Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 135 Sneak attack on Murong Fu

It's night, during the third watch.

There was a hint of chill in the damp wind that made people shiver.

Damn it, grandma, the moon is really round tonight. Dalba cursed and followed Hou Xibai into Murong Fu's house.

Huanwan looked around and couldn't help but feel a little strange: Why didn't Bodhisattva Wuxiang come?

She said that her skills have reached a critical stage and she cannot join us tonight. Hou Xibai explained with a smile.

Huan Huan's expression remained unchanged, but she believed your lies in her heart.

I was going to find an opportunity to slip away and quietly inform Murong Fu.

Huanhan, today you and I will team up to kill Murong Fu by force. Darba and the others are responsible for holding back Murong Fu's guards.

Hou Xibai said in a calm tone, leaving Huanwan unable to find any reason to refute, so she could only reply: Okay!

And when Hou Xibai and others landed, Jiang Zian had already sent someone to notify Murong Fu.

It came really quickly. Murong Fu laughed haha.

Hua Jingyinmeng whispered: Fu Lang, we are not very safe here, so why not quietly evacuate.

Don't worry, Senior Huang is a great master, it won't be difficult for Hou Xibai and the others. Murong Fu said with a smile.

Now that I have enough troops and a great master to guard me, I would be scared.

He doesn't need to think about competing for world supremacy, he can just stay at home and watch his wife's hot bed.

Hua Jing also knew from her dream that what Murong Fu said was reasonable, so she stopped talking and spoke quietly beside him.

Hou Xibai and others did not know that they had entered the encirclement, and went straight to Murong Fu's previous room.

Huanwan was extremely nervous. If they were allowed to rush in, her husband would be in danger.

When she saw Dalba pushing open the door and entering, she called out softly: Wait a minute!

What's wrong? Dalba frowned and asked impatiently.

I feel something is wrong. Huanwan pretended to be nervous.

Seeing her nervousness, others couldn't help but become nervous too: What's wrong?

Don't you think it's too quiet? Huanwan looked to the left and right and leaned back slightly, giving the impression that she wanted to escape.

Hou Xibai also realized something was wrong when he heard this: It's too quiet. Logically speaking, Murong Fu is injured. It's impossible. He's not afraid of the guards!

However, just as he finished speaking.

Black shadows fell from the sky and made a crackling sound when they landed on the ground.

If you look closely, you will see that they are large nets forged from iron chains as thick as a baby's fist.

There's an ambush! I don't know who shouted first.

Hou Xibai's expression was indifferent. Knowing that he could not escape, instead of retreating, he directly opened the door with a palm and got in with a few people.

After going down several iron nets, I only caught Dalba, who was the slowest to react.

Fire the arrow!

Jiang Zian suddenly appeared not far away.


Countless torches suddenly lit up around them, and arrows were fired into the room.

Hou Xibai quickly raised his inner strength and wanted to bring Darbala into the room, but he didn't know that the other party was so big that he blocked the door.

What followed was screams.

When Huanwen entered the room and saw that Murong Fu was not among them, she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and cursed secretly for being cunning.

Damn it, we've been plotted! Xiao Xiangzi cursed while releasing sharp arrows fired from outside.

Tie Yan said in a deep voice: What should we do? There are so many people outside.

Hou Xibai looked calm: It's a small matter, we're not in a hurry.

Not in a hurry? Hanwan asked, What do you mean?

Haha, do you think I didn't expect that Murong Fu would know that I was coming? Hou Xibai said with a smile.

Is it Wuxiang Bodhisattva? Huanwan immediately realized the key to the problem.

Miss Huanwan is very smart, and she can reveal it at a glance. Hou Xibai explained: The princess actually did not want to kill Murong Fu, but wanted to control him with the girl's Wuxiang method.

What a plan!

Huanwan was a little stupid. After all, she underestimated Hou Xibai's wisdom.

After an unknown amount of time, the arrows flying across the sky finally stopped.

Dalba did not stop after all, and fell straight to the ground, with bows and arrows stuck all over his body, as if he was a porcupine who didn't know whether to live or die.

People inside, come out, we know you are not all dead!

Hou Xibai smiled softly and clapped the beauty fan in his hand coolly: These people are not stupid and didn't rush in directly.

Shall we go out? Xiaoxiangzi asked, covering his injured arm.

If you don't go out, are you waiting to die here? Huan Huan rolled her eyes at him.

Haha, Miss Huanwen is right. If we stay here any longer, we will undoubtedly be waiting to die. Hou Xibai laughed and walked out first.

Several other people saw this and walked out.

Outside the door, Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian had surrounded the place like an iron barrel. When they saw a few people coming out, they said

My master has an order. All you have to do is surrender, and we will only capture you but not kill you!

Hou Xibai glanced at the shadow guards around him, and his eyes lit up:

The military uniform is neat, the action is agile, and there is a hint of murderous intent.

Unexpectedly, Murong secretly cultivated such a terrifying army.

Stop talking nonsense, surrender or die! Ruan Yi said coldly.

Hou Xibai shook his head: Haha, everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather!

Jiang Zian frowned: What do you mean?

I think you must be the elite of the Murong clan. The death of one of you is enough to make him feel distressed for a while. Hou Xibai said proudly.

Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian instantly understood the meaning of Hou Xibai's words, and they were not afraid: Being loyal to the master is the supreme honor of us Shadow Guards!

Then die! Hou Xibai snorted and headed towards Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian.

Several other people were also busy taking action.

Although they were all injured by sharp arrows before.

But it won't affect their combat power too much, as they fight with many soldiers.

Xiaoxiangzi, Ma Guangzuo, and Tieyan are each more capable than the other, and will either die or be injured if they are beaten by them.

Rong'er, go and protect that boy Murong Fu. Daddy will handle this.

Huang Yaoshi said, flicked Hou Xibai in the air, poured his true energy into his fingers, and rushed out.

Hou Xibai felt a strong force and felt chills behind his back when he recognized me.

He slapped Ruan Yi away with a palm and Jiang Zian quickly moved to the left.

At the previous location, there was a bang sound, and there was an extra finger pit, and he shouted coldly:

who is it!

Hmph, juniors from the Demon Sect, leave quickly. Huang Yaoshi slowly fell from the air and stood in front of Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian.

Ruan Yi and Jiang Zian hurriedly saluted and said, I've seen you, Senior Huang.

Huang Yaoshi nodded and looked at Hou Xibai: I am Huang Yaoshi. Seeing that you are a junior, I don't even bother to fight with you, so hurry up and leave!

You... Hou Xibai had naturally heard of the Five Arts of the Central Plains, except for Xidu and Yideng.

The other three had all fought against the Yuan army before, and they snorted coldly: Today, no one can stop us from killing Murong Fu!

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