Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1387 Leaving the Auction Venue

At the same time, Murong Fu, Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang left the auction venue in tacit agreement.

They knew that Dugu Ming was already in anxiety at this moment, and this was exactly the effect they wanted.

In a hidden corner, Murong Fu stopped, looked at Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang, and said softly: This plan has begun to take effect. Next, we must pay close attention to Dugu Ming's every move.

Bu Jingyun nodded. He knew that the key to this plan was to put pressure on Dugu Ming and force him to expose more flaws.

Duan Lang also agreed. After all, he had always longed to revive the Duan family, and Murong Fu's plan was an important step in achieving this goal.


Murong Fu stood up gently and walked out of the auction venue slowly, followed closely by Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang.

After leaving the auction hall, the three of them came to a secluded alley, with dim lights and silence in front of them.

Sir, what do you mean by this? Just let the Discontinuous Bone Balm go, and let Dugu Ming succeed.

Bu Jingyun was a little puzzled.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, Brother Bu is too worried. Dugu Fang getting this ointment will not change the overall situation.

I deliberately let him go to see how he would use it, so that I could learn more about them.

Duan Lang nodded, It seems that Young Master has already made arrangements.


Murong Fu's eyes flashed, and the sound of the god-level selection system suddenly sounded in his heart.

The host has successfully completed the task and received a reward: a bottle of specially made bone-breaking ointment.

Murong Fu felt warm in his heart. This system could always give him a lot of help at critical moments. He secretly put away the system prompts.

The three of them returned to Rong Fu Drug Store together.

Qian Tong came up to greet him, Young Master is back, business is so good today, almost all the medicines in the store have been sold out!

Murong Fu smiled and said, Very good. In this way, Dugu Fang will pay more attention to us.

Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang exchanged a look, both feeling that Murong Fu was unfathomable.

Murong Fu smiled faintly.

He knew it.

Joining forces with Bu Jingyun and Duan Lang is the key to him finding a way out of this stormy world.

Not long after.

The carriage drove in the dark night, and an awkward atmosphere filled the carriage.

Dugu Ming sat on one side and looked out the window indifferently, as if he was blind to the existence of the bright moon.

Mingyue sat on the other side, with a hint of uneasiness on her face, but she tried to stay calm.

Master Dugu, I know you are in a bad mood now, but we still need to communicate well.

Mingyue tried to break the silence.

Dugu Ming glanced at her coldly, Communication? You haven't explained your escape from marriage last time, so why do you dare to mention communication?

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Mingyue's face. She knew that her last escape from marriage had caused a lot of trouble to Dugu Ming.

Master Dugu, that matter... isn't it in the past? Let's not mention it again, okay?

I've already apologized to you...

Dugu Ming snorted coldly, Apologise? Mingyue, do you think I'm a fool? Is an apology useful? You'd better shut up now!

Mingyue bit her lip. She felt that she could not communicate with Dugu Ming. His anger made her feel helpless.

She decided to remain silent for the time being and wait for the opportunity to persuade him again.

The carriage bumped all the way and finally arrived at Dugu Ming's mansion.

When Mingyue got off the car, her heart was heavy. She knew that she needed to live in this home and get along with Dugu Ming, but the situation in front of her made her feel extremely troubled.

Dugu Ming walked into the mansion with Mingyue, his face still had an indifferent expression.

The lights in the mansion were brightly lit, and the servants had been waiting there. When they saw Dugu Ming coming back, they all stepped forward to salute.

Master Dugu, you are back.

An old servant said respectfully.

Dugu Ming nodded without saying much.

He walked straight to his study and closed the door.

Mingyue stood at the door, hesitant to go in, but finally stepped back.

The atmosphere in the mansion was still depressing, and everyone did not dare to say anything. They were just busy preparing dinner for the master.

Dugu Ming took Mingyue back to the mansion. As soon as he entered the house, his emotions had reached the limit.

He felt anger, shame, and despair, all boiling inside him like a violent storm.

There was silence in the mansion, and Mingyue followed Dugu Ming cautiously.

She could feel Dugu Ming's uneasiness, but she also understood that the best way at this moment was to remain silent and wait for the opportunity.

However, Dugu Ming could no longer control his emotions.

His hands were clenched into fists, his face was twisted, and his eyes were flashing with manic fire.

He could barely bear the pain and anger in his heart.

A burst of impulse surged into his heart, and Dugu Ming smashed his own vase with a sudden palm. The vase was once an item he had treasured for many years, but now he destroyed it mercilessly.

The fragments scattered everywhere, making a clear cracking sound, just like his heart was broken.

Mingyue took a step back in fright. She did not expect that Dugu Ming's emotions would be so intense.

She didn't know how to comfort him, so she could only stare at his back silently, feeling helpless.

Dugu Ming was breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling rapidly, but what made him feel more and more heavy was that his own anger seemed unable to be vented and could only boil in his heart.

The servants in the mansion heard the commotion and rushed over in a hurry. When they saw the broken vase and the distortion of Dugu Ming's face, they did not dare to say a word and could only watch from a distance, for fear of being involved in this angry incident. In the whirlpool.

Mingyue tried to approach Dugu Ming, trying to comfort him, but Dugu Ming waved her hand to stop her without any explanation. His eyes were full of hatred and despair.

At this moment, he just wanted to be alone and vent his inner pain quietly.

There was silence in the mansion, except for the sound of broken porcelain pieces falling to the ground.

Dugu Ming's emotions were like a storm, anger, shame, despair, uncontrollable.

Mingyue was startled. She did not expect that Dugu Ming's emotions would be so intense.

She endured the fear in her heart and cautiously approached Dugu Ming, trying to comfort him.

But Dugu Ming could no longer control his emotions. He cursed Murong Fu loudly, his voice resounding throughout the mansion like a violent storm.

Damn Murong Fu! He is so despicable and shameless! Dugu Ming cursed, his tone full of anger and despair, every word cutting like a knife.

Mingyue frowned. She knew that this was not the time to argue, but to calm down Dugu Ming.

She gently reached out her hand and stroked Dugu Ming's shoulder, trying to convey a touch of warmth and comfort.

Dugu Ming felt Mingyue's touch. He paused for a moment, but then he burst into even more violent anger, his eyes like fire.

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