Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1374 Dugu Yifang’s plan

The banquet continued, but after Emperor Shakten left, the atmosphere in the entire hall was obviously different.

People started talking in low voices with different expressions, but almost everyone realized that tonight's banquet might be much more complicated than they imagined.

Murong Fu seems to have become the most complex and elusive figure in everyone's eyes.

Whether it was Emperor Shitian, the three disciples from Tiexin Island, or even the other guests, they all seemed to be trying to interpret this complex character in different ways.

Night fell, with only a few solitary stars left in the sky, and the banquet finally came to an end.

The lights gradually went out, the music stopped, and the sounds of laughter and conversation became increasingly sparse, until finally, only some waiters from the Murong Mansion were left busy doing the finishing work.

At this moment, Qian Tong had a serious and focused expression on his face.

He carefully inspected the piles of gifts and belongings. Jade wrapped in red cloth, gold and silver jewelry were neatly arranged on the long wooden table.

This porcelain was sent by the nobles of the East China Sea. Remember to place it separately.

He instructed a waiter behind him.

The waiter nodded and carefully placed the porcelain in a special box.

Qian Tong checked it and confirmed that there was no problem before continuing his work.

Another old man wearing a white robe came over. This was Qian Tong's assistant named Zhao Yi.

Carrying a wooden account book, he walked up to Qian Tong and said, Mr. Qian Tong, all the gifts and property have been counted, except for the last few items.

Qian Tong nodded and opened the account books to check them one by one.

His hand gently slid over each name, and after confirming it was correct, he slowly closed the account book.

Okay, everything is ready.

Notify everyone that the transportation can begin.

After Qian Tong finished speaking, he relaxed his tense muscles slightly.

Zhao Yi smiled and nodded, turned around and left, and began to give orders.

The waiters immediately took action and carefully moved all the gifts and belongings to their respective places according to Qian Tong's previous instructions.

Nie Feng, wearing a flowing black gown, walked gently to Murong Fu.

He smiled slightly, his eyes calm but unfathomable, and said, Mr. Murong, tonight's banquet is truly unforgettable.

“The world would feel honored to be a part of it.”

Murong Fu glanced at Nie Feng, smiled slightly, and responded businesslikely in front of everyone: Brother Nie is very flattering. Having Tianxiahui participate in this banquet will make this banquet even more perfect.

The two looked at each other, as if silently communicating about the uncertainty of the future.

Nie Feng finally nodded, turned around and walked out.

After walking out of the gate of Murong Mansion, Nie Feng took a deep breath of the fresh night air, and then quickly walked towards Bu Jingyun who was waiting at the side.

Bu Jingyun was wearing purple weapons, and his eyes revealed an indescribable firmness and determination.

He watched Nie Feng approaching and immediately stood up.

The two walked to a secluded corner and began to discuss quietly.

What's going on with the chain drug stores around the world? Nie Feng asked.

Bu Jingyun took out a piece of parchment and unfolded it in front of Nie Feng: We have already contacted several big businessmen, and they are very interested in our proposed drug store plan.

We plan to open branches in Beijing, Luoyang and Xiangyang first.

Nie Feng studied the contents on the paper and then asked: How about the supply of medicinal materials?

We have signed contracts with several origins, especially those rare medicinal materials.

Bu Jingyun explained it in detail.

Nie Feng nodded with satisfaction: Very good. As long as the pharmacy is established, it will not only bring stable financial support to Mr. Murong, but also expand our influence.

And at this moment.

the other side.

In Murong's mansion, in Murong Fu's study.

Mingyue gently opened the door of Murong Fu's study, and saw Murong Fu sitting in front of the rosewood desk, holding a wolf-hair brush and carefully writing something on the parchment.

The furnishings in the study are simple but elegant. Selected ancient books and cultural relics are placed against the wall. There is a piano in the corner, and several landscapes and calligraphy works decorate the wall.

Murong Fu noticed her arrival, put down his brush and smiled slightly: Mingyue, you are here.

Murong Fu sat on the seat, his eyes as deep as an ice lake.

Mingyue lowered her head and saluted, then raised her head slightly, with an imperceptible bitterness on her lips: Mr. Murong, are you looking for me?

Murong Fu nodded slightly and motioned for Mingyue to sit down.

He glanced at Mingyue and said slowly: What do you think about your engagement with Dugu Ming?

Mingyue was silent for a while, and finally plucked up the courage: That was the decision of grandma and Dugu Yifang. I have no say.

But actually, I don't want to.

Murong Fu observed Mingyue's expression carefully, and then smiled softly: Here, you can have a choice.

Mingyue felt warm in her heart and glanced at Murong Fu, seeming to have found some support.

Mingyue continued: So, before they see through my true position, I will collect as much information from them as possible to facilitate our future actions.

Murong Fu pondered for a moment, and then said: Very good, since you have decided, then proceed with caution.

And, no matter what happens, remember that you have strong support here.

Mingyue's heart warmed, but she remained calm on the surface: Mr. Murong, I think I can get some useful information from Dugu Fang.

Murong Fu nodded, I know, but you must pay attention to safety.

If they discover your true identity, the consequences will be disastrous.

Understood, I will proceed with caution.

Mingyue stood up and prepared to leave.

Murong Fu suddenly said: Mingyue, although you were forced to be engaged to Dugu Ming, if one day you feel that you can't continue like this, remember, I will be on your side.

When Mingyue heard this, the emotion that flashed through her eyes was quickly suppressed by her.

She responded calmly: Thank you Mr. Murong, I will remember it.

After saying that, Mingyue slowly walked out of the study, closed the door, temporarily put away her deeply buried loyalty and dependence, and turned it into the motivation for future actions.

On the other side, in the Wushuang City Lord's Mansion, Dugu Fang was sitting on a chair, his face as gloomy as water.

Dugu Ming stood in front of him, looking guilty.

Why did your engagement with Mingyue come to this? Dugu Fang's voice revealed his displeasure.

Dugu Ming responded in a low voice: Father, everything is going according to plan.

Plan? Dugu Fang glared at him, Do you think you can really win Mingyue this way?...

Dugu Ming lowered his head and did not answer.

Dugu Fang closed his eyes and took a deep breath: You didn't see that Mingyue actually had other plans in her heart.

Especially after coming into contact with Murong Fu.

Father, you mean...

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