Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1325 Can I challenge them?

Shuhe also smiled slightly. He had actually helped this old man in white many times.

Especially when he was in the upper world before, it was through him that Shuhe escaped the pursuit of that family in the upper world.

The situation at that time was really dangerous.

At that time, for Shu He, the only hope in his heart that he wanted to survive was Shu Mengman, who still needed to feed himself. But now, fortunately, everything is in the past.

He no longer has to hide.

At least he was already well versed in this lower realm, and with the arrogance of his family, he was too lazy to come to this lower realm.

In addition, with the help of a group of friends, including the help of the old man in white.

So in these years, Shuhe can be said to have lived a very stable life.

At least no one came to trouble him.

Some people from the lower world came to trouble him, but for him, it was not a problem.

Therefore, Shu He was extremely polite when treating an old man in white.

Haha, I am here this time just for my daughter. It is indeed a coincidence that I happen to be the lord of this city.

Shuhe also laughed.

My daughter's safety is no longer an issue.

I also met a friend of my own at the Roland Conference. What is this? This can be considered a good luck.

Thinking of this, Shuhe's smile became a little bigger.

That one is your daughter, let me see how old she is?

The old man in white was also curious about what Shuhe's daughter looked like. At the same time, he also thought that Shuhe was originally a genius in the upper world.

And the people in that family are no longer weak.

If these two are added together, what will happen?

After all, the most likely chance of a union between a genius and a genius is to give birth to a genius.

This is an extremely natural law.

And it’s very common sense.

Shu He also smiled slightly at this moment and pointed at Shu Mengman beside him. In fact, the old man in white had already noticed it without him having to point it out.

Because he found that Shu Mengman was 60% more like Shu He.

The remaining shadow looked more like the woman.

Alas, they are also a pair of miserable people.

That woman has been locked up by that family. Basically, there is no freedom. If it were not for an ancestral instruction, that woman would die in the end.

The old man in white thought a lot in that moment, and the next second he looked at Shu Mengman slightly. With just a casual look, he could already find that Shu Mengman also had some talents. Yes, but the more unfortunate problem is.

The aura in Shu Mengman's body is all aura from the lower world, and the quality is not very high. And there is no Tao, law, or intention in her body. She does not have these things in her body.

Hey, I was a little delayed in the lower world. What is this child's name?

Shu Mengman, my favorite daughter, unfortunately there is no other way. I can only come to this lower realm. But after that, my daughter can rely on this opportunity to go to the upper realm. I am satisfied.

And he is also followed by a young strong man who is relatively rare in the world. How strong is he?

It's incredibly strong.


The old man in white nodded in agreement with a sad expression. He could be regarded as someone who knew the book and the past.

But at this moment, he secretly looked at Shu Mengman's ranking and found that Shu Mengman was not among the top ten. I was also relieved. There is no great honor in being in the top ten. But to be treated as a victim.

In fact, originally a hundred people from the lower realm were all going to become victims to open the secret realm and explore the way.

But after that adult spoke once, many forces changed their plans.

From this there are ten people, not all those who have passed through the lower realm.

At the same time, the old man in white also discovered that there was an additional person's name in the list of the lower realm.

Murong Fu.

When did this person appear?

He has always been here.

Immediately, the old man in white also discovered Xie Wenxin and Murong Fu. In fact, they were all standing at a very close distance.

It was just that the old man in white subconsciously ignored Murong Fu.

This young man who just appeared had also heard what he said just now.

It is said that the people in the upper realm are a little weak.

Then the old man in white also directly investigated Murong Fu.

After this investigation, he discovered something was wrong. With his strength, there was no way to see through Murong Fu's strength. During his investigation, Murong Fu seemed to be an ordinary person.

However, the next moment, there was some pain in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Murong Fu's eyes flashed with murderous intent quickly.

No one present could catch it, but he just felt it.

In an instant, the old man in white put away his contempt for Murong Fu. Such an ability was already quite extraordinary.

And this young man is also qualified to say such things.

Lao Fu, this old man is the person who is organizing this Roland Conference on his behalf.

At this time, Xie Wenxin spoke directly without any scruples.

When the old man in white clothes heard Xie Wenxin's words, he immediately realized that Murong Fu had also just arrived.

And Xie Wenxin took two tokens directly because of Murong Fu.

Well, can I challenge those in the upper world?

Murong Fu asked directly. He could probably guess some such rules.

Those who have taken the token can challenge each other for a ranking.

Murong Fu felt that it was unnecessary to compete with these people from the lower realm for a ranking.

Because in his opinion, these people from the lower world cannot even trigger his early warning nerves. what does that mean?

This situation means that the opponent is already ridiculously weak.

The old man in white also smiled.

Of course you can, but you have to wait until they finish.

At this time, Wang Xing, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion, patted the old man in white on the shoulder and said directly.

This is the terrifying genius I mentioned to you, the one I am most optimistic about.

The old man in white also nodded one after another.

As for Murong Fu, he also planned to take a closer look at what level Murong Fu's strength was.

So you are the genius. I was looking forward to your strength. I feel that you are indeed not weak...not weaker than me. After they finish fighting, you can directly challenge them,

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