Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1381 If the marriage fails

Grandma, I understand the importance of family, but marriage is about my personal happiness.

I can't make a hasty decision just because of my family's interests.

Grandma slammed the dressing table, and the jewelry made a harsh sound. The interests of the family are your interests, don't you understand? If the marriage is ruined today, how will the Ming family stand?

And at the same time, on the other side.

The study room of Murong's residence was filled with the fragrance of ink, but was interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps.

Duanlang walked in quickly, with a hint of unnoticeable nervousness on his face.

Mr. Murong, Miss Mingyue will marry Dugu Ming today.

Duan Lang said through gritted teeth, as if he was biting every word very hard.

Murong Fu frowned and put down the book in his hand, What? Mingyue and Dugu Ming? Why don't I know at all?

Duan Lang coughed awkwardly and avoided Murong Fu's gaze, Actually, Master Dugu Ming has always suspected that Miss Mingyue has some ulterior relationship with you, so he deliberately hid it from Murong Mansion.

As for me, I just learned the news.

Murong Fu stood up and walked unsteadily to the window, staring into the distance, speechless for a moment.

His hands clenched into fists involuntarily, trying hard to maintain calm on the surface, but the anger and surprise in his heart could not be concealed.

So, maybe Mingyue is not willing to marry Dugu Ming? Murong Fu finally spoke, with a hint of complicated emotions in his voice.

I'm not sure about this, but judging from her past behavior, she doesn't seem to have any special feelings for Dugu Ming.

Duanlang answered cautiously.

Murong Fu turned around and took a deep look at Duan Lang, Be prepared, we will set off to the Ming family immediately.

I need to go see for myself what this is all about.

Duanlang nodded and walked out of the study to get ready.

Murong Fu sat back at his desk, picked up a piece of white paper and the Four Treasures of the Study, and quickly wrote a few lines.

He folded the paper and sealed it in a small red brocade bag.

If Mingyue doesn't want to, I will never sit idly by.

He said to himself, stroking the brocade bag with one hand, as if it contained all his thoughts and determination.

at the same time.

The wedding preparations in the Ming family mansion were already very lively and there was a festive atmosphere.

But in Mingyue's room, the situation was quite different.

Grandma stood at the door of the room, with a stern expression on her face, staring at the bright moon like a knife.

She made a gesture, and the servants came in. Two of them were tall and powerful, obviously the most powerful men in the family.

Put her on the sedan chair! Grandma ordered through gritted teeth, unable to conceal her inner anger.

Mingyue stood in the corner of the room, her body trembling slightly, her expression showing unspeakable despair.

Watching the servant walking towards her, all she could see was her grandma's intimidating figure. She knew that in front of her grandma, she had no room to resist.

Two servants walked up to Mingyue and roughly grabbed her arms.

Although Ming Yue's heart was full of unwillingness and grief, she did not resist, she just lowered her head gently and allowed her servants to escort her out of the room.

She was taken to the courtyard in front of the mansion, where a gorgeous sedan chair was waiting for her.

There were many family members and servants gathered around. Although they had smiles on their faces, they could more or less feel the tense atmosphere in the place.

Grandma walked to the sedan chair and glanced around to make sure everything was going according to her wishes.

Then she turned around and said in an almost commanding tone: Mingyue, now, get on the sedan!

Mingyue hesitated for a moment, but finally lowered her head and walked slowly towards the sedan chair.

The moment she was about to step into the sedan chair, she couldn't help but look back, as if she wanted to find a glimmer of comfort or a glimmer of hope from the crowd around her.

But she found nothing, only her grandma's determined and cold eyes, which made her completely understand that any resistance was in vain.

The servants lifted the sedan chair and moved it slowly. Mingyue was trapped in the sedan chair. Facing the upcoming fate, her heart seemed to be locked by heavy chains. There was nothing but despair.

Grandma stood behind the sedan chair, watching the sedan chair gradually go away. The expression on her face finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the chilling severity still did not disappear.

She knew that this wedding meant whether the Ming family could continue to maintain its status and reputation, so whether Ming Yue wanted to or not, all this had to happen.

And the other side.

In the courtyard of the Dugu City Lord's Mansion, the atmosphere was very festive with lanterns and colorful lights.

There was an endless stream of distinguished guests, sending one luxurious gift after another.

Dugu Ming stood in a corner of the yard, seemingly elegant, but it was not difficult to detect a trace of gloom between his brows.

The gifts presented by Mr. Murong Fu from Murong Mansion: a pair of jade vases, three hundred taels of gold, fifty pieces of brocade, one hundred taels of silver, two sets of brocade robes from the purple air from the east, and a thousand-mile horse... Dugu The housekeeper of the mansion was standing in the center, reading out the gift list with a loud voice.

Hearing the words Murong Fu, Dugu Ming's face suddenly changed, and he could not hide his anger.

He walked quickly to the butler, grabbed the gift list in his hand, and then looked at the distinguished guests in the house with an angry look.

Who let Murong Fu in? Dugu Ming asked sternly.

Young Master, it's me.

I thought Murong Fu was a distinguished guest, so... the butler responded tremblingly, his tone full of panic.

No one from Murong Mansion will be allowed to enter Dugu Mansion without my order from now on! Dugu Ming roared angrily, his eyes as cold as ice.

Yes, young master.

The butler responded tremblingly and quickly passed on the order.

Dugu Ming cast his gaze in the direction where Murong Fu was standing, and saw that he was talking to other guests, acting calmly, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Murong Fu, what do you mean by this? Are you deliberately teasing my bottom line? Dugu Ming felt so angry that he could hardly control himself.

Dugu Ming's face was ashen, and a black cloud seemed to have gathered between his brows.

He stepped towards Dugu Yifang. The owner of Dugu Mansion, his father, was holding a glass of fine wine and jade liquid and was talking to the distinguished guests.

Father, can you explain why Murong Fu appears here? Dugu Ming's voice was filled with suppressed anger.

When Dugu Yifang heard his son's question, he was stunned at first, and then glanced at Murong Fu who was talking with other guests in the corner of the hall.

He put down the glass of wine in his hand and responded quietly.

I don't know, no one informed me that he would come.

I have gone through the guest list of this wedding, and Murong Fu is not among them.

Dugu Yifang frowned slightly, obviously feeling a little unhappy, but his expression was more of confusion and surprise.

Then what do you think I should do? Dugu Ming tried to suppress his anger, but the twitching of the corners of his mouth still revealed his emotions.

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