Murong Fu sent everyone away, feeling secretly happy.

Hua Jingyinmeng kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear: Follow me, I have something good for you!

Good stuff? Murong Fu looked Hua Jingyinmeng up and down and said with a smile, Let's go! I want to see some good stuff.

Hua Jingyinmeng took Murong Fu's hand and walked towards the back of the auction.

Soon, we came to a hill.

This is it! Hua Jingyin Meng glanced around and said mysteriously.

Murong Fu raised his brows, knowing it in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Hua Jingyin was so bold in his dream that he liked to play this kind of tune.

Just as he was about to take action, Hua Jingyin found an iron ring in his dream. He pulled it gently, and the hill made a rumbling sound.

A cave appeared on the side of the mountain.

This is... Murong Fu looked at Hua Jingyin Meng in confusion.

This is where the Three Immortals have hidden their treasures for many years! Hua Jing said with a smile due to her dream.

Murong Fu smiled and said: Haha, I said that the three old guys will have nothing after death, but they are all hidden here!

Let's go. The three old guys are usually very cautious. I don't even dare to come and take a look. Hua Jingyinmeng said.

Haha, let's go down! Murong Fu said and led Hua Jing Yinmeng down the cave.

The cave is only about ten miles inside, not too big, and there are rows of wooden boxes.

It seems that these three old guys haven't collected many treasures over the years. Hua Jing said with some disappointment in his dream.

Murong Fu was also confused. Normally, if there was no treasure, the three old guys shouldn't dig a cave specially.

Reach out and open a treasure chest in front of you.

Suddenly, streaks of golden light flashed out against the firelight.

A piece of lifelike gold leaf, the size of a palm, was revealed in the box.

This... is quite valuable! Murong Fu opened several more in succession.

Sure enough, each one was filled with gold leaves, worth a million taels of silver.

For ordinary people, it is enough to live eight lifetimes.

Then Murong Fu discovered another tribute platform!

There was a book made of some kind of animal skin placed on it.


What is this? Hua Jing approached Murong Fu in a dream and asked curiously.

Murong Fu opened the first page of the animal skin and felt a big headache.

He didn't recognize any of the words recorded on it.

I opened the note again and almost cursed. The note was still written in Japanese characters.

Ziwei Scripture? Hua Jing said in his dream.

Do you know Japanese humanities? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Well, I have nothing to do on the island, and I know how to speak and write Japanese people. Hua Jing said in his dream.

What's written on it? Murong Fu was extremely curious about the things on the animal skin. If he wanted to understand it now, he could only rely on the translation of three old guys.

There are some strange words written on it, which seem to be similar to Taoist scriptures. I don't quite understand them. Hua Jing was shaken by his dream and read according to the words above.

The Beidou extends life and returns to the four bright lights. The light shines down and the cave glows naturally. The records of the Seven Yuan Dynasties serve the body and spirit.

The true spirit remembers the name, and the mysterious guard forms. The soul lasts forever, and the ears and eyes are not surprised...

Murong Fu's head was getting bigger and bigger the more he heard. If he had known it earlier, he would not have struck the three old guys to death. He shook his head helplessly: Forget it, let's go out first, and let Zi An come over and move the things away later.

Hua Jing picked up the two scriptures in his dream, and then took out the Heavenly Juediji Da Ziyang hand and handed them to Murong Fu: These skills are treasures, please keep them.

Murong Fu couldn't help but feel warmed when he saw such a frank woman, and even more admired his own body.

God, don’t blame me!

I don’t want to be Neptune either!

However, living in this ancient world, I still want to be an emperor's man!

He put away the three books, kissed Hua Jingyinmeng's tender lips, and whispered in her ear: The scenery outside is nice. I think your physical strength has almost recovered, why not...

Hua Jing was stunned by the dream, and subconsciously said: Come again, are you okay?


Murong Fu looked at the woman in front of him with a smile.

He is still too young, he should teach him a lesson.

Let her understand what it means for a man not to say no!

Soon after, a distinct and melodious sound came from the woods outside the cave.

The next morning.

Murong Fu took Hua Jing back to the restaurant due to his dream.

He found Jiang Zian wandering downstairs, seemingly waiting for him for a long time.

Haha, Zian, you came just in time. I found a treasure hiding place with many gold leaves. Murong Fu greeted the other party with a smile.

Jiang Zian was stunned. After waiting for such a long time, he didn't expect Murong Fu to come back from outside. He quickly saluted and said:...

Master, I have something to tell you.

What's going on? Murong Fu asked curiously.

Yesterday, we found many women in a dungeon. Jiang Zian said and glanced at Hua Jingyinmeng.

Hua Jing explained in his dream: Those are all women from the Central Plains who were bought or captured by the Japanese.

Oh, you might as well take it back together. Murong Fu said.

Jiang Zian asked: What should we do if there are more than a hundred Japanese women?


Murong Fu also took a look at Hua Jingyin Meng. The Japanese had not yet been destroyed, and these women brought back were also a scourge. It would be a pity to kill them.

Hua Jingyin's dream seemed to have guessed Murong Fu's thoughts, and said: Japanese women are very servile. It's better to stay here, find a dungeon, and train them well. Maybe they can have some effect.

Okay, their skills are top-notch, keep them! Murong Fu nodded in agreement.

Jiang Zian nodded and looked at Murong Fu sheepishly: I have one last thing to do.

Say it! Murong Fu said with a smile.

After yesterday's battle, we discovered that there were many auction items stored here, and we didn't know what to do with them. Jiang Zian asked.

After hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but his eyes lit up. If they could be put up for auction, they must be good things. If he didn't swallow them, he would be sorry for having worked so hard to kill the enemy.

Ahem, how do you think we should handle it?

Jiang Zian rolled his eyes and instantly understood what Murong Fu meant: My subordinates believe that these are ownerless things, so naturally they should take them back first and find their owners in the future.

Well, register it well. If anyone wants it, let him come and get it. Murong Fu agreed with a smile.

Hua Jing hid her face in Meng and smiled. It would be strange if she could spit it out after being eaten by this greedy guy.

Murong Fu glanced at the woman and pinched her pert buttocks hard: If nothing happens, let's get ready to leave. That thief Wuhua Bald will probably come back with someone.

Jiang Zian bowed and said: Yes, I will order them to set off now.

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