Shu Ran looked around and saw no sign of Murong Fu and the two of them at all, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Look! Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we must find them two.

I don't believe it. Two living people will disappear in broad daylight.

If you can't find them, don't come back!

After saying that, all the Wanjia guards looked serious, and flew around to start searching in the forest.

However, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find even a corner of his clothes.

Shu Ran's face became more and more ugly. He clenched his fists tightly and said through gritted teeth, Damn it! This Murong Fu is really a ghost. Nothing good will happen if you encounter him.

As soon as he finished speaking, a sinister voice came from behind: Are you talking about me?

He looked back subconsciously, but he was met with a strong spiritual energy, heading straight for his chest.

Shu Ran's heart was shaken, and he subconsciously stepped back, but the spiritual energy followed him like a ghost.

Murong Fu turned his palm and smiled coldly: Haha, little one, you are quite unique!

As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Ran felt a pain in his chest, and his whole body received a heavy blow.

Yeah! He couldn't help but groaned, and took dozens of steps back before he could stand still.

A sharp look flashed in Shu Ran's eyes, and she subconsciously looked at the person opposite, feeling a little wary.

Unexpectedly, Murong Fu's strength was so unpredictable that even he was unaware of it and was attacked by surprise.

Zhuge Qingyun slowly walked out from behind a tree, with a bit of ridicule in his eyes: Brother Murong, the people of the Wan family are really like a group of worms in the sewer, disgusting and disgusting!

Shu Ran glanced at the two of them one by one, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved: That's great, you two are here.

It saves me having to find you one by one.

Today is your death day!

Murong Fu looked at his gnashing of teeth and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He didn't know how many people had heard these words before, and his ears were getting calloused.

Zhuge Qingyun did not fall behind at all, and his voice was even more proud and sarcastic:

You are so arrogant and don't know what you are. You have the nerve to say such big words.

Don't let us lose ourselves like lost dogs one by one. M..

You think so, Brother Murong?

Murong Fu nodded obediently and agreed very much with what he said: Yes, you are right.

The expressions of everyone surrounding the two people changed, and they couldn't help shouting: How arrogant!

Now, you two have been surrounded. If you still want to keep your body intact, you'd better kneel down and beg for mercy now.

Perhaps, all of us can be merciful and give you a happy life.

Murong Fu shook his head and looked at them with some sympathy: Tsk, tsk, tsk!

It is important for people to know themselves.

Obviously, these secret guards sent by the Wan family had no idea how much they weighed.

Murong Fu's expression changed, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: Then I will also give you a chance to survive. Tell me, where is Dongfang Bubai now?

Shu Ran's voice was cold and ruthless, and he said four words: No comment!

The next moment, there was wind under his feet, and his black robe was blown continuously, and he flew up and rushed towards Murong Fu and the two.

Following his movements, other secret guards rose up one after another, slowly tightening the encirclement.

They trapped Murong Fu and Zhuge Qingyun in the middle and used all kinds of moves.

The two looked at each other, nodded heavily, and rushed in two directions in perfect agreement.

In the blink of an eye, a fierce struggle broke out throughout the corner pavilion. Countless figures were intertwined and complicated, making it dizzying.

Zhuge Qingyun held a long sword in his hand, with a somewhat solemn look on his face, and started fighting with several secret guards around him.

Fortunately, under the stimulation of Murong Fu these days, he improved his martial arts and practiced diligently.

Although on the surface the strength has not changed much, in actual combat it is even more handy.

It was obviously more than enough for him to deal with dozens of secret guards by himself.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his eyes revealed three parts coldness, three parts sarcasm, and four parts carelessness.

The voice was cold and ethereal: Come on, come together, is this all you have?

During the fight, he did not forget to use words to confuse their minds and make the secret guards uneasy.

Soon, several people showed their flaws, and Zhuge Qingyun seized the opportunity to repel them with one move.

This time, it greatly reduced his pressure.

On the other side, Murong Fu held the [Taiyi Split Light Sword], and as the sword light flashed by, blood sprayed out.

The secret guards who were attacking him had already fallen down clutching their necks before they could get into him.

Countless blood fell down their fingers, and their eyes widened, seemingly unwilling to rest in peace.

Although Shu Ran on the side had expected it, the moment he saw Murong Fu take action, he was still a little shocked and afraid.

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him looked young, but his strength was almost the same as him.

Even he was not sure that he could completely win this battle.

However, since the young lady has given the instructions, he must complete the task and must not let her down.

A flash of determination flashed in Shu Ran's eyes, and several people jumped up, stepped over the branches, and quickly circled behind Murong Fu.

At this time, although Murong Fu was entangled by the secret guards, his eyes were always paying attention to Shu Ran's movements.

Therefore, as soon as the wind from Shu Ran's palm broke through the air, Murong Fu was already one step ahead of him and flew behind him.

Just hearing a few screams, Shu Ran's palm hit one of his own.

The bodies of several secret guards were like kites with broken strings, breaking ten trees one after another before stopping.


Those people climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, unable to help but vomit blood from their throats, and their bodies were shaky.

Murong Fu smiled softly, with provocation in his eyes: I didn't expect that you would still like to fight in the nest!

Shu Ran clenched her fists tightly and stared at him like a hungry wolf: Don't be too happy too soon.

As he spoke, he stepped back slightly with his left foot, slightly bent his legs, and placed his center of gravity on his right leg.

The next moment, a dark wind blew through the woods, rolling countless dead leaves into the air.

The sand and gravel were mixed with leaves, making it difficult to open one's eyes, and the air was turbid for a while.

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