't see any trace at all.

Looking for! A bunch of trash!

You can't even see two living people, and they disappeared before your eyes like that?

What's the use of Wanjia raising you!

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