Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 126: Cultivation of the Heavenly and Earthly Destroying Great Ziyang Hand

Hey, I didn't come with you, so don't accuse me wrongly. The woman with bare feet was none other than Murong Fu's young lady - Huan Huan.

She always speaks in an arguable manner, how could she be criticized by Wuxiang Bodhisattva.

Humph, right? Everyone knows it! Wuxiang Bodhisattva chanted the Buddha's name, as if he didn't want to have any more disputes with Huanhua.

Huanwen walked up to Wuxiang Bodhisattva and asked provocatively: I heard that you have practiced the Wuxiang Dharma to a superb level, and your strength is close to that of the great master. Is this true?

Amitabha, I just want to learn how the Yingui Sect's Heavenly Demon Strategy is so superior. Wuxiang Bodhisattva exuded strange spiritual power from his whole body and was about to solidify his 婠婿.

Haha, don't be vindictive, you two. Seeing that the two girls were about to escalate into a physical conflict, Hou Xibai quickly stopped them.

The mental power of Wuxiang Bodhisattva is a consumable. Although it is powerful, it requires a rest of ten days and a half if it is used once. And once it is backfired, it will be a big trouble!

So when she acts, she always has to be accompanied by her senior brother Tie Yan.

Interesting... Since you and I are not from the same place, let's say goodbye and see you again! Huanyuan said and turned to leave, preparing to tell Murong Fu the news.

Miss Huanhan, I advise you not to leave. A man with a stiff appearance and a pure steel mourning stick in his hand blocked Huanhua's way.

Huanwan glanced at the man, but did not talk to him. Instead, she looked at Hou Xibai: What do you mean, you are bullying me? Do you want me to go back and talk to my master?

Haha, Huanyuan, don't make trouble. We all came together, so naturally we have to advance and retreat together. I heard that Fuguiju here invited an imperial chef from the Song Dynasty. Why don't you go over and try it? Hou Xi fanned with a white paper fan. Fan, said with a smile.

Huanwan nodded: Okay, your aunt, I'm hungry! Let's go!

A few people discussed it and decided to eat at the wealthy residence. However, Madam Liu's royal meal was not scheduled until next spring, so they could only deal with it casually.

Guys, I heard that Murong Fu has been living in the old house recently. I plan to go over there tonight and kill him directly to catch him off guard. What do you think? Hou Xibai said with a smile.

Wuxiang Bodhisattva nodded: Amitabha, Mr. Wuxiang is right. Murong Fu is very powerful. If you want to kill him, you must take him by surprise.

Yes, yes, my aunt agreed. Huanhua said with a smile.

Hou Xibai glanced at the others a few more times and saw that none of them had objections, so he decided to go tonight.

A group of seven people found a secret place to rest and wait for night to fall.

But they didn't know that Murong Fu was not in the old house at this time, but enjoying a different kind of warmth in the sea.

Are you really not going to stay with me? Murong Fu asked in confusion while holding Hua Jing Yinmeng and stroking her body.

Well, you don't lack women to serve you. If I stay here, I'll just be a vase. I might as well go out and find out information for you. That's what I'm good at. Hua Jingyinmeng explained.

The information I have is indeed a bit limited. If you like it, just go to Luoyang. Murong Fu explained.

Luoyang? Hua Jing was puzzled by the dream: Isn't it better to go to Yingcai?

Although Yingtian is the capital of the Song Dynasty, it is a mixed bag. It is difficult to get useful information. It is not as practical as coming from Luoyang. Murong Fu explained.

Hua Jingyinmeng said Yes: Wherever you want them to go, they will go.

Thank you for your hard work! Murong Fu laughed with satisfaction and patted Hua Jingyin to put him to sleep.

He got up and went to the next room and took out the Heavenly Juedi Da Ziyang Hand.

The Great Purple Sun Hand of Heaven and Earth Destruction is one of the Great Compassion Gifts of Heaven and Earth Conquering Yin and Yang. It is a palm technique that can condense purple fire in the hand. It is somewhat similar to Jiumozhi's flame knife.

A purple handprint is left on the body. In the mild case, the heart will be burned. In the severe case, the blood and internal organs will be burned into fly ash. There may not be any scars on the surface, but in fact, it has been burned into a human body. Skin, chilling.

Murong Fu looked at the above introduction with some admiration. Who on earth could develop such a technique? He is simply a genius!

This skill requires the inner strength of the Dantian to condense the Yang evil energy, making the hands feel hot.

This level seems simple but is actually the most difficult. The internal skills practiced by ordinary people seem to have no attributes, but this is not the case.

More or less, it has something to do with the five elements of heaven and earth.

For example, if you asked Yao Yue to transform her internal energy into Yang evil energy, she would not be able to do it in her life unless she practiced her skills again and again.

But for Murong Fu, such Yang evil energy was extremely simple.

He only needs to run the Nine Yang Manual, and his whole body will be filled with pure Yang energy and emit dense purple energy.

The true energy condenses in Dantian, gathers along the meridians and pulls out with both hands.


Purple flames actually appeared on his hands.

Murong Fu was startled and quickly tightened his internal strength.

With his more than a hundred years of internal strength, don't accidentally set the ship on fire.

The second step is to temper the palm with purple sun, which requires all ten fingers to turn into amethyst color.

At this time, you can resist the treasure soldiers. With continued tempering, the amethyst color gradually fades, and the palms return to flesh color again, which is a great achievement.

Then the Yang evil was unleashed, destroying the world!

Murong Fu looked at the flames dancing in his palms and fell into a trace of distress. ..

Now that I have surpassed the level and mastered this skill, do I still want to burn my body to self-mutilation?

No matter how you look at it, you feel that this is body training, which is somewhat similar to Dragon Prajna Kung Fu.

His eyes suddenly lit up. If Ziyan can temper the bones of his palms, does that mean it can also temper his whole body?

When the time comes, I will be invulnerable to weapons, water and fire without the need for any precious armor.

Isn’t it invincible?

When Murong Fu was rejoicing, he couldn't help but lower his head and glance there.

How about tempering this thing?

Am I more powerful than Xuanyuan Huangdi?

However, as the first loser of the great success.

Murong Fu still rejected all the useless thoughts and began to practice step by step from his palms.

The tree that hugs each other is born from the smallest grain of wood; the nine-story platform begins from tired soil; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

If he wants to be strong, he must be strong and steady, and he must not repeat his old path!

It was night, and Murong Fu was still practicing on the boat.

Murong's old house welcomed two groups of uninvited guests at the same time.

One group wanted to kill him, and the other group wanted to steal something from his house.

The person who killed him didn't understand the topography of the old house at all, after entering it.

It wasn't long before everyone was lost.

Huanwan even ran away when others were not paying attention.

What should we do? We can't find Murong Fu's location at all. The zombie man Xiao Xiangzi said.

Hou Xibai looked at Wuxiang Bodhisattva and said, Can you find a way to find Murong Fu's hiding place?

Wait a minute, let me try to use my mental power to sense it. Wuxiang Bodhisattva said and was about to activate her mental power, but was stopped by her senior brother Tie Yan: Don't move, the patrol is coming!

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