Murong Fu had a smile on his face, not caring at all about Shu Ran's escape, and stretched out his hands to hold the two ladies in his arms.

No, man!

What are you doing?

He, he, he ran away! Why aren't you in a hurry?

Zhuge Qingyun jumped to the side anxiously, looking at Shu Ran's figure that disappeared after a few moments, a little unwillingly.

Murong Fu waved his hand at him, with a hint of joking in his voice: Have you ever heard of a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry?

Zhuge Qingyun reacted suddenly and looked at him in disbelief: How can you say that to me? I regard you as my best brother, but you treat me as a eunuch.

Dongfang Bubai smiled, with a hint of love in his eyes: I think Fu Lang must have his own reasons for doing this!

I think so too. Bodhisattva Miaoyi said softly as she moved the beads in her hand.

Murong Fu nodded: Sure enough, those who know me are ladies!

Zhuge Qingyun looked at the interaction between the three people and couldn't help but think of the two sisters who lived far away in the Canglan Sword Sect.

Oh, missing is a disease...

The people on the mountain were busy and continued walking towards [Wanxiang Temple].

But down the mountain, Liuli and the Fang family father and son were naturally not idle either.

They followed Murong Fu's plan at the [Liu Li Shrine] and started making preparations individually.

In the Fang family's mansion, Liuli and Wan's father and son sat quietly in the hall, waiting for news from all parties.

A moment later, Yiyun was dressed in black brocade clothes, and his hair that was originally hanging by his ears was now tied high behind his head, making him look particularly capable.

As soon as she walked into the door, she half-knelt on the ground and reported in a quick and nervous tone:

Master, there hasn't been any action from the Wan family yet. Zhang Qiang just walked back and forth a few times.

The spies in the mansion also reported back that the members of the inner sect of the Wan family are practicing in seclusion, and all affairs are under the control of Xue Lingqi.

Furthermore, Wan Fang and Wan Yiyi did not go beyond Master Murong's expectations and took away the most elite secret guards in the mansion.

After a while, the spies sent out by the Fang family came in one by one and reported: Now, the Wan Mansion looks majestic and majestic, but in fact there are just a few weaklings left...

Fang Zisheng and Fang Yuan looked at each other and couldn't help but feel joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Liuli nodded, showing a bright but broken smile: Okay! I really want to plant flowers but not to bloom, but not to plant willows to create shade.

She stood up and saluted: Master Fang, everyone at [Liu Li Shrine] is ready now, but it depends on your orders.

Fang Yuan touched his gray beard, closed his eyes slightly, and didn't know what he was thinking. M..

He knew very well that today's move would not really shake Wanjia's status.

However, it is not without its benefits.

At this time, all the elites of the Wanjia family were taken away, which was when their strength was at its weakest.

In addition, the masters and elders of the inner sect have not yet left seclusion, so naturally no one can resist their ambush.

In this way...

Fang Zisheng and Liuli did not appear to disturb them, they just stood aside and waited.

After about a cup of tea, a crisp bird song came from the window.

Fang Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, and the momentum around him instantly changed drastically.

When the time comes, take action!

Following his order, crowds of people surged into the Fang Mansion, all dressed up.

Liuli also arranged for his men to take the lead and hide them all around Wanfu.

The sun gradually moves westward, and the dusk is like blood, shining the entire [Pengcheng] blood red.

But then, there was a chirp in the sky, and the people surrounding Wan Mansion began to move at the same time.

The main door of the Wan family was opened from the inside, and the secret guards of the [Liu Li Shrine] and the Fang family rushed in.

But in just the blink of an eye, the door was tightly closed again, as if nothing had happened just now.

Looking from the outside, Wanfu still stands there, solemn and majestic, a visible but untouchable existence.

But within the mansion, earth-shaking changes had already taken place.

Under the leadership of Fang Zisheng, the secret guards of the Fang family and the guards of Wanfu began to fight, and the scene soon became chaotic.

Blood and water flew everywhere, and screams continued.

Xue Lingqi was originally worried about the situation on the mountain, but suddenly heard the noise coming from outside the house, and couldn't help frowning.

She slammed the table, her voice full of annoyance and resentment: What's going on? What's going on outside?

However, what responded to her was still the sounds of fighting and noise coming from far and near.

Xue Lingqi also realized that something was wrong. When he was about to open the door and go out to investigate, Zhang Qiang ran in in a state of embarrassment with blood all over his body.

Aunt, aunt, it's not good!

As if he had grasped a life-saving straw, he grabbed Xue Lingqi's sleeve and said in a trembling voice, Help, something serious is going wrong!

Xue Lingqi looked at him looking so embarrassed and timid, with a bit of disgust on his face, but he still held back and asked, What's going on? How did you become like this?

Zhang Qiang's eyes were filled with tears, and his whole body seemed to be frightened, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

He opened his lips, trying to say something, but in the end no words came out.

A bad premonition flashed through Xue Lingqi's heart, and his voice was steady and powerful: Calm down! What happened?

Zhang Qiang was so shocked by this roar that he slowly came back to his senses and said, Yes, it's the Fang family. They're knocking on the door!

Xue Lingqi didn't feel anything was wrong at this time. He turned his head and looked out the window: Fang family? Why are they here again?

In the past few years, the Wan family and the Fang family have been in constant conflict, and they would get in each other's way every once in a while.

Naturally, I have called many times to ask for explanations, and it has become as familiar as a daily routine.

However, every time the result was that Wanjia narrowly won by half a point, so Xue Lingqi naturally didn't take it to heart this time.

She said somewhat casually: Knock on the door, knock on the door, you are in a panic, what do you look like?

Seeing her like this, Zhang Qiang said tremblingly: Aunt, there seems to be something wrong with the situation this time. It's different from usual.

The Fang family has brought most of the people in the house this time, and every one of them is a master in the god transformation stage, and their attacks are extremely neat and ruthless.

Even Fang Yuan and Fang Zisheng were dispatched at the same time and came to the door together...

Before he finished speaking, Xue Lingqi suddenly interrupted: This old man is already half buried in the soil, and he still won't stop!

Since they want to fight, I, Wanjia, will naturally not be afraid.

Let's go! Let me go meet them!

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