Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1361 The beautiful scenery here

Besides, who knows what is behind such seemingly wealthy people.

You are new here and you don’t know the rules here yet.

You know, Zuihua Tower is more than just an entertainment venue.

When the girls heard this, they all began to understand their mother's intentions.

Although this place looks magnificent on the surface, there are some ulterior things involved behind the scenes.

The more experienced girls looked at each other and smiled, seeming to understand their mother's intentions.

Mom taught us that we should go receive other guests right away.

The girl in the red cheongsam led several other women and turned around and left.

Mom stood there with mixed feelings in her heart.

She glanced at the direction where Murong Fu and Duan Lang had left just now, with complicated emotions in her eyes.

She knows very well that those two people are definitely not simple, and they are likely to affect the future operation of Zuihua Building.

Mom looked at the group of girls. They all had their own little thoughts and calculations, but as the mom of Zuihua House, she needed to ensure the safety and stability of the place.

Over the years, I have seen many seemingly unexpected guests, but things like them are really rare.

Mom shook her head slightly, then turned and walked towards the inner hall.

The maid on the side saw this and walked quickly to her mother: Mom, do you need me to prepare something for you?

Get ready to order some tea, I need some quiet time.

Mom said calmly, walked into the inner hall, and closed the door slowly.

The maid nodded, watched her mother disappear into the hall, and then turned to prepare tea.

She knew that whenever her mother wanted to be quiet, it always meant that something important was about to happen, and this time, it seemed even more unusual.

In the Zuixiang Building, the lights are on and off, the wine is fragrant, and the scene of drunkenness and wealth makes people feel like they are in a luxurious dream.

The guards in black silently led Murong Fu and Duan Lang through the corridors and floors of Zuixiang Tower.

The lights are on and off, like twinkling stars. Various beautiful landscapes, fairyland and beauties are painted on the murals and screens in the building, like dynamic scrolls, bringing people into a realm full of fantasy.

Slender dance movements unfolded on the dance floor in the building, and gorgeous costumes and makeup intertwined into colorful pictures.

The dancers dance lightly and flutter in their gauze skirts, as if fairies have descended into the world.

The sound of music is like silver bells, shuttling among the crowd, setting the rhythm, making people feel as if they are immersed in a colorful dream.

Whispers intertwined, and those mysterious conversations were carried out quietly in the corners of the building.

People whispered softly, revealing all kinds of news, gossip and intrigue.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang also felt the true face of Fengyun City in these subtle voices, a world full of intrigues, struggles and interests.

Each box exudes a different atmosphere. The sounds of banquets, laughter, piano and singing are intertwined to form a beautiful symphony.

People enrich themselves with a dazzling array of food and wine, enjoy a short banquet time, and indulge in this magical place.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang's eyes wandered among the crowd, and they exchanged smiles or glances with other guests from time to time, seeming to convey some message silently.

In this luxuriant scene, they remained calm and vigilant, not letting their surroundings affect their judgment.

The bodyguard in black walked forward steadily, his figure following him like a shadow, and he looked like a master of martial arts.

Finally, they stood in front of a gorgeous box door and motioned Murong Fu and Duan Lang to enter with their eyes.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, as if he had expected such a reception.

He turned to look at Duan Lang, the two smiled at each other, and then pushed open the box door together.

In the private room, the furnishings were exquisite, the room was filled with light smoke, and the table was filled with delicious food and wine.

Sitting on a large mahogany seat was a fat man dressed luxuriously.

His eyes were shrewd and he had a gentle smile on his face.

Haha, welcome two distinguished guests! I am the prime minister of the current dynasty, Lu Dinghao.

The fat man stood up, his complicated robe swaying slightly with his movements, and his voice showed a sense of contentment.

Murong Fu and Duan Lang looked at each other, and then saluted the prime minister in unison.

Murong Fu met the Prime Minister.

Duan Lang pays homage to the Prime Minister.

Lu Dinghao motioned them to sit down with a smile on his face, and then sat back in his seat, his eyes scanning the two of them, as if measuring their value.

Lu Dinghao's eyes flashed with aura, and he began to brag about Murong Fu: Young Master Murong is indeed a dragon among men. Not only is he highly skilled in martial arts, but he is also an immortal. He is truly a rare immortal in this world.

Murong Fu took the wine glass with a smile and just took a sip.

The prime minister is too praised.

The road to Taoism is vast and vast, and we are all just travelers.

Seeing Murong Fu's humility, Lu Dinghao felt that this man was even more extraordinary.

He smiled slyly and continued: A traveler? Ha, I heard that Mr. Murong is not only outstanding in martial arts, but also good at playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting. How can he be a traveler? He is simply an immortal descended from the earth!

Murong Fu pretended to be flattered and kept smiling, The Prime Minister is so complimentary, I feel ashamed. M..

Now that you are here at Zuixiang Tower, why not enjoy it and show your respect.

Lu Dinghao smiled slyly, waved his hand, and the waiter brought dishes and drinks.

The table was immediately covered with delicacies from mountains and seas, which were delicious in color, aroma and taste.

Murong Fu picked up the wine glass and said to Lu Dinghao: The Prime Minister is so kind, how dare Murong Fu be disrespectful? Please!

The two of them exchanged cups and drank heavily.

Duan Lang has been sitting aside, his expression unchanged but his eyes showing alertness and worry from time to time.

He held the napkin and occasionally tapped the bottom of the cup, hinting that Murong Fu should be careful about the possibility of poison.

However, Murong Fu seemed to turn a blind eye to Duan Lang's hint and continued to drink heavily with Lu Dinghao.

Whenever the prime minister mentioned his magic and extraordinary, Murong Fu always responded tactfully, neither rejecting nor accepting, maintaining a subtle distance.

Duan Lang was so anxious that he could hardly control himself. He was well aware of Murong Fu's resourcefulness, but at this moment he couldn't help but begin to doubt.

He began to think in his mind whether he could rescue Murong Fu in time if he was poisoned.

Lu Dinghao seemed to sense Duan Lang's uneasiness, glanced at him with a smile, and then turned to Murong Fu: Mr. Murong, your friend doesn't seem to be worried about the food and wine here.

Murong Fu glanced at Duan Lang and smiled softly, Perhaps he is not very interested in food and pays more attention to martial arts.

Lu Dinghao smiled and did not continue to ask.

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