Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1324 Coming out of seclusion

Murong Fu understood everything after seeing Miao Yi's eyes.

He knew Miaoyi very well, and now he immediately knew what Miaoyi was thinking.

Miaoyi also spoke immediately at this time.

If she didn't speak at this time, it would be out of character for her.

Fu Lang, I actually don't want you to look down on me.

Okay, don't talk nonsense to me. How can I look down on you? Hey, how does that feel?

Seeing that Miao Yi insisted on doing this, he didn't have much to say.

And seeing Xie Wenxin nearby, it was obvious that Xie Wenxin was helping to a certain extent.

It's just that Miaoyi refused Xie Wenxin's help. He himself understood Miaoyi's need to be stronger.

Everyone has his own personality, and he will not forcefully change it.

Of course, if some people have bad personalities and directly offend him, he will not let them go.


Miao Yi chuckled.

He was very happy and leaned directly into Murong Fu's arms.

To her, Murong Fu's arms were extremely warm.

At the same time, she also hoped in her heart that this moment could last forever.

While having this idea, she also had some desire for strength deep in her heart. In fact, in the past, with her understanding, she was able to defeat many people.

But this kind of understanding was not enough in front of Murong Fu.

And at this point, her understanding is nothing. After all, none of the people here are geniuses.

Okay, but you have to remember that nothing can be left to chance. After all, there is no chance of a do-over in life.

After pinching Miao Yi's fair and tender face again, Murong Fu looked at Zhuge Qingyun and Xie Wenxin.

Zhuge Qingyun's whole temperament has already undergone some changes.

Murong Fu nodded secretly.

Very good, my brother has made a breakthrough.

Xie Wenxin smiled and handed him a token, scratching his shoulder at the same time.

Hey, Lao Fu, you've finally come out. I'm really afraid that you won't be able to catch up with this basket tournament. This is the token for the first round. Only those who have the token in their hands can enter the second round. Bureau.

After Xie Wenxin finished speaking, he was speechless.

And after Murong Fu took over the token, he always felt that something was missing.

What's next? Just keep waiting, right?

At this time, Zhuge Qingyun on the side couldn't help but smile.

The list in the middle of the city is a ranking, which is the ranking of the lower realm. Above the sky, those who are still fighting are the people of the upper realm. They are also competing for the ranking above the list. They should be It will take a while to finish the fight, they just started fighting now and don’t have much time.”

Zhuge Qingyun analyzed it this way.

However, according to his inner calculation, these people in the upper world may not be able to fight for long.

And at this moment, Murong Fu directly let go of his senses, and in an instant, he swept away all the people in the upper world high in the sky.

Good guys, these are the people from the upper world, why do they feel like they are not as good as that Heavenly Ghost elder?

Couldn't this be a group of actors?

Murong Fu felt a little helpless in his heart.

Originally, he thought that each of these people in the upper world were extremely powerful. At the very least, they must be much stronger than the ghost elder that day.

After all, it looked like the other party had come to the lower realm in a sneaky way.

Then the strength must be inferior in the upper realm.

As for what Elder Tian Gui himself called about the upper realm before, to be honest, Murong Fu didn't take it seriously at all.

From Murong Fu's point of view, if you were really that strong, how could you come to this lower realm. Don't stay in the upper world anymore.

Obviously, he came to this lower realm because he could no longer survive in the upper realm.

Don't talk about the Roland Conference.

At that time, Murong Fu had this idea in his mind.

Now it seems that Elder Gui was right that day.

After all, the people participating in the Roland Conference are all geniuses of the younger generation.

Although in his perception, these geniuses were ridiculously weak, some of them were even weaker than Xie Wenxin.

In Murong Fu's view, the strength of a child like Xie Wenxin who secretly ran away from the family must be nothing in the upper world.

After all, it is still the same reason. If he is strong enough, why would he come to this lower realm?

Picture what?

The spiritual energy in the lower world is not as abundant as the spiritual energy in the upper world. And the Upper Realm is a famously good place.

As long as there is no one in the lower realm, there is no one who doesn’t want to go to the upper realm.

There are even people who are willing to pay any price in order to go to the upper realm.

These are the people in the upper world? Are they a little too weak...

Murong Fu still had some doubts in his heart.

But he also felt a little uncomfortable at the moment.

Looking up at a swarm of ants flying around, I wish I could feel better. It would be a ghost.

Then Murong Fu turned his head and looked aside.

A more accurate statement is that Murong Fu looked directly at the book and the seat next to him.

In an instant, two old men suddenly appeared. One of the two old men was wearing white clothes, and the other, Murong Fu, looked a little familiar.

Like the housekeeper in the city lord's mansion.

Why did the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion get together with this old man in white?

Moreover, the clothes of these two people are both white and black. Could it be that these two people are having an affair?

Murong Fu quickly threw out those completely unrealistic ideas from his mind.

Shuhe, okay, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard before that you have been raising your daughter in the lower realm. I originally wanted to come to the lower realm to see you, but in Before this, after I came, you were not here, oh, this time it is just right.

The old man in white held Shu He's shoulder with one hand.

At the same time, he was slightly surprised in his heart.

Good guy, this book is indeed a genius. I don’t even know how it came out just now.

If that old boy Lao Wang hadn't sensed you, I really wouldn't have known you were here.

The old man in white was also extremely surprised at this moment. He originally thought that Shu He's cultivation in this lower realm was somewhat neglected, but he didn't expect that Shu He still had some strength.

Just like suddenly appearing here now. Moreover, it directly escaped his perception and detection.

If this kind of ability were placed in the upper realm, it would be considered a strong one.

He didn't expect that he would find such a surprise this time in the lower world.

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