Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1382 Arrange men and horses to chase

Since he's here, why not let him participate.

It’s just a small section, don’t affect the atmosphere of the entire wedding.

As Duguyang spoke, he waved to the servants around him to continue reading out the list of gifts.

Dugu Ming turned around and returned to his seat. After sitting down, he couldn't help but look in the direction of Murong Fu.

Murong Fu seemed to have noticed Dugu Ming's gaze, smiled slightly, then raised his glass and saluted Dugu Ming.

At this moment, the doubts and anger in Dugu Ming's heart became more intense, but he held back and did not let his emotions burst out.

After all, he also knew that the protagonist today was not him, nor Murong Fu, but Mingyue, who was about to become his wife.

In this awkward and tense atmosphere, noisy gongs and drums and lively cheers came from the door of the house.

Master Dugu, the bride's sedan chair has arrived.

The housekeeper suddenly walked up to Dugu Ming and told him in a low voice.

At this moment, when Dugu Ming heard that the bride had arrived, his face immediately glowed and he hurried towards the door of the mansion, as if he wanted to use this joy to cover up the previous unhappiness.

Accompanied by melodious music, the sedan chair slowly stopped in front of the mansion.

Dugu Ming smiled and stretched out his hand to open the sedan curtain and welcome Mingyue, who was about to become his life partner, into the house.

However, when the sedan curtain was lifted, he saw Mingyue sitting in the sedan, with an expressionless face, even a bit cold.

Instead of rising with a smile like a traditional bride would, she sat there, motionless. .

Mingyue, let's go in.

Dugu Ming tried his best to sound gentle and encouraging, but Mingyue still had no reaction.

The guests in the mansion began to whisper and discuss.

Some people showed puzzled and surprised expressions, while others exchanged looks, as if they were guessing what was going on.

Why don't you get off the sedan? It's unlucky to waste time! an older relative shouted impatiently.

Dugu Ming felt a wave of heat rush to his cheeks, but he still forced himself to calm down and took a deep breath.

Mingyue, if there is any problem, we can solve it privately.

But now, please follow me into the mansion to show respect for all guests.

Mingyue finally turned her head and glanced at Dugu Ming. There was no excitement or resistance in her eyes, only a hint of undetectable despair.

Dugu Ming read the message in her eyes, and his heart ached, but he understood that at this moment, he had to persist.

He bent down slightly and stretched out his hand again, preparing to help Mingyue get off the sedan.

Just when Dugu Ming's fingers were about to touch the sedan curtain, a deep and melodious voice suddenly cut through the hustle and bustle of the courtyard, shattering all broken expectations.

Miss Mingyue, are you willing to marry Dugu Ming? Murong Fu walked slowly, his expression calm and unhurried.

Dugu Ming's arms stiffened, and he immediately turned around, staring at Murong Fu with a frosty face, gritting his teeth and asking: Murong Fu, what do you mean?

Dugu Fang also frowned immediately, secretly using his eyes to signal the servants on the side to get ready, as if it was about to happen.

Murong Fu turned a blind eye and just glanced at the people present, then smiled slightly, as if everything was under his control.

Mingyue looked at Murong Fu calmly at this moment, then turned to Dugu Ming and said coldly: I don't want to.

This answer was like a bolt from the blue, instantly shocking the entire courtyard.

The expressions of the guests also varied, some were shocked, some were curious, and some clearly felt that the situation was getting tense.

Dugu Ming felt that his heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and his face became extremely ugly.

He looked at Murong Fu angrily, but he didn't know how to speak.

Miss Mingyue, I didn't force you.

This is all of your own free will, right? Murong Fu turned to look at Mingyue, but there was no emotion in his expression.

Yes, it's all voluntary.

Mingyue responded softly, but there seemed to be endless complexity hidden in the smile on her lips.

Seeing this, Dugu Fang slapped the table and stood up, Murong Fu, what do you mean? There is a price to pay for having a wedding.

Murong Fu gently raised his hand and said, I just came to ask Miss Mingyue about her wishes. Shouldn't she decide her own life-long events?

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the courtyard.

Dugu Yifang's face was as gloomy as a storm about to break out, and his eyes were flashing with dangerous fire.

He stood up suddenly, pointed his finger at Murong Fu, and shouted: Murong Fu, you have crossed the line!

Murong Fu's expression remained unchanged, as if all the noise and threats had nothing to do with him.

He glanced at Dugu Ming faintly, and then smiled slightly.

Dugu Ming completely lost his patience.

He roared angrily, and a bright long sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and he quickly swung it towards Murong Fu.

The air seemed to be cut open, and a cold light flashed through.

However, at this critical moment, Murong Fu easily stepped aside, and a folding fan suddenly appeared in his hand, thus simply blocking Dugu Ming's sword energy.

As expected of the heir to the Dugu family, he is truly extraordinary.

Murong Fu smiled softly, as if he didn't care about Dugu Ming's attack.

Seeing that his son was easily defeated, Dugu Yifang was furious and turned around and shouted: What are you waiting for? Come on!

The servants, like wolves smelling the smell of blood, drew their weapons and rushed towards Murong Fu.

But Murong Fu seemed to have entered another space. His movements were extremely smooth. Every wave of his fan seemed to be free and elegant, and he easily defused the attacks that came one after another.

Mingyue stood aside at the moment, her palms slightly sweaty.

She couldn't help but gently clenched the soft sword in her hand, her eyes firm.

Finally, seeing that Murong Fu was about to be surrounded by several people, Mingyue couldn't help but take action.

Mingyue turned slightly and hit Dugu Ming's chest accurately and harshly with a palm.

Dugu Ming screamed in pain, and his whole body flew out like a kite with its string broken.

Mingyue, you actually... Dugu Fang showed an expression of disbelief.

I just listened to the voice in my heart.

Mingyue answered, but her eyes revealed a hint of imperceptible complexity.

And at this moment.

Murong Fu turned around and said softly to Mingyue: Then, are you willing to follow me and leave?

Mingyue didn't hesitate, stood up and nodded slightly.

She stepped out of the sedan chair, her delicate skirt unfolding under her feet like a blooming flower.

Dugu Ming's heart felt like he was being pricked by needles, and his eyes were full of anger and disappointment, but he did not have an attack after all.

He knew that even if he had an attack, it would not change Mingyue's decision.

Murong Fu signaled Mingyue to go first, and then followed her out of Dugu Mansion.

For a moment, Dugu Fang glared at the housekeeper angrily and roared in a low voice: Butler, arrange for men and horses to chase!

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