Liuli was tightly entangled in mid-air by dozens of red silk threads, hanging upside down in the shape of a large character.

Fang Zisheng was unaware at this time, and a bloody clay figure half a step away from him rushed forward.

The long bloody hand suddenly pierced his chest, and sticky liquid mixed with blood flowed down the river.

Zisheng! Fang Yuan rushed forward with red eyes.

Then he swatted out a palm, and the fierce palm wind instantly smashed the blood clay man into pieces.

He held the person firmly in his arms, his eyes already turning scarlet.

Fang Zisheng covered his chest and showed a comforting smile: It's okay, it's just a minor injury.

His voice was broken, occasionally trembling slightly.

Fang Yuan signaled him to stop talking, took out a black pill from his arms, and fed it into his mouth.

Fang Zisheng swallowed hard, and the blood gushing from his chest quickly stopped.

His face, which had lost all color just now, slowly turned rosy.

Liuli also had a worried look on her face. Although she couldn't protect herself, she still stared at Xue Lingqi: You devil, you will not die well!

After hearing this, Xue Lingqi laughed even more crazily: Hahaha, I'm afraid you are the ones who are going to die a good death now!

A group of ants also dare to act recklessly in front of me.

Today, I will show you what a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood are!

As she spoke, the smell of blood in the air became a little stronger.

Everyone's expression changed instantly, and they hurriedly drew their swords and prepared to fight.

However, Xue Lingqi did not control the blood clay man to launch an attack. Instead, he walked step by step towards Liuli who was hanging upside down in the air.

She walked slowly, but with every step she took, she would leave a pool of dark red blood behind her, which made people feel panicked.

What are you going to do? Fang Zisheng stood up slowly with Fang Yuan's help.

A trace of vigilance flashed in his eyes, and he was about to step forward to protect Liuli.

However, he was blocked by an invisible force of blood and could not move forward one step further.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pretty little face! Xue Lingqi stood in front of Liuli.

The long and sharp nails were like a poisonous snake, bit by bit across the glazed white cheeks.

Fang Zisheng was extremely anxious and wanted to break free and rush forward.

He had already promised Murong Fu before he left that he would protect Liuli's safety.

But now, he could only watch helplessly as people were in danger, but there was nothing he could do.

Cold sweat formed on his forehead and slid down his cheeks.

At the same time, Wanfen was fighting fiercely with those blood clay men and was unable to escape for a while.

He originally wanted to go around from behind and rescue Liuli.

However, as soon as he made a move, the blood clay men seemed to have noticed and rushed towards him.

Fang Yuan was also very anxious now, but no matter how hard he tried, a blood clay man would appear in front of him, blocking his way.

Xue Lingqi became more and more crazy, and the blood mist around him became thicker and thicker.

Her eyes were blood red, and not a trace of the white of her eyes could be seen.

Her red lips parted slightly and she said word by word: Little bitch, what annoys me the most is your face!

She is exactly the same as your dead mother.

Then I'll peel off your skin first and let everyone take a good look at what you look like under this beautiful skin!

As soon as she finished speaking, she pressed her nails slightly, and fine blood beads came out one after another, and long blood marks appeared instantly.

Fang Zisheng struggled, powerful strength erupted from his body, and he managed to break free of the barrier.

He didn't have time to think at all, and he quickly hit Xue Lingqi.

There was a sound of Bang!, and before he even got close to Xue Lingqi's body, he was directly thrown away by a blood mist.

His body hit the rockery hard, and he immediately fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

Master Fang!


Fang Yuan and Liuli shouted at the same time, their eyes full of worry and panic.

Xue Lingqi, why don't you come at me! Liuli's voice was stern, and the hatred on his face was not concealed at all.

Fang Zisheng stood up unsteadily despite his physical injuries.

Although his voice was broken, he was firm: Don't touch her! Unless I die!

Xue Lingqi obviously misunderstood something, his eyes flickered back and forth between the two of them:

Hahaha, what a pair of crazy men and women, then I will kill you first, and then torture this little bitch.

As soon as she finished speaking, her whole body suddenly rose up to a height of 10,000 feet, and her figure quickly disappeared into the horizon, leaving no trace of her anymore.

Liuli and Fang Zisheng both looked puzzled and began to look for Xue Lingqi privately.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't feel Xue Lingqi's breath at all.

Seeing Fang Yuan's sight in the distance, a bad feeling arose in his heart, and he struck faster.

A few blows from his palms shattered dozens of blood clay figures surrounding him.

However, the number of blood clay men was too much, even if he could kill ten or hundreds of them.

There are tens of millions more behind, and countless more are coming one after another.

He couldn't get away for a while, so he had to shout: My child, be careful! She is behind you.

Fang Zisheng was shocked. His body reacted in an instant and he subconsciously moved half a step to the left.

It was just this tiny difference that allowed Fang Zisheng to save his life.

Pfft was a sound that was immersed in flesh and blood.

At this time, Xue Lingqi's ten fingers were glowing with black light, and he pulled them out like sharp claws.

Fang Zisheng's face turned pale and he quickly ran away.

Xue Lingqi's nails pierced his skin, as if there were countless barbs, tightly hooking his right shoulder.

Fang Zisheng failed to escape, and the severe pain made him unable to exert any strength. .

When Fang Yuan heard the voice here, he subconsciously looked back and froze in place.

Taking advantage of this gap, a petite blood clay man quietly approached him, opened his big mouth and bit his arm.

Fang Yuan was in pain and looked back to crush it.

Looking at the black blood flowing out of his arm, he secretly said: Not good!

He quickly tapped several acupuncture points all over his body to prevent the poison from spreading to his heart channels.

But those blood clay figures were even more excited when they saw the blood.

The swarms of swarms swarmed towards him, disturbing Fang Yuan's mind and almost going crazy.

Liuli struggled, twisting back and forth in mid-air awkwardly: Master Fang!

Don't worry, after I finish him off, it will be your turn next.

Xue Lingqi smiled evilly, pulled back his finger suddenly, put it under his lips and licked it, tasting it carefully.

An intoxicated look appeared on his face for an instant.

Fang Zisheng felt a chill and almost vomited.

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