A flash of light flashed in Wan Fang's eyes, his ten fingers were clenched tightly, and there was a strong sense of resentment all over his body.

Then, he started laughing, which made Wan Yiyi a little confused.

Father, what's wrong with you?

Now that most of our elites are in the mountains, I'm afraid our home is empty right now.

If someone comes to attack at this time, mother is afraid...

Wan Yiyi was full of panic at this time, and she didn't want to delay any longer and wanted to return home immediately.

However, Wan Fang's laughter made her even more panicked, making her tremble with fear.

Finally, the weird laughter gradually stopped, and Wan Fang's eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

He took Wan Yiyi's hand and smiled particularly sinisterly: Daughter, don't worry, no one can touch our Wan family.

Don't forget, your mother is known as a [mad woman].

The small Fang family alone will never be her opponent.

Although Wan Yiyi was still a little frightened, seeing her father so confident, her worried heart slowly relaxed.

I hope so! Then let's not delay and go back home immediately to help mother!

At this time, Murong Fu and his party had reached halfway up the mountain, and then came to a place with a water source to rest for a while.

Zhuge Qingyun was still a little emotional about Shu Ran's experience, and he was talking about what happened between him and Wan Yiyi along the way.

No one would have thought that a shadow guard could have such courage and be willing to sacrifice himself for love.

He was a little confused and couldn't help but ask: Brother Murong, do you think this Shu Ran's approach is worth it?

Murong Fu recalled Shu Ran's request before she disappeared, and slowly said, Whether it's worth it depends on what that person is asking for?

Shu Ran only cares about Wan Yiyi. Even if she sacrifices herself for him, she will never regret it.

It's just that this love brain is really scary, it's really harmful to people!

Zhuge Qingyun nodded repeatedly: You are right, I don't want to be a lover anymore!

Murong Fu rolled his eyes at him and silently complained in his heart: Fart, when you see the Guan sisters, you will probably become even more in love!

Dongfang Bubai and Miao Yi Nu Bodhisattva accompanied each other to find some fruits, and fed them to Murong Fu one on the left and the other on the right, which made Zhuge Qingyun feel envious.

He turned his head quickly, with a kind of out-of-sight and out-of-mind attitude: Oh, no one is as lucky as you, Brother Murong. It's really the life of a god to hug you from one side to the other!

At this moment, Murong Fu's eyes suddenly changed, and a similar light flashed in his palm.

He stood around for a while and said secretly: Not good!

The other three people looked at him suspiciously, their eyes full of confusion.

Bodhisattva Miaoyi softly said: Fulang, what's wrong?

Murong Fu's expression changed and he said hurriedly: No, there is some trouble over at Liuli. We have to get there as soon as possible.

Zhuge Qingyun raised his eyebrows slightly: Liu Li? She and the Fang family and her son haven't captured Wanfu yet?

I'm afraid, their lives are in danger now, we have to go and have a look as soon as possible! Murong Fu said in a low voice.

In Wan Mansion, Xue Lingqi's [Blood Demon Array] has been completed, and countless blood clay figures are coming one after another.

Although Fang Yuan and others found a way to kill the blood clay man, they could not withstand such a wheel battle.

Soon, everyone in the Fang family was exhausted, and everyone was a little exhausted.

Only Fang Yuan and Fang Zisheng and his son were left, still struggling to fight off the attacking blood clay figures.

Liuli was breathing heavily at this time, looking at more and more blood clay figures, and her voice was a little trembling: We can't go on like this!

This formation is getting stronger and stronger, and the strength of those blood clay men is also constantly improving.

If we continue to sit here and wait for death, I'm afraid we will be trapped and die here sooner or later!

Fang Yuan shot out a flame with one palm and burned a blood clay man clean. He nodded with difficulty: That's right.

Moreover, the treasures Master Murong gave us can no longer last long. Soon these blood clay figures will break through this barrier.

When the rest of the people heard this, their faces turned pale, and a sense of powerlessness emerged in their hearts.

They have never seen such a weird formation, and it is impossible to find a way to break it.

We can only rely on this barrier to attack those blood clay men with fire.

If this continues, there is only death waiting for them.

Fang Zisheng held on and fought off another blood clay man: Father, think of a way!

Fang Yuan also had a sad face now, looking at Xue Lingqi who was already crazy in the distance, and shook his head slightly.

This [Blood Demon Array] will never stop dying. Only by devouring enough blood will it come into contact with the array.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Lingqi's shrill and horrifying laughter came: Hahaha, old man, weren't you still arrogant with me just now?

Now, how does it feel to fight a trapped beast?

Don't worry, I will tear you apart one by one and become a meal for my little darlings.

After saying that, the red blood mist around her became a little brighter, and under her control, the blood mud on the ground rose up one after another.

After such a long time, the blood clay man's strength has also undergone a qualitative leap, becoming more and more difficult to deal with.

Seeing that the barrier around everyone was already crumbling, hundreds of blood clay men launched an attack at the same time.

Xue Lingqi's laughter continued, and the violent impact caused small cracks in the barrier.

The expressions of everyone in the Fang family and [Liu Li Shrine] changed drastically. They all looked like headless flies: No! This barrier can't hold on for long!

Master, we have to find another way now. We must not wait to die here!


Liuli looked at the blood clay man who was only one step away, clenching her teeth tightly, and the scene of her mother's death flashed in her mind.

Her dry lips moved slightly, and her voice was mixed with a bit of bitterness: Can it be that I will never be able to defeat Xue Lingqi?

Xue Lingqi raised his eyebrows slightly, and his scarlet eyes burst out with strong hatred: Fight with me? Little bitch, you don't even weigh your own weight, just like that lowly mother of yours!

I saw ten red threads flying out of Xue Lingqi's hand, heading straight for Liuli.

With a sound of Bang! and the collision of the blood clay figures, the barrier shattered, leaving a small opening.

Xue Lingqi was a little excited. He controlled the red thread and flew in, tightly wrapping around Wan Yiyi's body.

Fang Yuan's face turned pale, and just when he was about to step forward to save her, he felt a pain in his chest, and a wet and hot liquid slid down.

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