One thousand taels of gold, the second time! the auctioneer shouted again.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: One thousand five hundred taels!

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the source of the sound, and they saw a man in black robes standing up. His face was covered by an iron mask, which made people unpredictable.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, and then nodded gently.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng immediately understood that Murong Fu had not given up.

Two thousand taels of gold.

Murong Fu said calmly.

The man in black robe hesitated for a moment and finally did not bid again.

Two thousand taels of gold, the first time! Two thousand taels of gold, the second time! Two thousand taels of gold, deal done! the auctioneer announced loudly.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, finally getting this 'Wuji Sutra'.

The auction continued, and various rare items were displayed one after another, triggering bursts of exclamation and discussion from the audience.

Murong Fu knew clearly in his heart that although these auction items were precious, they were not important enough compared to their subsequent plans.

The atmosphere of the auction became more and more intense, and various rare items continued to appear, arousing waves of exclamation and discussion.

Suddenly, the auctioneer took out a bottle of Intermittent Bone Ointment labeled Mysterious Collection.

Murong Fu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he immediately recognized that it was made by him, but his face was expressionless and his heart was calm.

Bu Jingyun saw a slight difference in Murong Fu's expression, but said nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, this next bottle of the 'Mysterious Collection' Intermittent Bone Ointment is said to have miraculous healing powers.

It can even make a lost arm grow back, which is a rare miracle drug in the world.

The auctioneer exaggeratedly promoted, and applause and discussion continued.

Dugu Ming sat aside, looking a little unhappy.

He disliked Murong Fu very much, but he also knew that this medicine shop was related to Murong Fu.

He glanced at Mingyue, whose face was expressionless, but in his heart he admired Murong Fu's actions even more.

The starting price is one hundred taels of gold! the auctioneer announced loudly.

Two hundred taels! a voice sounded.

Three hundred taels! came another voice.

Murong Fu pursed his lips slightly and glanced at Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

They all understood that this bottle of ointment was Murong Fu's masterpiece and the key to their future actions.

Four hundred taels! another voice sounded.

The atmosphere in the venue became more tense, and the auctioneer's smile became brighter, as if he saw a good sign for business.

But what he didn't notice was that Murong Fu's expression remained as calm as water, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Bu Jingyun turned his head and glanced at Murong Fu, secretly thinking in his heart that if this broken bone ointment fell into the hands of others, it would inevitably increase the variables in the future. M..

He hesitated for a moment, and his eyes met Murong Fu's, as if asking if he needed to take action.

Murong Fu shook his head slightly, as if to say, let it go.

Duan Lang stood aside, holding the hilt of the long sword in his hand, his brows filled with uneasiness.

Like Bu Jingyun, he both saw the value of the Intermittent Bone-Bending Cream, but he was more concerned about Murong Fu's plans.

Dugu Ming smiled softly at Mingyue, as if to say: Look, even the miracle medicine he made can't resist the temptation of money.

Mingyue felt uneasy in her heart, but she still showed no concern on her face.

She knew that although Dugu Yifang hated Murong Fu to the core, he never dared to attack him blatantly because he was afraid of his strength.

Five hundred taels! A voice broke the tense atmosphere.

The auctioneer felt secretly happy in his heart, but he still pretended to be inscrutable on the surface and said: Fifteen hundred taels of gold, is there anything higher?

One thousand, seven hundred taels! A voice sounded, making the entire auction venue shake.

The atmosphere of the auction is getting more and more heated, and everyone is talking about it, but they dare not bid easily.

Dugu Ming sat in a corner, his brows furrowed and his face ugly.

This bone-fragmenting ointment belongs to none other than Mr. Dugu! A man in Chinese clothes suddenly said loudly, triggering a burst of laughter and applause.

Dugu Ming instantly became the focus of everyone. He was a little embarrassed but had to deal with it.

He glanced at Ming Yue, who was sitting next to him. Ming Yue had an indifferent expression, as if he had nothing to do with it.

Two thousand taels! Dugu Ming finally spoke, with a reluctant smile on his lips.

Murong Fu looked sideways and saw Dugu Ming's expression, and he understood.

He patted Bu Jingyun's arm gently, and the latter nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Two thousand five hundred taels! Murong Fu said in a deep voice.

Dugu Ming's expression changed. He knew this was Murong Fu's intention, but facing everyone's expectations and his own face, it was difficult for him to step down.

Three thousand taels! Dugu Ming said through gritted teeth.

There was silence for a moment, and all eyes were focused on Dugu Ming and Murong Fu.

The auctioneer was also slightly startled, but then resumed his professional smile.

Three thousand taels of gold, the first time! Three thousand taels of gold, the second time——

At this moment, Murong Fu suddenly stood up, glanced at the entire audience, and his last gaze fell on Dugu Ming.

Since Mr. Dugu values ​​​​them so much, I will not compete with him.

Murong Fu said with a smile, and then slowly sat down.

Everyone was in an uproar. Dugu Ming's face turned red and white, obviously very angry.

He glanced at Murong Fu, his eyes full of resentment.

The auctioneer quickly grasped the situation, Three thousand taels of gold, the third time! Deal!

Dugu Ming stood up unhappily, watched as the auctioneer handed the bottle of bone-breaking ointment to a waiter, and then walked out with a displeased expression on his face.

Murong Fu looked at his leaving figure leisurely, and then smiled at Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang, the three of them understood each other tacitly.

And soon.

After the auction ended, the atmosphere was still warm, but the focus was completely on Dugu Ming.

Everyone surrounded him, praising his financial resources and courage, and their envy was beyond words.

Although Dugu Ming had a smile on his face, he knew in his heart that he was actually pretending to be fat.

The precious items he photographed almost stretched his finances, but he had to maintain his dignity.

Everyone stepped forward to congratulate Dugu Ming.

Someone said to Mingyue: I really envy you. If you follow a rich man like Dugu Ming, life will definitely be easier in the future! Mingyue accepted the compliment with a smile, but she had already seen through Dugu Ming's situation.

She knew that all this was just superficial, and Dugu Ming had to continue to maintain the illusion of vanity.

Although Dugu Ming appeared calm and composed on the outside, he was already feeling tired inside.

The resentment and anger in his heart have been burning, but he also knows that if he wants to deal with Murong Fu, he must maintain his image and not let the outside world see any flaws.

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