Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 134 The barefooted Hanhan is here

inside the room.

Jiang Zian came to report: Master, we found a group of people behaving strangely at noon today.

Oh? Do they all have any characteristics? Murong Fu asked curiously, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Jiang Zian took out a stack of portraits from his arms and handed them to Murong Fu. Murong Fu couldn't help but be happy when he saw this. He recognized Dalba who was almost beaten to death by him at a glance: Yes, they are these Yuan people!

Master, should we arrest them immediately? Jiang Zian suggested.

Murong Fu stared at Hou Xibai's portrait and was about to speak when a delicate feminine voice came from the room.

My little baby, I advise you not to take the initiative and cause trouble for him.

Hua Jingyin Meng, who had been staying by Murong Fu's side, shouted coldly: Who!

Then he rushed out of the window, and then the sound of fighting came to Murong Fu's ears.

From time to time, another call came in from the window.

The two women attacked each other with fierce moves, but they could not help each other.

You punch, I slap.

The winner was not decided, but the seats and benches in the room suffered.

Each one was destroyed by palm energy.

My good husband, if you don't let her stop, don't blame me for being serious. Huanwan gave Murong Fu a wink and said mischievously.

Haha, Yin Meng is back, he's one of our own. Murong Fu smiled bitterly. No wonder he didn't hear Huan Huan's voice. It turned out to be a falsetto on purpose.

Hua Jingyin Meng snorted coldly and retreated to Murong Fu.

Huan Huan was not polite, twisted her waist and sat down on Murong Fu, hugged his arm, and joked: My poor little one, why are you beaten like this? Do you want me to call your mistress? , let’s go together to help you get revenge.”


Murong Fu suddenly had a black eye. This unruly little girl was talking about concubine Xuan. He smiled awkwardly and said: No need. If I guessed correctly, those two people are not far away from death.

Miao Monk Wuhua, Miyamoto Musashi, these are the most powerful masters in the world. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You defeated two people together. Huanwan deliberately drew a big circle to match the tone of her words, which looked very cute.

Xiao Yin seemed to have heard her voice, and climbed up until Murong Fu spat out a friendly message to her.

Hey, little guy, you don't want to eat your sister anymore, do you? Huanwan touched Xiao Yin's head and said with a proud smile.

Hua Jing was unhappy because he dreamed that she looked domineering, and asked lightly: Fulang, why doesn't she wear shoes? Isn't she afraid of stepping on nails?

The image of Hanhan stepping on a nail instantly appeared in everyone's mind, and they were curious about whether it hurt or not.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Murong Fu quickly changed the subject: My dear lady, did you come with Hou Xibai?

Hmph, I'm not worried. Huanwan pushed Murong Fu away and said with aggrieved face.

Murong Fu knew that this sentence was true, and his heart warmed, and he protected Huanwan in his arms: I know that you all are reluctant to let me die.

Hmph, you heartless one. Huan Huan lay on Murong Fu's chest.

He secretly turned around and stuck out his tongue at Hua Jingyin Meng.

Hua Jing naturally didn't dare to lose heart after seeing this in her dream, and climbed into Murong Fu's arms: As long as I am here, no one can hurt you.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zian on the side stepped back, fearing that the two women would get into an argument and get blood all over him.

After hugging him for a few breaths, Murong Fu asked: By the way, what did you mean when you asked me not to take the initiative to trouble Hou Xibai?

Stupid, the Huating building is too small, and no one under your command can compete with them.

If you go there, you will not only suffer serious losses, but you will also alert others. Huanwan explained.

Murong Fu nodded. This group of soldiers are all veterans who have experienced life and death. They are hard-earned.

He would be extremely distressed if he lost one person, so he asked casually: Then what do you think we should do?

Hehe, naturally wait for them to come to your door. Huanwan gave Murong Fu a knowing look.

Murong Fu smiled knowingly: Yes, I will lay a trap here and wait for them to come to your door.

Well, I'll go back first, and you can prepare quickly here.

Huanwan kissed Murong Fu's handsome face, stood up and blew a kiss before leaving.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of the three people, really cool and unrestrained.

Master, what else should we do? Jiang Zian asked for instructions.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment and then said: The people coming here are not simple things. Now you give the order to forge the iron chains that lock the horses into a net, use the net to block them, and shoot them with random arrows! M..

Yes! Jiang Zian raised his hands and prepared to leave.

Murong Fu specifically reminded: Please don't hurt Huan Huan!

Master, don't worry, I will let the secret guards do this to ensure the safety of my wife. After Jiang Zian finished speaking, he hurriedly left.

Hua Jing leaned on Murong Fu's chest due to her dream and asked, Should we change rooms?

Huh? Murong Fu nodded: Okay, let's change rooms tonight.

In an old house in Huating.

The old god Hou Xibai is sitting among them.

When he saw Huan Huan coming back, he smiled and asked, Miss Huan Huan, will you gain anything if you go in?

Hehe, of course there is. Huanwan said proudly.

I knew Miss Huanwan would bring good news to us. Hou Xibai said with a smile.

Several other people also came closer and said.

Murong Fu's current location is heavily guarded. We don't dare to enter, for fear of disturbing others.

Well, those soldiers have just fought in a battle, and they are all very energetic.

Okay, stop talking nonsense and let Huanhua tell us where Murong Fu is.

Everyone was talking about it, but Hou Xibai finally ended the nonsense.

Look! Huanwan found a pen and paper and drew a map of Murong Fu's mansion.

Pointing to his room, he said, This is his room.

How is the soldiers' defense? Hou Xibai asked.

Haha, don't worry, this place is tight on the outside but loose on the inside, let's just attack it. Huanwan said with a smile.

Hou Xibai called out: To avoid a long night and many dreams, we will go tonight.

Okay! Listen to you! Dalba patted his chest. He suffered a loss last time with Murong Fu.

He made a fool of himself and even let his junior brother break his treasure.

He had wanted to avenge this for a long time, and he had to kill Murong Fu!

Naturally, the other people had no objection. Isn't it simple for so many of their masters to kill an injured Murong Fu?

Tonight? Huanwan muttered, feeling worried that Murong Fu would not have time to prepare for the whole afternoon.

Haha, what's the matter? Miss Huanhan, do you have any worries? Hou Xibai asked.

Huanwan shook her head and laughed again: No, no, of course not!

Hou Xibai closed the beauty fan in his hand elegantly: In that case, please take a rest. Let's meet tonight, the popular southern star Murong Fu!

Haha, good point! Others also laughed.

Only Huanwan was anxious and worried. inside the room.

Jiang Zian came to report: Master, we found a group of people behaving strangely at noon today.

Oh? Do they all have any characteristics? Murong Fu asked curiously, sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Jiang Zian took out a stack of portraits from his arms and handed them to Murong Fu. Murong Fu couldn't help but be happy when he saw this. He recognized Dalba who was almost beaten to death by him at a glance: Yes, they are these Yuan people!

Master, should we arrest them immediately? Jiang Zian suggested.

Murong Fu stared at Hou Xibai's portrait and was about to speak when a delicate feminine voice came from the room.

My little baby, I advise you not to take the initiative and cause trouble for him.

Hua Jingyin Meng, who had been staying by Murong Fu's side, shouted coldly: Who!

Then he rushed out of the window, and then the sound of fighting came to Murong Fu's ears.

From time to time, another call came in from the window.

The two women attacked each other with fierce moves, but they could not help each other.

You punch, I slap.

The winner was not decided, but the seats and benches in the room suffered.

Each one was destroyed by palm energy.

My good husband, if you don't let her stop, don't blame me for being serious. Huanwan gave Murong Fu a wink and said mischievously.

Haha, Yin Meng is back, he's one of our own. Murong Fu smiled bitterly. No wonder he didn't hear Huan Huan's voice. It turned out to be a falsetto on purpose.

Hua Jingyin Meng snorted coldly and retreated to Murong Fu.

Huan Huan was not polite, twisted her waist and sat down on Murong Fu, hugged his arm, and joked: My poor little one, why are you beaten like this? Do you want me to call your mistress? , let’s go together to help you get revenge.”


Murong Fu suddenly had a black eye. This unruly little girl was talking about concubine Xuan. He smiled awkwardly and said: No need. If I guessed correctly, those two people are not far away from death.

Miao Monk Wuhua, Miyamoto Musashi, these are the most powerful masters in the world. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You defeated two people together. Huanwan deliberately drew a big circle to match the tone of her words, which looked very cute.

Xiao Yin seemed to have heard her voice, and climbed up until Murong Fu spat out a friendly message to her.

Hey, little guy, you don't want to eat your sister anymore, do you? Huanwan touched Xiao Yin's head and said with a proud smile.

Hua Jing was unhappy because he dreamed that she looked domineering, and asked lightly: Fulang, why doesn't she wear shoes? Isn't she afraid of stepping on nails?

The image of Hanhan stepping on a nail instantly appeared in everyone's mind, and they were curious about whether it hurt or not.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Murong Fu quickly changed the subject: My dear lady, did you come with Hou Xibai?

Hmph, I'm not worried. Huanwan pushed Murong Fu away and said with aggrieved face.

Murong Fu knew that this sentence was true, and his heart warmed, and he protected Huanwan in his arms: I know that you all are reluctant to let me die.

Hmph, you heartless one. Huan Huan lay on Murong Fu's chest.

He secretly turned around and stuck out his tongue at Hua Jingyin Meng.

Hua Jing naturally didn't dare to lose heart after seeing this in her dream, and climbed into Murong Fu's arms: As long as I am here, no one can hurt you.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zian on the side stepped back, fearing that the two women would get into an argument and get blood all over him.

After hugging him for a few breaths, Murong Fu asked: By the way, what did you mean when you asked me not to take the initiative to trouble Hou Xibai?

Stupid, the Huating building is too small, and no one under your command can compete with them.

If you go there, you will not only suffer serious losses, but you will also alert others. Huanwan explained.

Murong Fu nodded. This group of soldiers are all veterans who have experienced life and death. They are hard-earned.

He would be extremely distressed if he lost one person, so he asked casually: Then what do you think we should do?

Hehe, naturally wait for them to come to your door. Huanwan gave Murong Fu a knowing look.

Murong Fu smiled knowingly: Yes, I will lay a trap here and wait for them to come to your door.

Well, I'll go back first, and you can prepare quickly here.

Huanwan kissed Murong Fu's handsome face, stood up and blew a kiss before leaving.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in front of the three people, really cool and unrestrained.

Master, what else should we do? Jiang Zian asked for instructions.

Murong Fu thought for a moment and then said: The people coming here are not simple things. Now you can send an order to forge the iron chains that lock the horses into a net. Use the net to block them and shoot them with random arrows!

Yes! Jiang Zian raised his hands and prepared to leave.

Murong Fu specifically reminded: Please don't hurt Huan Huan!

Master, don't worry, I will let the secret guards do this to ensure the safety of my wife. After Jiang Zian finished speaking, he hurriedly left.

Hua Jing leaned on Murong Fu's chest due to her dream and asked, Should we change rooms?

Huh? Murong Fu nodded: Okay, let's change rooms tonight.

In an old house in Huating.

The old god Hou Xibai is sitting among them.

When he saw Huan Huan coming back, he smiled and asked, Miss Huan Huan, will you gain anything if you go out?

Hehe, of course there is. Huanwan said proudly.

I knew Miss Huanwan would bring good news to us. Hou Xibai said with a smile.

Several other people also came closer and said.

Murong Fu's current location is heavily guarded, and we don't dare to enter for fear of disturbing others.

Well, those soldiers have just fought in a battle, and they are all very energetic.

Okay, stop talking nonsense and let Huanhua tell us where Murong Fu is.

Everyone was talking about it, but Hou Xibai finally ended the nonsense.

Look! Huanwan found a pen and paper and drew a map of Murong Fu's mansion.

Pointing to his room, he said, This is his room.

How is the soldiers' defense? Hou Xibai asked.

Haha, don't worry, this place is tight on the outside but loose on the inside, let's just attack it. Huanwan said with a smile.

Hou Xibai called out: To avoid a long night and many dreams, we will go tonight.

Okay! Listen to you! Dalba patted his chest. He suffered a loss last time with Murong Fu.

He made a fool of himself and even let his junior brother break his treasure.

He had wanted to avenge this for a long time, and he had to kill Murong Fu!

Naturally, the other people had no objection. Isn't it simple for so many of their masters to kill an injured Murong Fu?

Tonight? Huanwan muttered, feeling worried that Murong Fu would not have time to prepare for the whole afternoon.

Haha, what's the matter? Miss Huanhan, do you have any worries? Hou Xibai asked.

Huanwan shook her head and laughed again: No, no, of course not!

Hou Xibai closed the beauty fan in his hand elegantly: In that case, please take a rest. Let's meet tonight, the popular southern star Murong Fu!

Haha, good point! Others also laughed.

Only Huanwan was anxious and worried.

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