Look at this painting, it's called 'Love in a Fallen City'. It's the treasure of our Dugu family.

He pointed to the image of a man and a woman embracing each other in the painting, This is a unique skill that only couples can achieve.

I think you and Dugu Ming are the best people to master this trick.

Mingyue couldn't help being surprised. She knew that Love in a Fallen City was not only a unique skill, but also involved a deep emotional entanglement.

She made a clever pivot and tried verbal Tai Chi.

Lord City Lord, the 'Love in a Fallen City' is a unique skill that has never been achieved before. It is no mere play. If Master Dugu and I don't have a deep emotional foundation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to master it.

Dugu Fang put his hand back next to the seal on the table, then slowly turned around and stared at Mingyue with his eyes, as if analyzing the meaning behind her words.

What you say makes sense, but since you said 'if there is no deep emotional foundation', it proves that it is still possible.

Mingyue bit her lip tightly, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

She tried to do Tai Chi again, but Dugu Fang had misunderstood her intention and was filled with joy.

It seems you have no intention of refusing, so it's settled.

I will make all preparations, and you will practice the ‘Love in a Falling City’ and carry it forward.

Mingyue felt trapped, and Dugu Fang's words seemed like a big net, tightly surrounding her.

She knows that if she refuses now, it will not only anger Dugu Fang, but may also affect countless interests and plans.

Since the Lord of the City is so insistent, Mingyue will retire first. When she is ready, she will come to tell you.

The light in Mingyue's eyes flashed, trying not to reveal her true emotions.

Dugu Yifang smiled, his smile full of success.

That's good, Mingyue, you are a smart person, I believe you will make the right choice.

Mingyue said nothing more, bowed slightly, turned and left.


Mingyue walked out of the city lord's mansion and came to her own courtyard.

The shadows of the trees in the courtyard were mottled, and the moonlight sprinkled on her body like water.

She walked to a stone bench, sat down, and took a deep breath.

What should I do? she asked herself silently.

At this time, she thought of Murong Fu.

His strategy and layout made Mingyue feel that if anyone could solve all this, it would be him.

the other side.

The lights of Zuixiang Tower are brilliant and colorful.

The whole building is filled with soft fragrance, and the sound of piano and singing are intertwined in the air, forming a melodious atmosphere.

The dancing posture of young girls can be vaguely seen between the window lattice, and their elegant manners seem to make people forget the troubles of the world.

Duan Lang stood at the door of Zuixiang Tower, frowning.

This fake prime minister is really incomprehensible. Why did he invite us to a brothel?

Murong Fu stood next to him, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Such a place may not have the information we need.

Moreover, as a hero, shouldn't he know how to look for clues in the romance?

Duan Lang sneered, but still followed Murong Fu in.

He knew that Murong Fu never did anything meaningless.

At this moment, a bell rang, and a woman in gorgeous clothes walked out of the building.

She had light makeup on her face, her eyes were watery, and the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, making her look very seductive.

Her posture is light and elegant, as if she has transformed into a fairy.

I wonder if the two guests here have tasted the unique charm of Zuixianglou? The woman walked towards Nie Feng and Murong Fu with a smile.

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, then regained his composure. He was obviously not interested in these seductive scenes.

Murong Fu also raised his head from the railing and nodded slightly, indicating to the other party to continue.

The woman didn't take it seriously at all and said softly: This is a treasured place in Fengyun City, everyone can find what they want here.

You two guests, you might as well walk into the building, you may find unexpected gains.

Nie Feng shook his head, his eyes showing determination: We are here to do business. I am very sorry that we cannot enjoy the beautiful scenery here for the time being.

The woman smiled slightly and glanced at the two of them, as if searching for something: In that case, I wish the two guests success.

After saying that, the woman turned around and returned to the building. Her steps were light and graceful, as if a breeze had passed by, bringing with it the fragrance of flowers.

And at this moment.

The lights of Zuihua Tower were brilliant, the candles flickered on the bronze candlesticks, and the air was filled with the faint fragrance of spices and women.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang stepped into this charming space, but they didn't look out of place.

Although their faces were handsome, their eyes showed a kind of detachment and indifference, as if all this splendor had nothing to do with them.

Hey, why did this fake prime minister invite us to a place like this? Duan Lang frowned and clenched his fists, obviously unhappy with this place.

Murong Fu smiled slightly and said lightly: It doesn't matter, the place is not important, what is important is what to do next.

At this moment, a mother walked over with her plump body shaking, a charming smile on her lips, and her eyes hanging on Murong Fu like hooks.

Hey, why is this young man so handsome? How about having a few drinks with mom? Mom said with a smile, almost pressing her body against him.

Duan Lang immediately stepped forward and stood in front of Murong Fu, his eyes as ice as ice: We have business, please get out of the way.

Mom's smile froze for a moment, and she snorted slightly, obviously feeling very disappointed: Huh, it's something without vision.

At this moment, a guard in black clothes walked in. Although he was a guard, he exuded an extraordinary aura.

He didn't say much, he just saluted Murong Fu and Duan Lang: You two, please follow me.

Mom snorted again, obviously not happy about the guard's appearance, but she didn't continue to pester her.

Murong Fu nodded and motioned for Duan Lang to follow.

Mom adjusted her gorgeous bun, sighed, and then turned to face a group of girls surrounding her.

These girls each have their own styles, some have charming eyes, and some have professional smiles on their lips.

Mom, who are those two gentlemen? They are so good-looking.

A girl wearing a red cheongsam asked, curiosity in her eyes.

Mom smiled slightly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. She looked around to make sure no one else could hear her.

They are two short-lived ghosts. It's best if you don't mess with them as much as possible.

Mom's tone seemed a little heavy.

Short-lived ghost? A girl in green clothes blinked, How could such a handsome person...

Her mother interrupted her: Whether you are handsome or not has nothing to do with whether your life is short or not.

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