On the shore of Sanxian Island.

Everyone was even more shocked as they watched the Shadow Guards organize their actions in an orderly manner.

Brother Murong's army is really impressive. I don't know how you trained such excellent soldiers. Wan Sanqian was curious and admired.

Murong Fu pretended to be mysterious and smiled: Don't be afraid. Brother Wan is joking. They were not trained by me at all. They are so good as soon as they appear.

This... Brother Murong, what you said is really hard for me to accept. Wan Sanqian replied blankly.

Haha, Brother Murong really likes to joke, I almost believed it. Chu Liuxiang stood aside and said with a smile.

Hmph, it's just bragging. How can anyone be so good on the stage? Song Tian'er did not forget to follow suit and attack Murong Fu with a few words.

Murong Fu shrugged: Since you don't believe me, I have no choice but to tell you the truth.


Everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to know the secret.

Murong Fu started to make nonsense: First of all, we need to select some children with excellent qualifications and irrigate them with the zhenqi of first-class masters every day to open up their meridians.

Drink more milk, eat more meat...

Wan Sanqian and other people with strong backgrounds raised their eyebrows when they heard this, and countless question marks appeared in their minds.

Infuriating Qi from a top-notch master?

Drink more milk and eat more meat?

? ? ?

Master, the boat is ready and all parties are ready to set off at any time! Jiang Zian came to Murong Fu and said.

Murong Fu looked at everyone who was still thinking and reminded softly: Everyone, let's go.

Please! Wan Sanqian was sober and quickly stretched out his hand.

Everyone else also reacted and followed Murong Fu towards the boat on the shore.

Brother Murong, please wait a moment. Chu Liuxiang stopped Murong Fu just before boarding the boat.

Huh? Brother Chu, what do you want me to do? Murong Fu stopped and looked back at Chu Liuxiang, who was smiling.

After Chu Liuxiang was lost for a moment, she came to Murong Fu and said, I have an unkind request. I hope Brother Murong will agree to it.

Huh? Haha, did my ears hear it right? Brother Chu, you are a bandit commander and the best in Qinggong in the world. Is there anything else you need me to agree to? Murong Fu was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

Chu Liuxiang said seriously: I want to go to Shenshui Palace to find the antidote. I'm worried...I want to ask Brother Murong to help me take care of Rongrong and the three of them.

Huh? You want me to take care of your woman? Murong Fu shook his head. This is not a good job.

Brother Murong, I'm afraid you may have misunderstood. Although the three of them and I are close friends, we have never crossed paths. Chu Liuxiang said seriously.

Haha, Jellyfish Yinji is not that easy to deal with. Murong Fu was not optimistic that Chu Liuxiang could defeat the opponent.

Chu Liuxiang smiled bitterly: I went to get the antidote but not to fight. I have no grudge against Jellyfish Yinji. Logically speaking, she won't embarrass me.

Haha, you said it was reasonable, but which woman have you ever seen who was reasonable? Murong Fu said with a smile.

Chu Liuxiang was stunned and couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, the two of them boarded the boat together.

In the city of Suzhou, in a luxurious manor.

Murong Wudi's daughters and sons-in-law were sitting among them.

What do you guys think, how should I save my father? Murong Shuang looked around and asked the crowd first.

Murong Shanshan glanced at her husband, Qin Jian, the leader of the Guangdong and Guangxi martial arts circles, and said, What do you think we should do?

Qin Jian said with some embarrassment: Murong Fu is also a leader in the southern martial arts world. I'm afraid it wouldn't be good for us to take action directly.

Murong Shuang's husband, Nangong Liu, echoed: That's right! I think it would be better to discuss this matter in the long run.

What a fart! Murong Shuang directly rejected Nangong Liu's words: My father is trapped now. Do you know how much torture he is suffering now?

Second sister, you are really capable of mischief. I have already inquired about any torture you can get. Except for the dampness in the dungeon, your three meals a day are no worse than ours. The beautiful woman in purple clothes shook her head in denial.

Lao Qi, you also said that the dungeon is damp. Do you think dad can handle it? Murong Shuang glared at Murong Qiniang fiercely.

Murong Jiu persuaded in a low voice: Second sister, my eldest cousin won't do anything to my father. Otherwise, let's wait until he comes back!

That's right, I heard that Murong Fu is extremely lustful, so why not give him a beautiful temptation. Murong Sixth Sister said half jokingly and half seriously.

Lao Liu, please be more serious! Murong Shuang looked at the sisters who were taking their time and was very angry: Forget it, I won't save him even if I don't want to, and let daddy die in Murong's house. In the dungeon!

Seeing that she was angry, several other people quickly stood upright and tried to persuade her: Second sister, don't be angry. It's our fault. We didn't say we wouldn't save daddy.

Save, how to save, we have been living here for more than half a month, and there is still nothing we can do. Murong Shuang was extremely angry.

Seeing that his wife was really angry, Nangong Liu didn't dare to hesitate any longer and held her in his arms: Don't be angry, don't be angry, at worst, I will go to Murong's old house to bring my father back tonight.

Isn't this bad!

As the leader of the Guangdong and Guangxi alliance, Qin Jian naturally has many subordinates, and he usually cherishes his reputation. Murong Wudi deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors to deal with his master's family and was caught. If they were rescued like this.

How can he convince the public in the future?

How to educate subordinates about fairness and justice?

If you don't want to go, forget it. I'll go! Murong Shanshan also imitated her second sister, folding her arms and turning her head to ignore others.

Qin Jian suddenly felt dizzy and knew it was impossible not to go. He hugged Murong Shanshan and said, Go, go. Today, my second brother-in-law and I will go together. If we can't save dad, can we not come back?

Humph, you still have some conscience. Murong Shanshan managed to smile.

Seeing this, the other girls also forced their husband-in-law to join them.

Except for the mysterious eldest sister who never showed up, Murong Wudi's seven uncles decided to break into the old house tonight to rescue their father-in-law.

At this time, a group of strange people walked in at the gate of Gusu City.

They wear hats and long robes.

Each one of them covered themselves tightly and was extremely mysterious.

Hey, Hou Xibai, do we still need to be so cautious when dealing with a mere Murong Fu? asked a tactful and touching voice with a hint of coquettishness.

Hou Xibai shook his head with a wry smile: After all, we are members of the Demon Sect and we are closely related to the Yuan people. Naturally, we have to be more cautious when we come to the Song Dynasty. Otherwise, it will be a big trouble all the way here.

Well, now that we are in Gusu City, I will reluctantly forgive you! the charming voice said again. M..

Hou Xibai smiled slightly and was not angry, but a stunningly beautiful female monk with captivating eyes beside him said: Amitabha, you have been barefoot all the way here. I'm afraid half of our whereabouts have been exposed.

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