Murong Fu's eyes wandered back and forth between Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva and Dongfang Bubai.

There are thousands of doubts in my heart, waiting for the two of them to answer them.

Dongfang Bubai felt a little ashamed and said in a low voice, It's my fault for making everyone worry.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi couldn't help but give Zhuge Qingyun a rolling look: Okay, please stop saying a few words. She still has residual poison in her body that has not been eliminated, and her body is weak.

When Murong Fu heard this, he immediately became nervous.

He walked forward at once, held the weak person in his arms, and the spiritual energy penetrated into her body bit by bit.

His tone was urgent and his brows knitted together: What kind of poison were you poisoned? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Dongfang Bubai felt the familiar temperature on Murong Fu's body and was tightly surrounded by that sense of security.

She couldn't help but get wet at the corners of her eyes, and her voice was unknowingly mixed with a hint of crying: It's okay, it's just that Wan Yiyi who gave me some medicine.

How can that be done? Let me help you detoxify it first! After hearing this, Murong Fu suddenly became nervous.

He first took out a transparent elixir and fed it to Dongfang Bubai, and then injected the spiritual energy into her body bit by bit.

Dongfang Bubai felt her body heat up, feeling the spiritual energy constantly flowing through her body, and soon all the blocked meridians were opened.

She slowly closed her eyes, followed the guidance of the spiritual energy, and restored her spiritual energy little by little.

But after a while, her face slowly turned rosy, and the feeling of weakness was gone.

How does it feel?

It's much better now, don't worry!

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and they looked like a perfect match.

When the female Bodhisattva Miaoyi on the side saw this, her face did not change at all, but there was still a ripple in her heart.

Her eyes dimmed little by little.

Murong Fu also noticed her gaze and stretched out his hand in her direction: Miaoyi, long time no see.

The female Bodhisattva Miaoyi suddenly raised her head, happened to meet a pair of loving eyes, and subconsciously walked towards him.

The next moment, she felt her waist tighten, and she immediately hit a warm embrace.

She looked up and saw a rolling Adam's apple, which was particularly charming and dazzling.

Murong Fu looked at her, his voice slightly lowered: Why are you here?

Bodhisattva Miaoyi smiled from the bottom of her heart and replied: This [Wanxiang Temple] is famous far and wide. I happened to be in [Pengcheng] today, so I wanted to visit.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally discovered your jade pendant, so I wanted to investigate it.

Unexpectedly, I met people from the Wan family and the kidnapped Dongfang Donor.


In a few words, she gave an overview of the matter, including the plan of the Wan family's father and daughter.

After Murong Fu heard this, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Shu Ran and the people from the Wan family.

At this time, Shu Ran had given up struggling and was lying on the ground in a panic, waiting for the bugs in his body to swallow him whole.

His only hope was completely shattered the moment the Bodhisattva Miaoyi and Dongfang Bubai appeared.

It's over, everything is over!

However, there is still a burning passion in his heart that has not been extinguished, supporting him to persist until now.

On the other side, the secret guards of Wanjia all looked ashen, like frightened quails, trying their best to reduce their sense of existence.

They looked at Murong Fu hugging him from side to side, and then looked at themselves with injuries all over their bodies. They couldn't help but sigh, why is the gap between people so big?

Dongfang Bubai leaned on Murong Fu's chest, murderous intent bursting out of his eyes: Are they all from the Wan family?

Zhuge Qingyun's eyes were full of teasing: Yes, he brazenly said that he wanted to kill me and Brother Murong, but who knew he was so vulnerable.

Dongfang Bubai glanced at everyone one by one, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and sneered:

Haha, they are just a bunch of ants, they only do some dirty tricks behind their backs!

If they hadn't drugged me behind my back, I wouldn't have been captured so easily!

These people, let me come!...

Murong Fu looked at her with doting eyes and nodded slightly: Okay! Originally, I had no intention of letting them leave alive.

Be smart, we have other things to do later.

If the Wan family offends me, I must teach them a lesson!

Dongfang Bubai took a step forward, pulled out his sword from his waist, and the sword light swept across the hidden guards present:

That's exactly what I want! I've been holding in my anger for so long and I can finally let it out!

Immediately, streams of spiritual energy burst out from her body, covering all the guards.

A few people wanted to fight to the death, but in the end they were no match for Dongfang Invincible and died extremely quickly.

With each flash of light, the air becomes a little more bloody and thick.

But in the blink of an eye, all those secret guards fell down, corpses were scattered everywhere, and blood flowed all over the ground.

Dongfang Bubai's eyes were full of murderous aura, he picked up the blade and walked step by step in the direction of Shu Ran.

But I saw a man covered in blood, lying lifeless next to a big tree, his chest not rising at all.

It makes people unable to see clearly, is it dead or alive?

Murong Fu held the hand of Miaoyi Nu Bodhisattva and watched all this with cold eyes.

These people have themselves to blame!

Just as Dongfang Bubai's sword was about to pierce into Shu Ran's chest, an accident happened.

Shu Ran, who was originally lying on the ground, didn't know where he got the strength from, so he stood up and knocked away the stabbing blade.

A pair of eyes were pitch black, with no white of them visible, and they were extremely terrifying.

He glanced at the four people present, and finally laid his eyes on Dongfang Bubai, revealing a sinister smile.

He rushed forward with a single lunge, mixed with a sharp aura, and fought to the death!

Murong Fu was shocked and said quickly: Be careful!

As he spoke, he quickly flew over and stood in front of Dongfang Bubai.

However, in this moment, Shu Ran's brows widened and his voice was hoarse: You will not be Wanjia's opponent after all!

As his words fell, Shu Ran's figure rushed towards the bushes next to him, and soon disappeared.

He tried his best to burn all his meridians and spiritual energy, just to have a chance to escape from here.

He absolutely cannot die, he still has to see her for the last time and tell her...

Everyone present was shocked by his move. No one expected that Shu Ran would still have the strength to escape.

Zhuge Qingyun cursed secretly and was about to catch up, but was stopped by Murong Fu.

Forget it, no need to chase.

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