Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1340 See you next time

Duan Lang looked at this scene and couldn't help but shake his head, thinking that Bu Jingyun really talked too much, even Murong Fu couldn't bear it.

Murong Fu turned his head, looked at the moonlight outside the window, and began to explain: First of all, you don't have to worry about Huo Lie.

I just used special means to fake his death for a while. According to custom, he should be thrown into a mass grave.

But now, he should have woken up and left that place.

When Bu Jingyun heard the news about Huo Lie, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

But he still couldn't speak and could only listen quietly.

Murong Fu continued: As for Duan Lang, your purpose is to revive the family.

Now that the world is no longer your destination, you have no reason to stay there. I helped you leave for the same purpose.

Although our routes are different, our directions are the same.

Listening to Murong Fu's explanation, Duan Lang couldn't help but have some new understanding of Murong Fu.

He felt that although Murong Fu was mysterious, his words were full of wisdom and thoughtfulness, which made people believe him.

Murong Fu turned his head, looked at Bu Jingyun, and said in a gentle tone: Master Bu, I know you have many questions and doubts.

I will explain it to you one by one. But now, the first thing we need to determine is the path we want to take.

Bu Jingyun's expression gradually relaxed, and he understood that Murong Fu had no ill intentions and just wanted him to calm down and think seriously.

Murong Fu looked deeply at Bu Jingyun, as if he wanted to penetrate into the depths of his soul. He sighed softly, patted Bu Jingyun on the shoulder, and said, Master Bu, I know your mood, your desire for revenge and your persistence in family honor.

But now, your best choice is to continue to lurk in Tianxiahui.

Bu Jingyun's eyes lit up, and he seemed to understand what Murong Fu meant, but he asked hesitantly: But what about revenge?

I can't just let those enemies go.

A deep smile appeared on Murong Fu's face, and he said slowly: You can leave the matter of revenge to me.

Your position in Tianxiahui is more suitable for observation and message transmission, rather than direct action.

I will find all the enemies one by one and make the final settlement for you.

Duan Lang listened silently, feeling Murong Fu's determination and Bu Jingyun's confusion.

He knew that this was a complicated mental journey. Bu Jingyun's road to revenge was full of twists and turns and difficulties. The appearance of Murong Fu was undoubtedly a new hope.

Bu Jingyun looked into Murong Fu's eyes, and there seemed to be a force crushing his hesitation and confusion.

He took a deep breath, then nodded firmly and said, Master Murong, I believe you. Then, please be sure to liquidate those enemies for me.

Murong Fu put his hand on Bu Jingyun's shoulder, a firm light flashed in his eyes, and said in a sonorous voice: Bu Daxia, don't worry, I will definitely do this for you.

You only need to continue to stay in Tianxiahui and do a good job of observation and information collection, and leave the rest to me.

At this moment, the conversation between the three people was interrupted by a subtle sense of tension.

Murong Fu's expression changed, as if he sensed something, and he suddenly turned his head to look out the window with a solemn expression.

He slowly stood up and looked through the window to the darkness downstairs of the inn, where there seemed to be a dangerous aura hidden there.

Duan Lang immediately noticed something strange about Murong Fu and asked nervously: What's wrong? Is something wrong?

Murong Fu did not answer, he turned around, quickly took out a yellow talisman from his sleeve, and said to Bu Jingyun: You go first, this talisman can temporarily hide your body, and no one can Discover your presence.”..

But remember, once you tear it off, it's invalid.

Bu Jingyun realized the seriousness of the situation. He didn't ask any more questions and seriously took the talisman handed over by Murong Fu. He took a deep look at Murong Fu and said with emotion: Master Murong, I believe in you, too. Thanks you.

I will remember your kindness and we will meet again when everything is over.

Murong Fu nodded and said firmly, Go ahead, remember, be careful in everything.

Bu Jingyun hid the talisman, walked quickly to the window, turned over and jumped out of the window.

He knows that he has a heavy responsibility, and the most important thing now is to protect himself and wait for the right time.

Downstairs in the inn, the assassins from Wushuang City quietly gathered around, their eyes full of coldness and murderous intent, like a pack of cunning wolves looking for prey.

Murong Fu stood at the window and took a deep breath. He knew that what was coming was going to be a life and death struggle.

He turned to look at Duan Lang, smiled lightly, and said, Are you ready?

Duan Lang clenched the sword in his hand and replied firmly: Be ready at any time.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang walked down the stairs side by side and came to the door of the inn. The moonlight shone, casting a hazy shadow on the mottled stone road.

Outside the inn, the assassins from Wushuang City had already set up a battle formation, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Duan Lang grasped the hilt of the sword tightly and felt a strong sense of tension and oppression.

He knew that these assassins were no ordinary people, and killing them would never be easy.

He glanced at Murong Fu and saw that he looked calm and confident, and couldn't help but feel a little more at ease.

The moment the battle started, Murong Fu and Duan Lang were like two sharp swords, rushing straight into the enemy's position.

Duan Lang waved the long sword in his hand, the sword light flashed, and he fought with the enemy. Every collision of the sword's edge was accompanied by a harsh metal collision.

Although Duanlang's swordsmanship was superb, it was still a bit laborious. From time to time during the battle, he would make dull gasping sounds, and the fierce fighting with the enemy made the entire battlefield a huge mess.

Murong Fu was completely different. His movements were as smooth as flowing water, every movement was just right, and every move was precise.

His figure flickered in and out, defeating assassins one after another with almost no effort.

His swordsmanship is both elegant and sharp, and every swing of his sword seems to carry a breathtaking grace and power.

After a while, Duanlang finally defeated all the enemies in his hands, but he was also covered in sweat and panting.

He looked at Murong Fu and saw that he had defeated the last assassin. There seemed to be no sweat stains on his body, and his expression was still calm and calm.

Duan Lang couldn't help but sigh: Master Murong, your swordsmanship is really superior to others, it's breathtaking.

Murong Fu smiled faintly and shook his head: This is just a trivial matter.

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