Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1375 Already prepared

I mean, Murong Fu is not an easy opponent to deal with.

You think he just looks like a scholar, but that's not the case.

That man has ulterior motives and clever methods, and should not be underestimated.

Dugu Ming trembled slightly, he could feel the seriousness of his father's words.

Dugu Fang stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the moonlight outside the window: Don't be stupid again.

Starting tomorrow, you have to be more careful.

Whether it's Mingyue or Murong Fu.

And soon.

In the study room of the Wushuang City Lord's Mansion, Dugu Fang sat behind a chair. The various ancient books and scrolls placed in front of the table looked a bit messy.

Dugu Yifang's eyes fell on a landscape painting, seeming to be thinking about something.

The study door was gently pushed open, and Mingyue walked in.

I've met the city lord.

Mingyue stood at the door and bowed slightly.

come in.

Dugu Fang said calmly, raising his finger and pointing to the seat opposite.

Mingyue cautiously walked to the seat and sat down, but her back was as straight as an arrow, and she was alertly observing Dugu Fang's every move.

I called you here this time because I want you to do something.

Dugu Fang twisted the jade pipe in his hand, with a hint of heaviness between his brows.

Please give me the city lord's orders.

Mingyue suppressed the emotions on her face and looked serious.

I want you to closely observe everything Murong Fu does and find out what his plans are here.

Dugu Yifang said bluntly.

Mingyue was shocked, but her face remained calm and did not reveal any emotion.

Yes, City Lord.

And soon, Murong Fu said: That Murong Fu seems to be calm and calm, but his behavior is very unpredictable.

I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble by ignoring him.

I understand City Lord, I will do it silently and never let him notice.

Very good, you can go and prepare. Remember, this matter is of great importance and cannot be missed.

Mingyue nodded, stood up and walked out of the study.

As soon as she walked out of the door, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: It's so dangerous. Fortunately, I have been Mr. Murong's for a long time.

In this way, not only can we get more information for the young master, but we can also confuse Dugu Yifang.

the other side.

In a corner of Wushuang City, the lights of Murong Mansion are brightly lit, and the pine trees in the courtyard are covered by the moonlight, giving it a layer of mysterious silence.

But the study room in the mansion was a different scene. Murong Fu was sitting on the chair, with the scrolls and maps spread out in front of him so complicated that it was almost dazzling.

Suddenly, a shadow came quietly.

This was Mingyue. She walked to the door of the study and knocked twice.

Come in.

Although Murong Fu's voice was calm, there was a trace of expectation hidden in it.

The door slowly opened, and Mingyue stepped in and stood in front of Murong Fu, Master, I'm here.


Murong Fu pointed to the chair next to him.

After Mingyue sat down, her eyes met Murong Fu's.

Neither of them had any unnecessary expressions, but their unspoken understanding seemed to be solidified in the air.

What do you have to report? Murong Fu got to the point directly.

Dugu Fang wants me to observe all your actions in order to understand your purpose in this world.

Murong Fu's eyes lit up slightly, Very good, this is exactly the result I wanted.

Dugu started to have doubts, which meant that our plan was starting to get on track.

The two chatted for a few more words, and soon Mingyue left the study.

Murong Fu was the only one left in the study.

At this moment, Murong Fu was sitting quietly in front of the mahogany desk in the study room. On the table were a stack of unsealed letters and a bottle of ink.

His brows furrowed slightly, his eyes blazing, as if he was thinking about something extremely important.

His sleeves rippled slightly in the breeze, and the surroundings were decorated very elegantly. From the displays of bottles and cans to the calligraphy and paintings on the walls, they all gave off a scholarly atmosphere.

Suddenly, his god-level selection system quietly activated, and a voice that only he could hear sounded: Host, you have two options to choose from.

Murong Fu's heart moved slightly, but he picked up the brush with an expressionless expression and lightly touched the ink.

The system's voice continued: The first option is to strengthen the connection with Mingyue and stabilize her role as an internal agent.

The second option is to get in touch with Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun as soon as possible to speed up the preparations for chain drug stores around the world.

He paused, his brush hanging in the air.

After a brief thought, he chose the second option in his mind.

He knows very well that in this turbulent world, economic power can often change more things, and the world chain drug stores are undoubtedly an important step for him to consolidate his position in this world.

Murong Fu put down his brush, stood up, walked to the low cabinet in the corner of the study, and took out an exquisite wooden box. ..

He opened the wooden box, and inside were some small porcelain bottles wrapped in red cloth. The bottles contained his special intermittent bone paste.

He counted carefully, and after confirming the number, he walked to the desk again and sat down.

He picked up a piece of letterhead and quickly wrote a few lines about how to distribute the Broken Bone Ointment to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, and provided some detailed business plans.

After writing, he sealed the letter, lit a jade seal with a candle, and sealed it with red wax.

Just when he was about to summon Qian Tong and hand him the letter to send out secretly, there were slight footsteps outside the door, and then, someone pushed the door open and entered.

Murong Fu raised his eyes and saw Duan Lang.

Sir, Nie Feng is ready. He is waiting in the secret passage outside the mansion.

Murong Fu nodded, Okay, give him this letter and tell him to ensure the safety of this batch of medicines. This is the first step in our future plans.

Duan Lang took the letter with a serious expression, I understand, Young Master.

Everything will go according to your plan.

Murong Fu watched Duan Lang leave and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that cooperation with Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun was not just an economic transaction, but also a key step for him to establish his own power in this world.

He gently squeezed the wooden box in his hand and sat back at the desk again, immersed in the next plan.

Only he knows that this system gives him countless possibilities, but the final choice is still in his own hands.

Only by choosing wisely can you go further.

the other side.

In a gorgeous hall of Tianxiahui, the hanging banners and exquisite wood carvings on the walls all give off an aura of power.

Xiongba sat in the main seat, with his subordinates standing on both sides, all looking serious.

What's going on recently? Xiongba picked up the tea cup and took a sip. His voice was calm but revealed an authority that couldn't be ignored.

According to reports from our spies, Murong Fu seems to have been aggressively expanding his business areas recently, especially some drug stores.

A subordinate responded in a deep voice.

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