Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1339 Bu Jingyun comes to visit

Under the moonlight, Murong Fu stared at the silver moonlight, and the thoughts in his heart flowed like a river.

Originally, according to the cause and effect of Fengyun World, Dugu City Lord's action towards Duan Lang should only be to distract him.

Let him join Wushuang City through persuasion.

But now, it has become such a decisive approach.

Murong Fu held the token of Dugu City in his hand, his eyes were deep, as if he was trying to peek into the secret hidden in it.

Could it be that it was because of the external variable myself that was added to it?

Murong Fu couldn't help but have such questions in his heart.

He recalled his acquaintance with Duan Lang and his series of actions since entering the world of wind and cloud. Has this touched the original trajectory?

Does it put those originally solid plans in jeopardy?

Under the moonlight, Murong Fu's expression became increasingly calm.

And at this moment.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang stood side by side, Duan Lang's face still showed the exhaustion and nervousness after the battle just now.

Murong Fu turned to look at him, patted Duan Lang's shoulder lightly, and said, Brother Duan Lang, don't worry, I will go to Xiong Ba personally and let him arrange for you to leave Tianxiahui smoothly.

When Duan Lang heard this, gratitude flashed in his complicated eyes, but there seemed to be a hint of worry hidden in them.

He bit his lip and said in a deep voice: Brother Murong, will this make Xiong Ba misunderstand you? I don't want you to get into trouble because of me.

Murong Fu smiled lightly, with a glimmer of confidence in his eyes.

He shook his head gently: Although the scene I met for the first time with Tianxia Hui was not what I expected, at least it gave me the name of 'immortal'.

He still has to give me this little bit of face. He won't embarrass me.

When Duan Lang heard this, the worry on his face gradually faded away, replaced by a hint of relief.

But Murong Fu had another plan in mind.

He silently thought in his heart that if Xiong Ba was really hostile to him because of this incident, then it would be a good idea for him to destroy the Tianxiahui himself.

The power in his hands is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Duan Lang stood silently aside, his awe and gratitude towards Murong Fu intertwined in his heart.

And soon.

Murong Fu took Duan Lang back to the inn room. After settling in Duan Lang, he chose to sit at the desk by the window.

The night outside the window is getting darker, and a bright moon is looming behind the clouds. The moonlight shines on the desk, covering it with a hazy silver layer.

Murong Fu knew in his heart that tonight's date was not an easy one.

He took down a book and flipped through it, but his eyes were not focused on the words.

He looked out the window from time to time, waiting for Bu Jingyun's arrival.

Duan Lang was sitting on the bed beside him. His face was slightly pale. He was still a little frightened by the battle and danger just now.

He looked at Murong Fu's back, his heart full of respect and gratitude.

Time passed slowly, the night got deeper and deeper, and the noise on the street gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of dogs barking in the distance.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement outside the door, as gentle as the wind blowing through the leaves.

Murong Fu's ears twitched, he put down the book in his hand, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

The sound sounded again, this time closer.

Murong Fu stood up and walked gently to the door, staring at the crack of the door.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open gently, and a black shadow swept into the room. His movements are agile and light, like a vigorous leopard.

While Bu Jingyun's eyes were scanning the room, they suddenly fell on Duan Lang.

His eyes suddenly became frightened, and all the muscles in his body tensed up, as if they were ready to explode at any moment.

Duan Lang?! Bu Jingyun's voice was full of shock and confusion.

He turned around and rushed out of the room at a speed that was dizzying.

However, the moment he was about to touch the door handle, he suddenly felt an invisible force trapping him, making him unable to move.

Murong Fu had already stood up and waved his left hand lightly. The smile on his face did not disappear, but instead contained a hint of teasing.

He used magic to freeze Bu Jingyun in place.

Bu Jingyun struggled and tried to move, but found that his whole body seemed to be entangled in countless thin threads, unable to break free.

His eyes were full of surprise, but also showed a hint of fear. ..

Murong Fu walked slowly to his side and said softly: Master Bu, why are you so nervous? We are gathered together tonight just for some common purposes.

As for Duan Lang being here, it's just an accident. There's no need to panic.

Bu Jingyun bit her lower lip tightly, the fear in her eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by determination and calmness.

He said coldly: Mr. Murong, do you think you can make me submit with this method?

Let me tell you, I, Bu Jingyun, am not afraid of life or death. I can kill or behead you as you please.

After hearing this, the smile on Murong Fu's face did not diminish, but instead deepened. He looked into Bu Jingyun's eyes and said slowly: I believe in Bu Daxia's courage, and I don't want to achieve my goal through force.

What I did was just let the hero calm down and listen to me.

After saying that, he waved his hand, and the invisible rope that bound Bu Jingyun disappeared immediately.

Bu Jingyun's body suddenly regained its freedom, and he turned to look at Murong Fu, with probing and wary eyes.

Bu Jingyun couldn't help but stare at Murong Fu with a hint of eagerness and nervousness. He swallowed and tried to keep his voice steady: Mr. Murong, I don't understand what you want to do.

Why did you suddenly come to me, and...where did you get my uncle?

What exactly do you want from me?

He stared straight at Murong Fu, and his voice was almost threatening: Who are you? What do you want us to do? Why are you looking for me and my uncle? What is your real purpose?

Murong Fu was slightly caught off guard by Bu Jingyun's barrage of questions.

But he still tried to stay calm. The smile on his face did not disappear, but the light in his eyes became deeper.

Duan Lang listened a little impatiently, and he couldn't help but interject: Master Bu, you ask so many questions at once, how are you going to answer them?

Bu Jingyun glared at Duan Lang, obviously his eagerness did not lessen. He locked Murong Fu's eyes tightly and said word by word: These issues are related to our safety, I must know.

Murong Fu had a look of impatience on his face.

Suddenly, he waved his hand.

Just when Bu Jingyun was about to ask another question, he suddenly felt that he was speechless. He opened his mouth and looked at Murong Fu in shock, obviously not understanding what happened.

Murong Fu looked at Bu Jingyun's confusion and annoyance, smiled slightly, and said lightly: Don't worry, I'm just letting you be quiet for the time being.

There are some things I need you to listen to carefully.

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