Martial Arts Begins and Marries Wang Yuyan

Chapter 1388 Dugu Ming’s Fury

He doesn't have to die! He has to pay the price for everything today! Dugu Ming roared, his voice full of hatred and fanaticism.

At this moment, the servants heard the commotion and came one after another. They were at a loss and could only watch from a distance, for fear of being involved in this angry whirlpool.

They all had worried looks on their faces, and their eyes were filled with uneasiness.

One of the old servants coughed quietly, trying to attract Dugu Ming's attention.

Dugu Ming raised his head, his eyes as sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to pierce him.

Master Dugu, your emotions are already intense enough. If you continue, you will only hurt yourself.

The old servant spoke cautiously, his tone full of worry.

Dugu Ming did not respond immediately. His eyes glanced between the old servant and other servants, as if he was thinking about something.

Finally, he took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Back off, I need some time alone.

Dugu Ming's voice was still low, but it was no longer as angry as before.

The servants bowed quickly and retreated silently. They knew that Dugu Ming needed some private space to think calmly at this moment.

At this moment, Dugu Fang walked in, his face as gloomy as a cloud.

He didn't speak, but his presence made the atmosphere in the mansion even more tense.

Dugu Fang was wearing a black robe and stood at the door of the room. His eyes were like cold blades, falling straight on Dugu Ming.

He did not respond to Dugu Ming's roar, but stared at him silently, as if to gain insight into his heart.

Dugu Ming felt threatened by Dugu Fang, but he did not back down, but instead declared his determination more firmly.

Dad! You don't understand, you don't know how he humiliated me! I must kill him, even if it means risking my life! Dugu Ming's voice echoed throughout the room, like the roar of an angry lion.

His fists were clenched into fists, his knuckles raised, revealing the agitation inside him.

Dugu Ming's face was filled with angry red light, and his eyes were like flames, burning red.

Dugu Fang stood there, his eyes still cold, as if he didn't care about Dugu Ming's anger.

He slowly raised his hand and made a silencing gesture, signaling Dugu Ming to quiet down.

Son, calm down.

Dugu Yifang's voice was calm and peaceful, trying to calm down Dugu Ming's rage.

However, Dugu Ming has lost his mind and will no longer listen to any dissuasion.

Dugu Fang glared at Mingyue fiercely, as if blaming her.

His eyes were full of anger and dissatisfaction, seeming to imply that Mingyue should bear some responsibility for this.

This reproachful look made Mingyue feel an icy chill, as if a huge burden was weighing on her heart.

Mingyue stood there, her lips trembling slightly, but she did not defend herself, because she also understood that her actions or inactions did contribute to Dugu Ming's anger to a certain extent.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

Dugu Yifang didn't say anything more. He knew that this was not the time to argue, but the time to take action.

The atmosphere in the mansion was as solemn as a huge stone weighing on everyone's heart.

After receiving the order, the servants hurriedly conveyed Dugu Fang's instructions. Guards and martial arts disciples in the city gathered one after another, and an atmosphere of preparation for war filled the entire city.

The iron gate was closed, the arrow tower on the city wall was lit with bright torches again, and the guards, armed with swords and guns, patrolled vigilantly.

Dugu Fang stood in the hall of the mansion, his face still gloomy and his brows furrowed.

He is no longer the calm city lord, but an angry father, a parent determined to avenge his son.

He took a deep breath and then announced loudly: Get ready to go! We will find Murong Fu and we will show no mercy!

Send the order and immediately notify the various branches in the city and immediately gather all available people.

We must bring Murong Fu to justice and we must not let him continue to act recklessly! Dugu Yifang's voice was stern and firm.

The servants left quickly, conveying orders and running busily around the mansion.

The servants rushed to tell each other, their faces full of tension and worry in a hurry.

Everyone knows that this mission is not easy, because what they have to fight is not an ordinary person, but a legendary figure in the world, Murong Fu.

A being with powerful martial arts and ingenuity.

Each team led the weapons and set off, quickly heading to the gathering points of each branch...

And at this moment.

Mingyue understands that she has been deeply involved in the hatred between both parties.

Her eyes worriedly scanned the turbulent scene in the mansion, trying to find an opportunity to mediate.

However, the situation seemed to be no longer under her control.

Dugu Yifang stood in the center of the hall with a cold face, his eyes were locked on Dugu Ming, and he said firmly to the servants beside him: I want you to go to every corner of the city in person and find Murong Fu at all costs!

A servant stepped forward quickly, bowed and said, Yes, City Lord! He knew that the task was urgent and there was no room for failure.

Mingyue saw Dugu Ming's determination, and she couldn't help but worry about Murong Fu's safety.

She tried to persuade Dugu Ming and said in an urgent tone: Brother Ming, we can try to negotiate with Murong Fu to avoid a bigger conflict.

Dugu Ming turned around, his eyes still full of anger, and he immediately yelled: Get out of here!

I know that your heart has always been towards Murong Fu. Do you know whose woman you are?

As Dugu Ming finished speaking, a mist suddenly appeared in Mingyue's eyes: I...

And at the same time.

Outside the mansion.

The guards were assembled, silent but determined, ready to go.

A guard leader loudly ordered: Brothers, our mission is to protect the city lord and capture Murong Fu.

Once you find him, don't act rashly and wait for instructions from the city lord.

The soldiers followed the orders silently. They understood the urgency of the mission and knew that this operation might be full of dangers.

Everyone inside and outside the mansion was preparing for the coming conflict, and tense emotions enveloped the entire scene.


Time comes to night.

The tranquility of the night was surrounded by thick darkness, and Mingyue was alone. Under this dark night, she began her dangerous actions.

She crossed the backyard and stepped on the wet grass, taking every step with extreme caution for fear of making any sound.

The high wall followed her like a shadow, standing in front of her like a natural barrier.

Beyond this wall, she would be able to approach where Murong Fu might be hiding.

However, patrols of guards pose a serious threat in her path.

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